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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it run."—John Beattie Crozier.
Inventions Relating to the • Motor Industry.
It may not be generally known that meetings are periodically arranged by.
the Institution of Automobile Engineers at which inventors are invited to exhibit models or, in the case of accessories, actual samples of any new inventions
relating to the motor industry. We are sorry to say that for the last meeting which was arranged to take place the number of promised exhibits was so small that the idea was abandoned.
Our object in referring to this is to give publicity to the fact that such meetings are held, as it is probable that many inventions might have been exhibited had the inventors been aware that they would be welcomed.
The conditions of such meetings are as follow :—The invention must have some relation to the motor industrY ; such inventions must at least be provisionally proteCted.
It is desirable, although not absolutely essential, that models of any device should be shown, as drawings are not easy to follow at such meetings.
The devices shown must not be actually on the market at the time of showing.
A reasonable time is given to each inventor to explain his device and to• demonstrate its working. His claims are then thrown open to discussion and questions are asked, the inventor being given the opportunity for answering such questions.
The proceedings are not reported in the Press, but many Press representatives are there, and should an inventor wish his device to be described he would have no difficulty in gaining publicity. These meetings are. attended by many leading engineers, so that the discussion and friendly criticism that nay follow is often of great value to the inventor, and, in many eases, may set him thinking on new lines„ as the remarks made by men of experience may often point out some weakness which can be easily remedied.
As a rule, inventions are not received in this country in a very friendly spirit ; but the holding of these meetings by the Institution of Automobile Engineers is an exception to this rule, and is one of the few instances of a helping hand being offered to the inventor. Those wishing to exhibit their inventions should apply to the secretary, the Institution -of Automobile Engineers, Watergate House, York Buildings, Adelpbi, London, W.C.2.
Official Orders for December.
Brief particulars are now available. concerning the orders for industrial vehicles given, out by Government departments during December last. The G.P.O. anthorities ordered a number of van chassis from the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd. W. H. Perry, Ltd., and MorrisCommercial Cars, Ltd. They also placed orders for van bodies with Bonsnack and Sons and Duple Bodies and Motors, Ltd. The Crown Agents for the Colonies placed contracts for motor road rollers with Aveling and Porter, Ltd. The Admiralty ordered a number
D20 of electric trucks from Electromobile, Ltd. Finally, the War Office placed an order for medium-capacity six-wheeled lorries with Guy Motors, Ltd., and divided one for six-wheeled chassis between the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., and Leyland Motors, Ltd.
A Sentinel Dividend.
The directors of the Sentinel Waggon Works, Ltd., recommend that the usual preference dividend of 7i per cent. per annum be paid for the half-year ended December 31st list, making 7} per cent. for the year. It is stated that it is not proposed to pay any dividend on the ordinary shares of the company.
The New Lacre Company.
A. new company, under the title of Lacre Lorries, Ltd., has just been registered to take over the manufacture and sale of Lacre vehicles. The directors of the company are the Hon. Ivor Guest, Mr. P. Fairfield and Mr. T. H. Wagstaff. The business will he carried on from 78, York Road, London, N.1. For the construction of new vehicles, the supply of spare parts and the carrying out of repairs to Lacre vehicles the 'company will have at its call the staff which has specialized in Lacre products for a number of years.A feature is to be made of after-delivery service.
Isle of Man Favours 28-seaters.
Controversy hail been raging in the Isle of Man on the point as to whether 2g-seater or 20-seater motorbuses should he regarded as the largest. type to
qualify for licences. What provoked the controversy was the action of Manxland Motor Services, Ltd4 a subsidiary company of Cumberland Motor Services, Ltd., in. opening up several new routes with 28-seater vehicles. The issue was raised in the House of Keys, where, by 15 votes to 5, members decided in favour of the larger type of unit, mainly on the ground of public convenience.
Attack on World's Speed Record.
With to-day's issue of The Motor is presented a coloured plate from a watercolour Painting by Bryan de Grineau illustrating the giant racer with which Capt. Malcolm Campbell is shortly to attack the speed record set up by Major H. 0. D. Segrave (20f4 m.p.h.) last year. The Annual London Motor Parade.
