The Wheels of Industry.
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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Proceedings of Local Authorities.
Lancaster Town Council has now confirmed its earlier intention to seek Parliamentary powers to purchase and run motorbuses.
Willesden U.D.C. has passed plans for new workshops, at Hawthorne Road, Willesden Green for the British Ensign Motors, Ltd.
The Lewisham Borough Council has to be added to the list of local authorities of which the officers are about to purchase motor-sweepers.
Darlington U.D.C. has agreed with the county-council scheme, in respect of new motorbus routes, that charges should be made, varying from Id. to 11d. per motorbusmile, according to the carrying capacities of the vehicles.
The Coulsdon and Purley. U.D.C., by its clerk, Mr. E. J. Gowen, Council Offices, Purley, Surrey, desires to receive tenders, on or before Saturday next, the 9th inst., for the immediate .supply of a motor chassis, capa,ble of carrying an imposed load of 11 ton, for use as a hosevan.
The Upper Ward District Committee -of the Lanarkshire County Council has refused authority for the hiring out of a tractor and wagons to a local colliery, on the plea that it is inexpedient for members of the District Committee to make use of publicly-owned plant for business purposes.
Wantage U.D.C. is considering the puachase of a motor chassis to haul its fire-engine.
Bradford Guardians have appointed a sub-committee to consider the purchase of additional motor vehicles for transport purposes.
Gerrards Cross Fire Brigade Committee has decided to collect funds for the purchase of a motor fire-engine, and it is hoped to raise 21200 at an early date.
Reports of proceedings of Brighton Corporation committees show that there is general satisfaction over the new Tilling local enterprise for the development of motorbus traffic.
. Wandsworth Borough Council has been notified by the L.G.O.C. that the company proposes at an early date to re:eatablish a service along particular local roads, which service was temporarily discontinued in October, 1914. Recent Registrations. • Mark Oldham, Ltd. (21500), to take over a business hitherto carrie.d on by Mr. J. W. T. Oldham at the G.C.R. Station Yard, Summer Lane, Barnsley, including motor haulage.
E. T. Neal and Co., Ltd. (24000), to take over a business of engineers, founders, metal casters, etc., hitherto carried on by Messrs. E. T. Neal and J. S. Burton, at Kettering.
Longbottom and Farrar, Ltd. (22000), with its registered office at Alice Street, Keighley, Yorks., to take over an existing business of brass founders, finishers, and stampers, etc.
Tyreoid, Ltd. (£10,000), with its registered office at 31, Stamford Strpet, London, S.E., to carry on the business of manufacturing and dealing in tires and rubber goods, chemicals, etc. '
Milnes-Daimler Mercedes, Ltd.
We are asked to request readers not to confuse the British Mercedes Motor Co., Ltd., of 132, Long Acre, W.C., which is an entirely British company, with the winding-up of the Milnes-Daimler Mercedes, Ltd., which is a German-owned company, now in course of being wound up by the Board of Trade.
C.M.U.A. 1917 Inspection.
The Secretary of the CommercialMotor Users Association notifies us that the following additional contributions have been received in respect of the 1917 Inspection Account : De Nevers Rubber Tyre Co., Ltd., 25 5s.; the Herbert Frood Co., Ltd., 23 3s.. North British Rubber Co, Ltd. '22 2s. ; Simplex Rubber Co., Ltd., 22 2s. Donations have now been received from every supporter of the 1916 inspection, whilst• have also been certain additions to the list, which remains open.
Clydesdale Models.
We learn from Mr. Charles R. Clark, manager of the motor department of R. Martens and Co., Ltd., of Clydesdale House, 15a, Wilton Street, • Grosvenor Place, London, S. W., that the company is now ready to iake orders for 1k-ton and 2/-ton Clydeklale vehicles. The price of the smaller model is 2365 ex the company's London address, and of the larger model 2555, for chassis with -fifes. The company is prepared to fit paraffin carburetters—usually the SmithKing is favoured—to any vehicles for which such are specified. National Stearn Car Co., Ltd.
We are informed by the managing director of the National Steam Car Co., Ld., Mr. Thomas H. Clarkson, that the statement that his company is being acquired by the L.G.U.C. and Underground _ interests is an untruthful one.
The information—published in this journal last week—reached us from a source which via have usually found to be reliable ; we felt justified in this case in attaching importance to the communication. As the matter is no doubt one of importance to the National team Car Co., Ltd., we now state. its denial of the report.
Anachronistic Police Duty.
