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What the Authorities are Doing to Further the Cause of the Allies Throughout the Country.—An Innovation to Stimulate the Public Mind.
THE IMPRESSIVE VALUE of the modern cinematograph as a Medium for attracting the attention of the masses to a desired propaganda has been. brought fully into the light during the past years of the war. The " movies " hold for most individuals an agreeable fascination and, as might well be imagined, the display in a popular and entertaining manner of—to take the present times—a pro patria mission never fails to create the desired end. eineinatography has done more to stimulate the minds of the people through the present stern struggle of nations than all the garrulous oratory so far uttered. The Government, although branded in. some quarters as being slow to appreciate modern methods of self-advertisement, for such it is, have in this ease not failed to realize that reliable present-day cinema equipment serves as an invaluable adjunct for the broadcast exploitation of the country's war aims. In fact, they have recently had ten motor vehicles specially designed and equipped with a view to .enabling the people of this island, be "they in town, village or hamlet, an opportunity of witnessing. the country's mighty effort for the benefit of humanity.
These touring equipments have been completed to the designs and specifications of Captain James W. Barber, of the Department of Information, House of , Lord s.
Each outfit is complete in_ its entirety and enakraces all the diverse equipment that is necessary for picture embodied with a view to obtaining increased stability and greater strength. The body, which is built on workshop lorry lines, has been specially 'constructed for use on the expedition. It has a fixed roof and the back and sides are so hinged that the bottom part can serve as a pla,tform extension. of the "chassis width and the top portion as an extended canopy. The lower halves of the body sides are fitted ,with staunch supports which rest on the ground, whilst the upper parts are securely held in position by compasses
Considerable thougnt has been expended on the design of the body in order to enable the machine to be operated under all kinds of weather conditions, it being fully appreciated that if the project is to assist to brighten the stern lives of our workers and of others who are taking an active part in moulding the destinies of the country it must essentially be: able to be operated successfully when conditions which tend to create a feeling of despondency are most prevalent. The chassis frame has been strengthened in several respects in order to afford ample means of support for the weight of the self-contained generating plant. Special attention has also been directed to the suspension system to secure as near as' possible absolute absorption of vibration shacks while the generator is running. The body proper is not directly mounted On the chassis channels ; a. staunch teak board is inserted between body and frame to act as an intermediary and additional means a support. The body is of
roomy construction and the necessary arrangements whereby the intelior will serve as the home tor the operator and assistants is included, hammocks being provided for sleeping purposes.
The plant employed for generating the electric light consists of a 12 h.p. four-cylinder Pelapone engine, which is rated to develop 800 r.p.m. It is fitted with governor throttle and automatic lubrication. Cooling
• is effected by a special .type otradiator which,. is of ample dimensions, assisted by a high-speed fan driven W
by a substantial hittle belt. As will be seen from one of our illustrations, the radiator is mounted between engine and dynamo. Ignition is by hightension magneto. This engine conforms as closely as possible to standard motorcar design, the object being to render its working principles easily understood by the unenlightened or non-practical driver.
The dynamo, which is mounted on a solid base plate common with that of the engine, being coupled directly thereto, is made by the British Thomson Houston Co. The machine is compound wound aucrhas an output of 100 amperes at 70 volts, which is capable. of withstanding an overload of 25 per cent, for two continuous hours running without detriment to internal parts precipitated by overheating or sparking. The electrical control panel is of substantial construction, complete with all the necessary instruments and cutouts. A minor detail, but one which is nevertheless of considerable import, bearing in mind the nature of the work to be undertaken is that all the cut-outs are fitted with straps to overcome the possible chance of falling out through sudden or acute vibration. , A. few words concerning the cinema equipment will not now be out of place. The projectors are of the latest Kamm models with new pattern front type drum shutter. When not in use they are housed in specially-constructed mahogany cases, sub-divided to accommodate the various component parts. Each projector outfit is complete with three cinematograph projection lenses of different foci and two lantern lenses ; 200 ft. of cable is carried with each outfit, so that in the event of a suitable hall or tent being found for display purposes the current can be run from the generating outfit to the body of the hall.
The equipment of each lorry is standardized throughout, and the most complete stock--of spares for both lorries and generating plants is being carried on the expedition. Each unit will also be replete with all spare parts likely' to be required for minor mishaps and to expedite roadside repairs a folding workshop bench, heavy vice, melting pot, soldering irons and other classes of tools for general field work are being carried.
. Some of-these machines have been doing duty for a short while past. and have given real good service. The picture which is projected from the body of the lorry is as steady as a rock—a feature which we can fully endorse. This is a great point whenit is remembered that the projector is working side by side with the generating plant on the relatively unstable foundation of motor lorry body. In fact, but for the low temperature and icy blast and lack of plushcushioned. Seating accommodation we should have been led to believe that we were viewing the exhibition, which took place a few days ago, in a comfortable cinema theatre instead of from the concrete flooring of the Speaker's Courtyard at the House of Com mons.