The 22nd 'annual London parade of commercial motor vehicles organized by the Commercial Motor Users Associalion with the object of encouraging drivers to take a personal interest in the driving and condition of their vehicles and 'to run them without accident, will take place onSaturday, Meech, 31st, 1928, under the patronage of His Majesty the King.
The Commercial Motor Challenge Cup will be awarded to the owner whose "team," in the 'oPinion of. the judges' committee, is in the best condition, having regard to the class of work upon which the units are employed, the ages of the machines, and the total distance run by them. The drivers of the winning team will be presented -with the Shrapnell-Smith Challenge Cup, and each driver will receive a cash award and a souvenir medal. The driver of each vehicle of the "runners-up ". team will receive a cash award and a sou6' venir medal, whilst the drivers of the third to the thirtieth teams inclusive will receive a cash award Or will be
"highly commended." . . Full particulars of the event may be obtained on application to Mr. F. G. Bristow, general secretary of the Association, 50, Pall Mall, London, S.W.1.
Classes on the Electrical Equipment of Motor Vehicles.
A course of ten lectures and demonstrations on the above subject will be given at the Borough , Polytechnic, Borough Road, London, S.E.1, on Thursday evenings from 8 p.m. to 9.80 p.m., commencing on February 9th. The course will be suitable for those engaged in the nianufacture, maintenance, repair or 'running of motor vehicles.
Star Vans for London Stotes.
There is a number of Star vehicles in the service of important London business houses, amongst which can be mentioned some of the big departmental stores, such as -Selfridge and Co., Ltd.; Wm. Whiteley, Ltd.; Army and Navy Stores, Ltd., and John Barker and Co., Ltd. Another user of machines of this make is Jas. Shoolbred and Co., Ltd., which has just placed a further order for a small fleet of Star 1-ton delivery vans, following an initial order which it placed a short time ago.
Producer-gas Vehicles in the Belgian Congo.
new company is reported to be in course of formation in Brussels, with a capital of 20 million francs and the title LS. Societe d'Industrie et Transports Automobiles dp. Congo, to organize mechanical transport services both for passengers and goods in the Belgian Congo. The company proposes to make considerable use of vehicles fitted' with producer-gas plant of the Belgian Pipe Co.'s type, which we described in a recent issue, and it is understood that a member of this concern will be included on the board of directors of the transport mulertakieg.
Bus-service Tolls.
At a meeting of the Morecambe Watch Committee, Major H. C. Hickman, managing director of the Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., appeared before the cowmittee to discuss various matters arising out of the bus services run by the
company. He submitted that the present arrangement, which had been continued since the company acquired• the interests of the Lancashire and Westmorland Motor Services, Ltd., with respect to the payment of toll over the unauthorized route was impracticable. He explained the difficulties that would be encountered, and suggested that a far more satisfactory method would be to pay to the corporation an annual lump sum; in lieu Of the penny toll, and he made an offer of £200 per annum. The committee decided to accept this offer.
Seasonal Hire-purchase Facilities.
Those who are interested in the hirepurchase of vehicles will appreciate the new facilities of this kind offered by W. Whiteley, Ltd., Queen's Road, Loudon, W.2. The scheme provides for a certain percentage of the purchase price to be paid as a cash deposit and the payments of the balance to be spread over three full seasons, those paid during the winter months being very much smaller than those settled in the summer, when the vehicle should be earning to its full capacity.
Electric-vehicle Progress in France.
During a two-day conference held in Paris by the Societe pour le Developpment des Vehicules Electriques, a number of electric trucks for factory, dockyard and other purposes was presented for examination. The vehicles shown were of various types ; they included tractors, tipping wagons and several port able cranes. Fenwicks exhibited an interesting high-lift factory truck for moving work from one machine to another, loading lorries, etc., as well as a tractor and an ordinary low-level fiat platform
truck. Freins Nourdan displayed a big tipping truck for road-transport work, tractors drawing trains of trucks, and a standard type of platform vehicle.
The Compagnie des Chariots et Traction Automatique had on view a lifting truck with low-level platform and several tractors for station and other work. A similar exhibit was made by the Societe des Transporteurs :Wean
iques, which showed automatic lifting trucks, etc.
