Our Campaign Comforts Fund.
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645 Cases Our Record Between 1st November and Christmas.
More Than 3500 Scarves from Fund Wool Already Received.
The Official Fund tor the Mechanical Transport Columns and Units of the Army Service Corps.'
President: H.R.H. Princess Arthur of Connaught.
Ladies Committee Mrs. A. R. Crofton Atkins, Mrs. Shrapnell.Smith, Mrs. R. K. Dagnall-Wild, Mrs. H. E. Blain. Mrs. W. E. Donohue, Mrs. H. N. Foster.
Remittances to the Hon. Sec. and Treasurer, E. S. Shrapnelb•Smith, Rosebery Avenue, London, C.C.
PRINCIPAL SUPPORTERS FOR 19164917 £120 (October to March): Albion; Associated Equipment ; Belsize; Car and General Insurance; Clayton (Huddersfield); Commercars; Crossley; Daimler; Dennis; Hoyt Metal ; Leyland; Thornycroft ; Wolseley. £60 (October to March ) : Alley and MacLellan; Ferodo; Halley; Hans Renold; Scottish Commercial Cars. £10 Monthly: Paden; Four-Wheel-Drive Auto Co.; Hallford; Pratt's and Taxibus Spirits. £5 Monthly : Lucas; Macintosh; Maudslay; St. Helens Cable and Rubber; Shrewsbury-Challiner ; Wolf (Solex); Wood-Milne. Lump Sums : A.S.C. (Corps) Fund, £460 (two grants); Dunlop, £100; Gaston, Williams and Wigmore, £100; M.T. Sergeants' Mess, Bulford Depot, £40.
Cash Receipts . .. £14,176 Cricket bats (and 349 balls) Cases Despatched (56 lb. wax.) 3273 Dominoes (sets) .. .. individual gifts despatched 459,340 Draughts (sets) ..
Total gifts in kind received .. 27,206 Dubbin (tins) .. .. Total outward letters and circulars 31,460 Footballs* .. ..
We have, so far, since the 1st. November, despatched 228 cases of comforts to the various theatres of war, for the MT.. A.S.C., Overseas strength.
The instructions in hand, up to Christmas, show that a further 421 cases must be added, making a grand total for 8 weeks of 649 cases.
It may be of interest to Supporters of this Fund to peruse a summary of the principal receipts into our stores since the 1st October last, and to know that the chief parcels of the comforts have already reached their destination, or are en route. As regards the special Christmas order for whisky, for the offioers and non-commissioned officers, the whole of this has been despatched from bond. We extract:
6912 pairs of special driving gloves with woollen wrist portions ; 4000 tins of peppermint bull's-eyes
lb. each); 2386 packs of playing cards ; 203 footballs ; 9600 handkerchiefs ; 3700 woollen scarves ; 12,865 sticks of shaving soap ; 698 tablets of toilet .soap ; 250 pairs of socks ; 250 bath sponges ; 15,090 packets of stationery (writing paper and envelopes) ; 726 towels ; 1890 tooth brushes 1780 tins of tooth soap ; 227 dozen bottles (dividedinto 388 eases) of whisky 50 halfcabinet oak grawophones, and 1400 records ; 1728 tins of assorted potted meat and fish pastes ; 576 tins of Scotch herring.; 576 tips of sardines one ton of assorted biscuits ; 12 cwt. of fresh-salted Irish butter ; 72 draught-boards and draughtsmen.
Further List of Gifts in Kind.
From wool supplied by the Fund (1412-scarves and 14 prs.
of mittens). Miss Brandrurn, 13ourneroonth (2 prs. of seeks).
Mrs. Simmons, Beckenham (1 scarf). Mrs. Chilcott, Warsash (3 scarves, 2 prs. of socks, 1 pr oi
mittens). Mrs. Crofton Atkins, Sydenham Park Road (4 tearves). -Mrs. David, Norfolk Square, W. (2 scarves). Mrs. Brercton, Boxmoor (4 scarves). Miss Gladstone, Bit.hop's Waltham (4 helmets). Miss Dawkins, Bournemouth (7 prs. of mittens, 6 scarves, 3 shirt). Miss Seott Elliott, Edinburgh (3 scarves). Mrs. Cory, Norfolk (3 .scarves). Mrs. Corfield, West Ealing (1 pr. of mittens). Miss Chandler, Queen's Gate, S.W. (1 pr. of socks). Miss Aldridge, Chichester (2 prs. of socks). Miss Giles, Bonchurch (2 scarves).
Mrs. Hartley King (2 prs_ of mittens). Mrs. Tarver, Holland Park Avenue. W. (1 pr. of mittens). Mrs. Powell, Eknsworth (2 prs. of mittens).