It, is surprising, to say the least of it in view of the embarrassments under which commercial users are at the present time working owing to a restricted supply of petrol, the difficulty of obtaining suitable chassis, shortage of labour, etc., that any police should be allowed to devote their energies to adding yet another difficulty to those enumerated.
This reflection is caused by our recently observing on the Embankment a commercial-vehicle driver pulled up and informed that he would be charged with exceeding the legal limit of 12 -miles per hour. The offence, in any case, could only have been a technical one, as there was very little traffic about ; further, as we have reason for knowing that the chassis in question is fitted with a governed engine and cannot exceed 15 or 16 miles an hour, the excess speed can only have been trifling.
The Albion Co. and Passengers.
In the House of Commons last week, Mr. Watt asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether his
attention had been called to the fact that the Albion Motor Co., Ltd., of Glasgow, in delivering motor vehicles to the War Office, carried passengers to London at 10s. per head, which money was
given wholly. to Red Cross funds ; whether he is aware that his Department stepped in and insisted
on hackney-carriage licences being paid, with the result that the traffic has been stopped and the Red Cross funds have suffered accordingly ; and whether he can • tervene in this matter in view of the fact that the money goes to a charity. Mr. McKenna I have inquired into this matter, and find that the Board of Customs and Excise are advised that the use of the motor vehicles in question in the manner stated involves liability to hackney carriage licence duty. The fact that the proceeds derived from the traffic are .devoted to war charities affords no legal ground for relief from payment of duty.. I am in formed that even after payment of the tax a substantial surplus would remain for the Red Cross Fund.
Insulting a Woman Conductor.
Two colliers, named Ernest Millington and William Trickett, were recently fined £2 each, at Chesterfield, for using offensive language while travelling in one of the Corporation's motorbuses. The prosecution, which was undertaken by the Town Clerk of Chesterfield, showed that the defendants had . taken a little too much to drink, in consequence of whith they annoyed the conductress, by pulling at the whistle which was pinned to the lapel of her coat, and by trying to take a flower from her coat. They used objectionable language, and refused to desist from doing so, whereupon the driver was called to the assistance of the conductress, and he put the men off the vehicle on to the road. They refused to give their names and addresses, and told the driver he would have to fight them. Stepney Motor Wheels.
The directors of the Stepney Sparc Motor Wheel, Ltd., for the 13 months ended 30th September last, show a profit of £14,163. A 10-per-cent, dividend is declared, whilst 210,000 is added to reserve, with 28005 carried forward.
For Leisure Moments.
To those who, in the midst of present-day excessive business care, have still a little leisure for light reading, we recommend the perusal of "Laughs on Light Cars." This is a publication, con. taming 24 of Mr. Smallwood's cartoons on subjects of interest to motorists in general, treated from the point, of view of the light-car owner. They are reproductions of illustrations which have appeared from time to time in "The Light "Car and Cyclecar," and have been productive of much amusement. The book is published by Temple Press Ltd., 7-15, Rosebery Avenue, London, B.C., and the price is 6o1, (post free al.).
1V1.T., A.S.C. Fund.
Our estimate, that the total despatch of cases, for the months of November and December, might reach 600 promises to be exceeded. Further information will be found on the page of this issue which deals with the Fund. Any further pre-Christmas remittances will be welcomed. There is not much time, now, for intending helpers to give support with that object in view.
• last. A.E.
The next meeting of the Institution of Automobile Engineers will be held in the Hall of the Royal Soeiety of Arts, John Street, Adelphi, W.C., on Wednesday next, the 13th inst. Mr. F. W. Lanchester, M.Inst.C.E., will read a paper entitled " Worm gears and worm gear mmxiting," beginning at eight o'clock. Readers of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR who are not members of the Institution of Automobile Engineers can apply to the Secretary of that Institution, 28, Victoria Street, London, S.W., for cards of admission.
Thornycroft's Report.
The directors of John I. Thornycroft 'and Co., Ltd., have to be added to those who have found themselves unable, for reasons connected with the present state of war, to present accounts for the past financial year. The directors none the -less feel justified in declaring 'a final dividend of 3 per cent, on the preference shares, and 10 per cent, on the ordinary shares, bringing the distribution on the former up to 6 per cent, and on the latter up to 17i per cent.
The company's meeting will take place at Winchester House, tomorrow, the 8th inst., at 12 noon. Road Board Funds.
Mr. McKinnon. Wood, answering a question in the House of Commons on behalf of the Treasury, in regard to any 'proposed scheme for dealing with the Funds of the Road Board after the war, has stated that, in; the absence of amending legislation, the funds will be applied in the manner provided by the Development and Road Improvement Fund Act, 1909. He added that the rate of expenditure would no doubt depend on the statement of employment, and on other conditions which cotrld not at present be foreseen.
