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Rangoon follows London.
An Indian Consular report states that a Rangoon firm has ordered from a French motorcar company six of its taximeter cabs of the same horse-power and style as those now generally in use in London. They will be used on the city streets.
Aberdeen Developments.
John T. Clark and Company, Limited, of Rose Street, Aberdeen, is giving particular attention to the design of cab bodies, and one of these, known as die Empress " cab, has been fitted to a two-cylinder fl.h.p. Adams chassis by Messrs. King and Company, of 465, Union Street, Aberdeen. The body is particularly roomy and well finished.
Napier Developments.
The Coupe and Motor Cab Company of Great Britain, Limited, whose registered office is at 14, Regent Street, S.W., will shortly be putting into service a considerable number of twoc 'finder Napier cabs. It was our privilege to ant one of these through a further considerable test, on the night of the 291h ultimo, when snow had already fallen to a depth of some five inches in the Metropolis. The engine proved it -elf thoroughly well able to poll, under these heavy running conditions, with four people up, and it enaided a large number of calls to be paid with a celerity that would otherwise have been impossible. We forecast a success both for this model and those who operate it.
Insurance Deductions.
A number of drivers in the employ of the General Motor Cab Company, Limited, continues to agitate for a more definite settlement of the terms upon which the deduction of fxl. per day in respect of third-party insurance is to be tremed. These men held a meeting of protest, at Si. George's Hall, Westminster Bridge Road, on Saturday last, but decided to continue to pay the money, whilst reserving to themselves the right to take action hereafter, and two drivers were appointed to form a committee to investigate claims chargeable against
the deduction in question. We think that the sooner the drivers reconcile themselves to the reasonableness of the deduction under notice, and the sooner it is made amply clear to them by the company that it will not be returned, and that this nominal deduction is for the protection of the drivers as a class rather than that any individual driver should suffer heavily, the better it will be for all concerned.
Transvaal Estimates.
Efforts are being made in Johannesburg to secure subscriptions for the Transvaal Taxi-Cab Company, Limited, which proposes to begin operations with ten vehicles, on the basis of estimates that each will earn a net profit
of ios. per day. People must still have money to fling about in Johannesburg-, where the smallest coin used in circulation is still a " ticky."
More French Capital.
Paris has by no means lost faith in the financial prospects of London motorcab undertakings, and active steps have recently been taken to secure a subscription of someoo,000 for the de Dion-13nuton Motor Cab Company, Limited, We have even heard of efforts to get capital in Paris for the exploitafion of English-built cabs, but.we seriously question the likelihood of S.uccess under such conditions,
Cabs at Cudham
A Kent correspondent writes : " Instances where two-cylinder cabs have been compelled to shed one or two passengers are by no means uncommon in the hilly neighbourhood of Chisleburst, Sevenoaks, and Westerham. At Cudham Hill, Kent, one of the steepest and most-used test hills near London, many, cabs are tried, and some two-cylinder ones have failed to take up the full load of passengers." Up to recently, the Crayford.built iSh.p. Siddeley cab chassis were regularly tested at Cudham. Our correspondent continues " The hill is ideal for a demonstration of the two types. Not long ago, such a match was arranged in the case of two makes of cabs, bet the trial fell through."
Progress at Copenhagen.
Last year, a rnotorcab company started operations in Copenhagen with 30 Renaults, which were supplied through the Berlin agency of Renault Freres. The business done has induced the Danish company to place an order for an additional 21.
Articles of Association.
We observe that, following the second ordinary general meeting of the F.I.A.T. Motor Cab Company, Limited, an extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders took place, when certain proposed alterations in the articles of association were agreed. These dealt with the appointment of alternate directors, and also provided for the subjecting of any director to loss of office on his being requested in writing by all his co-directors to resign.
Working Costs.
Many enquiries are reaching us about working costs. We cannot do better than refer back to our " Motoreab Special" of the 3oth April last. Only a limited number (under 30) are in stock, and the business department is prepared to let th'ese go singly at is. each. The contents go far beyond details of costs, and we may thus briefly summarise the principal sections : unremunerative mileage ; co-operation ; earnings ; income and expenditure ; analytical descriptions and illustrations of the principal types (the " combined unit," the " insulated unit," the " separate unit," and the " gear-driven live-axle " types); specifications of the leading makes; hints for buyers ; the equipment of small garages ; and an interview with a provincial owner.