The Societe Alsacienne des Construction Mecaniques exhibited a useful little portable electric crane for dockyard and factory work, this being made in France under licence from Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd. This firm also staged tractors both for road and lightrailway work. Many of the vehicles were shown in action, the demonstrations being given at 'St. Denis. The Renault concern displayed some of its larger vehicles, including vans for towndelivery work.
The New York Show.
Over 270 manufacturers were represented at the National Automobile Show recently held at the Grand Central Palace, New York. In addition to 43 makes of passengercar (300 models), 18 makes of lorry, 56 service and shopequipment manufacturers and 156 accessory concerns exhibited their products.
Foreign Stone for British Roads.
A large increase in the quantity of foreign stone used on British roads is indicated by returns recently issued by the National Federation of Granite and Roadstone Quarry Owners. During 1927 the imports of broken roadstone from foreign countries amounted to 230,875 tons, as against 220,983 tons in the previous year. The figures do not include setts and kerbs, of which 136,971 tons were imported during 1927.
It is regrettable that it is necessary for so much foreign stone to be imported, for there are numerous British quarries capable of large outputs.
A Big Order from South America.
Bean Cars, Ltd., has recently secured a contract from South America for commercial vehicles and cars, Which amounts in value to over £40,000. A number of 30-cwt. commercial vehicles is included in the order.
Neat Uniforms for Bus and Coach Employees.
Nowadays, much attention is given by operators of passenger-carrying motors to the appearance of their vehicles, as they realize that a spick-and-span bus
or coach is far more likely to attract patronage than one which is Mudsplashed and generally uneared for so far as external cleaning is concerned. An important point, and one which puts, as it were, a-finishing touch to the attractiveness of a passenger vehicle is the provision of smart and well-cut uniforms for the driver and conductor. A concern Which deals in this Class of outfitting, and which has had over 70 years' experience of making commercial uniforms,' is Gardiner and Co. (The Scotch House), Ltd., 1, Commercial Road, London, E.1. A particular feature of this concern's operations is an up-to-date service 'carried out by the contract-uniform department, clothing being here made to order in a few days and at moderate prices.
An Efficient New Petrol Filter.
There is much to be said for the use af special filters for straining impurities from petrol and those employing fine.; mesh wire gauze as the filtering element appear to be amongst the most popular devices in this class. It is essential, however, that an ample area of gauze be allowed through which the petrol may flow without the risk of its passage being restricted by accumulated po9
foreign matter. Special attention to this important point has been paid by Soles, Ltd., 223-281, Marylebone Road, London, N.W.1, in the design of ics recently introduced petrol filter. The total area of the gauze in this device is stated to be over 6 sq.ins., thus allowing
in all normal circumstances an unrestricted feed of petrol to the carburetter. This gauze is arranged in a novel manner.
Other features of the Soles filter, which sells at the attractive price of 17s. 6d., include the locating of the filtering surfaces well above the sump of the instrument. Petrol flows through the cleaner in an upward direction, so that all comparatively heavy particles of dirt and other foreign matter automatically drop into, the sump. Smaller particles fall into the base owing to their being removed from the gauze
by the washing action of the fuel. Another point which is worthy of mention is that the gauzes are provided with unusually wide flanges. A Ministry of Transport Inquiry at Barrow.
Mr. IL H. Toletton, a representative of the Ministry of Transport, recently conducted an inquiry into the application of the Barrow Corporation to run buses on a route between Barrow and Dalton to Ulverston. The corporation has been refused permission for the service by both Dalton and 131verston Urban and Riaral Councils, which, along with the London Midland and Scottish Railway Co., three private bus companies (running buses on the same route), the Barrow Ratepayers' Association and the Barrow Chamber of Trade, opposed the application cif the municipal authority.
Successful Applications at Chelmsford.
Chelmsford Licensing Committee has granted the following applications:— Pride of the Marshes Motor Services for a licence to pick up passengers in Chelmsford on Fridays in connection with their Chelmsford-to-Bradwell route.
Warburton's Bus Service, Leeds, for the necessary licences to run a daily bus service between Chelmsford and Colchester.
Webber Bros. for licences enabling them to pick up passengers at Chelmsford on their London-to-Clacton route.
