The Electric Vehicle Committee.
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The November meeting of the Electric Vehicle Committee was held in London at the Institution of Electrical Engineers, Mr. E. S. Shrapnell-Smith, the vice-chairman, presiding in the absence of Mr, It. A. Chattock.
Mr. J. A. Priestley having been erected by the Institute of Cleansing Superintendents as their representative upon the committee took his seat for the first time.
Mr. Arthur Harrison, the Borough Engineer of Southwark, attended the meeting by invitation in i-Tder to discuss with the members matters concerning the utilization of electric vehicles for municipal purposes. In the course of an interesting, discess7on, Mr. Harrison explained the reasons why ne had reported recently against the use of electric velueles for certain work for which he proposed using motor traction. He made it perfectly clear that he was not unfavourable to the principle of the electric vehicle, and that the reason why he had reported against it was really owing to there being no design of electric vehicle on the market which complied w h r essential requirement for the particular work, viz., teat the loading rail of the body should not be higher than 4 ft. 6 ins, above road level. So far as Mr. Harrison was aware, there was no design of electric vehicle at the present time on the market which complied with this requirement. Mr. Harrison expressed the hope that designers would, in the near future, be able to produce a vehicle specially adapted for the particular purpose he has in view, i.e., the quick and easy removal of street sweepings from the depots or stands in the streets, and the collection of house refuse. Mr. Harrison received a hearty vote of thanks for his kindness in attending.
A report was received showing a further increase in the sales of the number of " The Electric Vehicle " for the September quarter. In Connection with the provision of charging facilities on the route London to Birmingham, correspondence was read from the Electric Supply Department of the City of Coventry setting forth that they were unable to give any facilities for charging, and from the manager of the Northampton Electric Light and Power Co. promising to afford every possible facility for charging vehicles and stating that when the amount of business warrants it they will consider putting down a proper charging plant. They have decided to adopt the E.V.C. standard tariff. The secretary reported that inquiry sheets as to charging facilities had been sent round to electricsupply undertakings in connection with the list to be published shortly in the C.M.U.A. handbook.
With reference to the Government's prohibition of the manufacture of motor vehicles for other than Government use except under licence, the secretary was instructed t..c, lay before the Ministry of Munitions the views of the committee as to permission being granted to Lritish electric vehicle manufacturers to continue idanufacturing electric \-,11,cles for commercial purposes.
It was decided to invite the Institute of Automobile Engineers and the British Rubber Tyre Mender.tiirers Association each to nominate a representative upon the committee. ' It was also decided that the official designalion ol the committee in future should be :— " The Electric Vehicle Committee of Great Biltain formed under the auspices of the Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association." A communication was received from the Anderson Electric Car Co., of Detroit, stating that they were arranging to fit the E.V.C. standard plug to all electric vehicles exported to Great Britain and France
It was decided to recommend to the Accuinulatoi Section of the B.E.A.M.A. that, in the case of lead plate batteries on electric vehicles, the upper an lower limits of specific gravity should be clearly marked on the battery.It is suggested that thi: should be either in the form of a large plate witI raised letters and figures attached to the battery box, or, as an alternative, that the figures should Ix moulded on the ebonite covers of the cells.