Our "Campaign Comforts" Fund.
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Princess Arthur of Connaught Becomes Patroness.—Gifts Distributed at the Front Along with Those from the King and Queen and Princess Mary.
We have every occasion to be pleased with the manner in which support for our Fund, both as to gifts in cash and kind, has been forthcoming over the period of the Christmas and New-Year holidays. There have been, we are well aware, small opportunities for slackening of work on the part of users or makers of commercial vehicles. This continued activity possibly accounts for the readiness with which a steady flow of donations was maintained. We shall next week announce the new individual donations which have come to hand since the list lea the 19th December was published in our issue of the 24th idenn. It will no doubt gratify our many friends in various parts of the country, of whose valuable cooperation we cannot write without again renewing our thanks, to know that the earlier rate of progress, which averaged about 2100 per week, was very largely exceeded between the 20th and 31st December.
Royal Patronage.
• We received intimation, on Monday last, that H.R.H. Princess Arthur of Connaught had graciously notified her pleasure to become patroness of our Fund. This signal mark of recognition for our Fund is consonant with the well-known interest of Prince Arthur of Connaught in motoring matters, and not least of all in matters concerning commercial motors. The claims of the Fund were briefly explained by 1 he Hon. Arthur Stanley, M.P., C.V.O., Chairman of the Royal Automobile Club and Chairman of the Joint Committee of the British Red Cross and St. John Ambulance Associations. We personally much regret that the assent of H.R.H. Princess Arthur did not reach us in time for her name to be included as patroness at the head of the list of donations to the 31st December, which list appeared on the front page of "The Times" and "The Morning Post " of Monday last, but for which, of course, the proofs had to be passed on the previous Saturday morning. A full column was occupied in each case.
Publication of Lists.
Apropos our decision to publish the list of cash donations in certain leading newspapers, commencing with the two London journals which we have mentioned in the previous paragraph, we feel, by reason of the fact that a considerable proportion of the donations in cash has come from Scotland, that it is only fair to our supporters north of the Tweed to give corresponding publicity in certain leading Scottish newspapers. We shall, therefore, publish the complete list (to the 12th inst.) in " The Scotsman" and " The' Glasgow Herald" for Saturday of next week, the 16th inst.
Seventh List of Gifts in Kind (20th Dec1st Jan.).
We make space this week to acknowledge the additional gifts in kind, as under :—
Mrs. Baxter, Liverpool (2 jerseys, 3 scarves, 2 pairs
Mrs. Boyd, West Norwood (1. shirt, 1 scarf, 6 tins oint ment).
Mrs. Baillie, Edinburgh (1 pair mittens).
Mrs. P. Beavan, Swansea (4 scarves).
C. Briggs, Grantham (6 pairs bootlaces, 2 tins ointment, 2 writing pads, soap). Mrs. Clapson, London (1 scarf, 1 pair mittens). Mrs. Cohen, London (6 pairs stocks). R. Coming, Portree (6 tablets soap, 6 packets stationery, 6 pencils 6 bootlaces, 6 boxes ointment). Mrs. d. Clarke, Bedale (coat, leather waistcoat). Mrs. Chapman, Leeds (2 pairs socks). Miss C. Douglas, Annan (2 scarves, 2 body belts, 7 pairs socks, 6 pairs cufis, 3 pairs mittens). J. G. Day, London, (Edison phonograph and records). Mrs. Gray, Edinburgh (1. helmet, 1 pair socks, 2 tins ointment). Mrs. kiargreaves, Derby (6 pairs socks, stationery). Mrs. A. harness, Glasgow (1 scarf).
Mrs. Hurst, Leeds (1 dozen handkerchiefs, 3 pairs socks, 4 body belts, 2 scarves 1 pair mittens 6 pairs bootlaces). Mrs. Hogg, Kirkneukon (2 pairs socks).
Miss S. itorwood, Broughty Ferry (7 scarves, 2 pairs socks, 3 pairs cuffs, 1 pair mittens). Mrs. Holloway, Southfields (12 tablets soap, 12 tins ointment, 1 handkerchief).
Mn. M. Haley, Halifax (1 scarf). Mrs. Jackson, Lee (14 pairs mittens, 1 body belt, 7 scarves, 10 pairs souks, 1 helmet, 1 handkerchief). Mrs. F. Kirby, Southend, Reading (2 pairs socks). Mrs. Loader, Penarth,(1 pair socks, 3 handkerchiefs). Mrs. Lawrence, Ashton-under-Lyne (8 packets sta tionery/ Mrs. Lees, Colinton (1 dozen shirts, 10 scarves, 10 pairs mittens, 6 pairs pants 6 vests, 6 jerseys, 1 dozen pairs socks, 1 dozen body belts). A. W. Keith-Murray, Jersey (1 pair gloves, 1 jersey, 2 pairs socks, 1 cake). Mrs. MacGregory, Folkestone (2 scarves, 1 body belt, 1 helmet). Mrs. Mossop, Southsea (1 pair mittens). E. Mawson, Cleckheaton (2 jerseys, 2 pairs socks, 1 tin (50) cigarettes, 1 packet tobacco).
E. M. McKnight, Falkirk (1 scarf, 1 pair socks, 1 pair gloves).
C. Muspratt, St. John's Wood Park (22 pairs gloves). Mrs. Patton, Stoke Courton, near Taunton (5 scarves). Mrs. Proudfoot, Macclesfield (2 pairs gloves). Miss M. Robinson, Marton, Yorks. (4 scarves, 4 pairs mittens, 1 helmet, 2 pairs cuffs, 1 pair socks, 1 cake, 2 packs cards, dominoes, stationery). Mrs. Rooker, Easton (2 pairs socks).
Misses W. and E. Richardson, Darlington (3 pairs gloves).
Mrs. Rennie, Edinburgh (1 helmet, 6 cakes chocolate, 4 packets stationery). Miss A. Rennell, Alford (3 pairs gloves). Mrs. E. W. Rudd, Romford (6 scarves, 1 pair mittens, 1 pair cuffs). St. Mary's U.F. Church Work Party, Govan (6 shirts, 14 pairs mittens, 10 pairs socks, 3 body belts, 2 scarves). Sidney Road Baptist Mission Sewing Class, Stockwell (4 shirts, 6 body belts, 1 helmet, 1 pair socks). Mrs. J. and Mrs. C. Taylor, Portsmouth (6 handkerchiefs, 6 cakes soap, 6 boxes ointment, 6 packets stationery, 6 cakes chocolate). Mrs. Warding, 13romley, Kent (2 pairs socks, 2 pairs mittens, stationery). Mrs. Wilson, Bermondsey (2 vests, 3 tins ointment, stationery). Mrs. Woodward, Willenhall (6 flannel shirts, 6 handkerchiefs, 6 packs cards). Anonymous : 1 dozen pairs socks, 3 scarves, 25 pairs mittens, 6 pairs gloves, 1 pair socks).
Some Interesting Totals (Up to 51st Dec.).
Total sum already subscribed ... 21355
Number of cases not exceeding 56 lb. in weight despatched to date 154 Number of individual gifts already delivered or on their way ... .. .. 19623 Number of pairs of gloves despatched ... 1751
Number of pairs of gloves on order ... ... 3068 Quantity of bull's-eyes ordered ... 3Ii• cwt.
Number of cakes of soap ordered ... ... 9000 Number of 2-oz. packets of tobacco des
patched ... 5456
Number of packets of 20 cigarettes des• patched