British Petroleum Co., Ltd.
Apropos the German hold on the British Petroleum Co., Ltd., the following should be noted :— "Mr. Lundon, in the House of Commons one day last week, asked whether, seeing that charges and attacks have been made, both in the House of Commons and outside it, during the past year and a half, against the British Petroleum Co., Ltd., on the pretext that some of its shares are held by aliens, he will take care in dealing with such charges that those who make them, as well as the newspapers which lend their columns for such objects, are not actuated by .a desire to promote the interests of other petroleum companies ; and, in sifting and inquiring into such charges, will he see that private and financial interests be not allowed to interfere with those to whom the task is entrusted7 "Mr. Pretyman : I can assure the Hon. Gentleman that the public interest is being and will be alone considered in dealing with the British Petroleum Co., Ltd.
"Mr. Scanlan: May I ask whether it is a fact that at present this company is under the control of a Public Trustee?,
"Mr. Pretyman : Yes, Sir ; the whole of the estates of the British Petroleum Co. Ltd., are vested in a Public Trustee, and are being managed by gentlemen specially appointed by the Board of Traae to see that the whole operations of the company are conducted in the public interest." Quite so ; but no answer is given about (a) the sources of supply of the so-called new spirit and (b) the benefit to Germany and German interests of "carrying on."
Joint-stock Companies Struck Off the Register.
The names of the undermentioned: companies have been struck off the Register of Joint Stock Companies, and are dissolved:—" AT." Tyre Co., Ltd. ; Allen's Motor Express, Ltd. ; Anglo-Brazilian Motor Transport Co., Ltd. ; Atlas Motor Syndicate, Ltd. ; Co-operative Traction Co., Ltd. ; Foster Motor Co., Ltd. ; Grove Park Omnibus Co., Ltd. ; Ivor Motors, Ltd. ; J. L. Automobiles, Ltd. ; K. Tyre Manipulator Co., Ltd. ; Pneumantel Tyre Co., Ltd. ; Superheated Steam Engine and Generator Syndicate, Ltd. ; T.A.N. Motor Bus Syndicate, Ltd. ; Tuebrook Motor Co., Ltd.
Use of "O.H.M.S."
At the Bolton County Police Court, on a recent date, a driver named W. M. Broadbent, of Failsworth, was summoned for applying to a motor lorry the letters "O.H.M.S." without special authority. These letters were on a, card in front of the lorry. The vehicle was carrying shells to Bolton, on account of Ferranti, Ltd., which was a controlled company, and the shells were being carried on the instructions of the Ministry of Munitions. No application had been made for a, permit to use the letters. The defendant was ordered to pay costs, the magistrates stating that Messrs. Ferranti should have made certain that they were doing right in allowing the letters to be used.
Clarkson Steam Motorbuses at Buckingham." Palace.
H.M. i The King and Queen recently nspected two steam-driven "bath caravans" which had been constructed for the Wounded Allies Relief Committee by the National Steam Car Co., Ltd., of Chelmsford. Mr. Thomas Clarkson, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech E., managing director of the company, had the honour of demonstrating the working of the caravans to their Majesties. Each cara,van.ean supply sufficient hot water for 80 baths per hour, whilst they are additionally fitted with drying and sterilizing cupboards, and a full equipment of enamelled steel baths, hose pipes, tents, etc. All boilers are heated by the Clarkson' patented liquid-fuel burners.
Tables of Local Sunset.
Many readers of this journal will probably be desirous to send lid. to Wyman and Sons, Ltd., 29, Breams Buildings, Fetter Lane, E.C.' for a copy of the "Tables of local sunset " which have now been issued by the Home Office. This pamphlet
gives the times of sunset at 29 places in different parts of Great Britain, calculated to the nearest minute, for each Monday from the lab November, 1916, to the 31s17 December, 1917. The figures are accurate, seeing that 014 have been furnished to the Home Office by the Astronomer Royal. The 29 places are London ; Margate ;
Brighton ; Southampton; Exeter ; Plymouth Otzfard ; Bristol ; Cardiff; Swansea ; Norwich Cambridge ; Northampton ; Birmingham ; Aberystwyth ;Nottingham ; Hull ; Leeds ; Manchester; -Liverpool ; Newcastle-on-Tyne ; Carlisle; Edinburgh ; Glasgow ; Dundee; Aberdeen ; Inverness ; Wick ; Lerwick.