Mr. Adey to Leave Merthyr?
It is reported that Mr. D. F. Adey, the manager of the Merthyr Tydfil Corporation's bus organization, has tendered his resignation to the council in order to take a post, at the end of April, with a Birmingham manufacturing firm. The council has expressed its great appreciation of the services of Mr. Adey, and has decided to ask him to reconsider his decision and remain at Merthyr.
The death has recently occurred of Mr. A. P. Dawes, a well-known figure in motor trade circles, who had associations with the British Goodrich Rubber Co., Ltd. ; General Motors, Ltd.; and, latterly, with Harvey Frost and Co. (1924), Ltd., for the last-named of which he acted as district sales manager, with headquarters at Bristol.
A New Edinburgh Motorbus Company.
A new company, entitled the Edinburgh Co. (White Line Pullman Cars), Ltd.,. was floated last week, with a capital of £146,000 in £1 ordinary shares, of which £135,000 were issued for subscription. , It was stated that the directors and friends 'had already taken up 30,000 shares. The company is formed to take over the fleet of buses which had been run by Mr. John Harris Since July last. For three months, to October 5th, the receipts of this fleet of buses had been £3,592, and the out goings £1,606, leaving a balance of £2,106, which was claimed to be a net profit. According to the prospectus a net profit per bus per year of £330 is obtainable.
A West Hartlepool Concern's Latest Enterprise,
The Eastern Express Motors, Ltd.,
the headquarters of which are at West Hartlepool, has just made an interesting addition to its network of servicesby the inauguration of a through route between West Hartlepool and Newcastle, via Houghton-le-Spring and Obester-le
This undertaking is an associated company of the Express Motors, Ltd., of
Messrs. Ifewens' Garages of Maidenhead have recently supplied this tractor-lorry to a Slough concern. The MorrisCommercial chassis is used in conjunction with a Carrimore semitrailer. The body is 16 ft‘ long, 6 ft. 6 ins, wide and 6 ft. high. The vehicle will be mostly run between Slough and
Darlingtot, aml the new service connects with those of the Darlington concern as well as with Blumer's Motor Services, thereby providing useful connecting links to nearly all parts of Teesside and South Durham. A feature of the new service is that late buses are arranged for the convenience of theatregoers who visit the city from outlying districts. The return fare is as. Pd., and the round mileage about 50.
Tractor Trials in Belgium.
An International mechanical tractor trial is to take place during May at Beverloo and Elsenborn Camps, near Brussels, and those who are concerned in any way with the supply of British tractors can obtain further information relating to it by applying to the Department of Overseas Trade, 85, Old Queen Street, London, S.W.1, quoting refer. ence A.X. 5862,
Passenger-vehicle Equipment.
A most comprehensive eatalogne has just been issued by G. D. Peters, Ltd., Caxton House, Westminster. London, S.W.1, which gives details of the very wide range of rolling-stock equipment which this company is in a position to supply.
So far as coachbuilders and operators
of buses and coaches are concerned, the sections which are of chief interest are those dealing with the various types of seat which arc available, certain forms of pneumatic door-operating apparatus, ventilators of several patterns, window-balancing devices and various general supplies. Some of the seats are built up on flexible-clip spring frames, whilst in another type coppered wire springs are clipped to a wovenwire top. This form of construction provides considerable resiliency, and the woven mesh at the top ehecks any tendency of the upholstery material to "pocket" or en. There are various other types of seat referred to, illustrations of them being given.
In the matter of ventilators, there is the Moorgate pattern, and another known as the Venturi, which, as its name suggests, works on the Venturi tube principle. The section dealing with door apparatus points to the value of treadle-plate equipment and indicates that it has been adopted on various types of buses in use in this country, including certain six-wheelers.
The whole catalogue is particularly well printed and illustrated, and the information given concerning the various equipment is lucidly written.
The Benevolent. Fund in Scotland.
On February 15th the West of Scotland centre of the Motor and Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund will hold its annual dinner at the Central Station Hotel, Glasgow. The guests will include many men whose names are familiar in engineering and commercial circles, as well as in the Motor industry. The West of Scotland centre administers for the whole of Scotland, -with the exception of the Edinburgh district. Mr. G. H. Cntbush, chairman of the centre, will preside at the dinner.
