News and Comment.
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This journal is known to possess the influence, the staff, the standing and the leading circulation. It is exclusively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses throughout the World.
Getting Ready.
" The Overseas _Annual " isil
ing up, and parts of it are going to press now.
Smithfield Reports.
Further illustrated references to the motor and allied exhibits at the Smithfield Show will be found on pages 286 and 287.
Traffic Relief.
The annual report of the Traffic Branch of the Board of Trade, although of primary interest to the motorbus world, deals with many points which concern the general user of the highway and the pedestrian. We refer readers to pages 296-299.
Topical Subjects.
Our leading articles this week concern the following topical subjects : (1) " More halfpenny fares wanted for London motorbuses ;" (2) " Traffic relief ;" (3) " An avalanche of van orders ;" (4) "Free legal defence ;" (5) "The Overseas Annual ;" and (6) "Damage to highways by the use of skid-pans."
The accounts for the R.A.S.E. Show at Norwich have proved to disclose a deficit of 1532.
The 1912 show will, as we have previously announced, take place on the Town Moor, Doncaster, from the 2nd to the 6th July next inclusive ; the annual show of 1913 -will be held on the Durdham Downs, Bristol, and the 1914 show at Shrewsbury.
Lights on Vehicles.
We have pleasure, by the courtesy of the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, in reproducing a police notice in regard to lights on vehicles. Everybody will agree that the more-general use of lamps which show a red light visible to the rear for a reasonable distance should be enforced, wherever a by-law requiring such fitting exists. It is to be hoped that the use of such a lamp or light will be made compulsory in the near future, as it is folly to require only quick-moving vehicles to make II display of the kind. when the chief sources of danger are slow-moving vehicles. Now that reflex lights can be supplied at the low price of 2s. 6d. each, and after fixing involve the owner of the vehicle in no expense for maintenance, there is certainly no excuse for negligence, of the kind under notice.
Dundee has appointed a committee to inquire into the matter of the purchase of a motor ambulance.
The Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., has a vacany for a competent and experienced traveller on the solid-tire side.
The Croydon Central Motor Co., Ltd., of 110, High Street, Croydon, recently sold a four-ton Leyland lorry to Messrs. Nalder and Coilye r.
Two Reports.
The report and accounts of Ar gylls, Ltd., for the year ended the 30th September last, show a balance of 17,220 at the credit of profit and loss account. The directors recommend that 25,000 of this balance be written off preliminary expenses, leaving 12,220 to be carried forward. The sundry creditors and outstandings amount to only u,500; sundry debtors total £34,757, and the company has 4;23,442 cash in hand and on deposit.
The accounts of the Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. (1906),
Ltd., for the year ended the 30th September last, show a net profit of 215,899. It has been decided to write £12,500 off goodwill account, to pay 5 per cent. per annum on the ordinary shares, and to carry forward 12,298.
New Registration.
London Motor Engineering Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of 11,000 in. £1 shares, and with its office at 87a, Wellesley Road, Chiswick, W., to carry on the business indicated bY the title. First directors: F. Bryan (permanent) and H. R. Wood.
Sundry Advertisements.
The business department of this journal asks that attention may be drawn to the facilities for various small announcements which are provided in the sundry-advertisement Pages, and we have pleasure in drawing the further attention of readers to that fact. Many owners of commercial motors find the pages in question of great value to them, and the charges for small advertisements are exceedingly moderate.
Port of London Authority.;
The second annual report of the Port of London Authority, for the year ended the 31st March last, is signed by Lord Deyonport as chairman, and Mr. F. Ayliffe as secretary. The report states, intrr atia, that losses in respect of imports of oats, obviously due to the rapid substitution of motors for horses, and corresponding decreases in the housings of maize, have to a large extent been compensated by the greater total of port dues payable upon the large additional importations of petroletun products.
Next Month's Scottish Motor Show.
The Industrial Hall, Kelvin Grove, Glasgow, will be a scene of activity, from Friday the 12th, to Saturday the 20th, of January. The list of exhibitors includes the following well known makers of high-grade commercial vehicles : Argylls, Ltd. t Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd. ; Belhaven Motors and Engineering, Ltd. ; Commercial Cars, Ltd. ; the Daimler Co., Ltd. ; and Halley's Industrial Motors, Ltd. Allied exhibits will be shown by the leading suppliers of accessories, components, tires, wheels, etc., etc. It is our intention to deal with this important show, in due course, in considerable detail.
Milftes-Daimler Sales. Chatting the other day with Captain R. K. Bagnall-Wild, the head of the commercial-vehicle and technical departments of Milnes-Daimler, Ltd., we were given plenty of evidence of his company's participation in trade activity. A typical Milnes-Daimler van is fully illustrated herewith, and we may say that, on the occasion in question, the orders in hand for immediate execution concerned all parts of be United Kingdom and the Colonies. Three more chassis w ere on the Point of dispatch to Sydney, N.S.W., in execution of a repeat order—one of many due to excellent past performances.
Jas. Bartle and Co.'s New Developments.
As we go to press, we are informed by Messrs. Jas. Bartle and Co., general engineers and ironfounders, Western Ironworks, Laocaster Road, W., that they are fast ecrupi eting the reorganization of their old-established business ; they commenced operations, at the present premises, in 1857. The foundry has been transferred to the Midlands, and a new running-shed with ferro-conerete floor is being completed. There will be accommodation for 200 vehicles. Commereial-vehicle repairs are to be the speciality of Bartle's in future. They will also represent Garrett's, of Leiston, for steam wagons, and Clayton and Co. (Huddersfield),
Ltd., for petrol vehicles. It is in
teresting to note that large numbers of draught-hooks for W.O. subsidized lorries are on order and in hand in Bartle's shops.
Halley's Industrial Motors.
A composite block, depicting a few typical Halley features, is published herewith. Additional to these, a 28-34 h.p. deep-sided lorry for a dairyman is of particular interest, as the wider use of motors for milk delivery is to be anticipated. This vehicle, which was delivered last -month, is owned by Mr. James Jackson, of Polmadie Dairy, and has already been found to save many hours per day, and to do the work of three lorries. Frequently, in a single day, as many as four machines leave the
Halley works. One interesting delivery, during the month of November, was a large 40-45 h.p. Halley tipping wagon, for the conveyance 'of coal, sold to Messrs. D. M. Stevenson and Co., of Glasgow ; also, again for milk-delivery purposes, a two-ton Halley for Mr. J. Stewart, of Carlibar Dairies. Owing to the enornmusly-increasmg demand for Halley vehicles, considerable extensions to the factory proved inadequate, and Halley's Industrial Motors, Ltd., finds itself so overwhelmed with orders, that arrangements have been made to work full night shifts immediately after the Christmas holidays, by which means Mr. Geo. H. Halley and his brother directors hope to hasten some overdue deliveries_