Messrs. Goddard and Smith, motor auctioneers and valuers, 70, Seymour Place, London, W.1, have recently added to their business a department which deals exclusively with agency work in connection with the sale and letting of businesses, filling stations and premises especially suitable for those engaged in the motor industry. Pneumatic Tyres for Municipal Buses.
Reporting to the municipal bus coinmittee• of the Merthyr Corporation, Mr. D. F. Adey, the bus superintendent, says that he thinks it time that another Leyland bus was converted to run on pneumatic tyres. The corporation has had sowe experience of pneumatics and found them a practical proposition, although from a financial standpoint insufficient evidence is, as yet, available to enable a -conclusion to be formed as to whether the saving in fuel and ciessie-maiutenance is sufficient to counteract the increased cost of tyre maintenance and supervision. On the question of the increased comfort of pneumatics, Mr. Adey says that the pneumatie tyre scores, although when . cushion tyres are new the difference is not so marked.
The quotatiens received for converting the tyre equipment of another bus were as follow :—Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., £137 6s. 4d.; Michelin Tire Co., Ltd.; £110 10s.; Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., £102 10s., all being subject to 21. per cent. The committee has recommended the acceptance of the quotation of the last-named concern.
Parking in Limerick.
The mayor of Limerick, with the town clerk, the superintendent of p-olice and the local district justice, has tee cently held a conference with representatives of the five principal omnibus companies running in the town on the question of parking aceommodation.
Cooper-Stewart's Annual Social.
The Cooper-Stewart Engineering Ltd., the well-known motor:accessory concern, 'gave its -third nnimal social on Saturday, January 28th, to members of the staff and friends. Over 100 persons were present, and the programme, whieh was greatly enjoyed, included dancing, community singing sad a conjuring entertainment.
More Leyland Lions in Ireland. Leyland Lion buses have recently been delivered to. the Irish Omnibus Co., Mr. Thomas O'Brien, Dublin, and the Hibernian Taxi Co., Dublin.
Railway Efforts to Recapture Lost Traffic.
Desperate efforte. are now being made by railway authorities in the North of England to recapture traffic which has been won fromthorn in the course of the past few years by motorbus undertakings.. Since the beginning of the year railway concerns have endeavoured to do this by. wholesale reductions in fares over many of their branch lines in important Tyneside, Wearside and Teesside districts. In some cases these " cuts " are very considerable compared With fares which ruled last year and in nearly all cases. the reductions are at least 50 per cent. Most of the reductions bring the rail fares down to the level of those charged by competing bus concerns, and, in certain instances, the 'railways are now running at a lower rate over ■ routes where competition is particularly acute. Another direction in which the railways are making notable developments is in connection with the nse of Sentinel -steam coaches. -Airebdy there are several of these in use around Newcastle, and it is expected that, in the future, they will take the place of' trains on numerous branch lines throughout the North Country.
A Dunlop Change.
The Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd„ has removed from its former Manchester address to a new depot at 12, Ardwick Green South. Ardwick, Manchester.
An Application Deferred.
Morecambe Watch Committee has deferred until the annual licensing meeting consideration of an application from the County Motors (Lancaster)-, Ltd., for Permission to run a service of buses between Bare and Lancaster. Cost of Transporting Schoolchildren at Croydon.
'Croydon Education Committee recommends the purchase of a Leyland motorbus, at a cost Of £1,280, for the conteyance of physically defective schoolchildren and the provision of garage accommodation at a cost of £120. In this connection the committee gives the _following estimate of running expenses per week :—
Driver's wages .. 3 I 0 Guide's wages 1 1D 0 Uniform for driver .. 0 3 6 Saperannuation fund additions for driver 0 I 9 National insurance—driver and _tide .. 0 2 0 Repairs (including tyres and de.y.eciation) 2 15 0 Petrol and oil 0 18 0 Tax ii £29 per annum .. 1)11 6 Insurance • • • • • • • • 0 5 0 Rates, taxes,_ insurance of garage.. 0 3 0 Interest at 5% on capita I ouday • 1 5 0