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[5232] Public men of all parties are viewing the question. of the supply of oil in war time, and none of them denies that our three defence forces are dependent upon liquid fuel for their power to function.
We have witnessed the birth of a new industry—the conversion of coal into oil by various processes. It is common knowledge that many countries are fostering this, and we know that Germany, in particular, has embarked upon a programme calculated to make her independent of foreign petroleum within four years..
In this country a campaign is being waged against the coal-oil industry on the grounds that it is uneconomic, and it has been stated that for every gallon of petrol produced in England the Treasury loses the 8d, tax. Consideration, however, will show the absurdity of this suggestion. It must be recognized that imported oil itself pays nothing in duty. The money paid to the Exchequer is derived from the whole community, oil, is merely one of the levers by which the Exchequer extracts from our pockets the amount necessary to run the country.
If revenue were not derived from oil it would be raised on some other commodity or taxable basis. 'A' parallel case is presented by the inotor industry, which is protected by a duty of 331 per cent. on imported vehicles. According to the critics of coal oil, eac,h motor vehicle made here occasions the revenue a heavy loss, therefore the industry must be uneconomic and the manufacture of vehicles in this country commercially unsound. It is wrong to confine' consideration of the problem merely to the case of the individual in his capackty as a buyer Of fuel. Instead of paying 8d in one sum to the Government for every gallon of oil, his 8d. has already been expended by giving employment in many industries, and he has, as a member of the counmunity been benefited. thereby.
In the motoring papers each week may be observed the advertisement "Buy British," but when we try tO apply this slogan to British oil, the industry is asSailed on the grounds that it is uneconomic,' the sole charge being that the home-made fuel, as with the motor vehicle, does not pay duty. It is customary for exponents of foreign oil to extol the adVantages Which this country obtains in supplying steel and other materials for the construction of refineries, -shiPs', etc., Utilized in the production and transport of this oil. It is true that the industries of. this country are benefited to some extent, but it is equally clear that these benefits would be increased a hundredfold if the• oil were produced at
home. . , .
Recently the Government has granted licences to prospectors to drill for petroleum oil in this country, and operations are . in progress. "According to .sbme critics, the first gush of natural oil from British soil will be a national calamity. The Treasury, according to them, will lose a vast sum. The oil-tanker industry will be ruined and all sorts of other fantastic objections will be raised.
It is unfortunate that of the total production of natural petroleum less than 5 per cent, is found within the British Empire. It is true that British companies con .
trol over 20 per cent. of the world's supplies, but finan cial control should not be confused with physical control, and the danger of relying upon the former was amply demonstrated by the negotiations for oil concessions which were reopened in Persia only two years ago. It would seem desirable, therefore, that the Government should take steps to encourage the production of liquid fuel in this country.
Great Britain and the Empire have been made by coal, and their future and their fortune are to-day more vitally linked up with our coal resources than ever before
in our history, W. A. BRISTOW, Director, For Low Temperature Carbonisation, Ltd. London, S.W.1.
\ [5233] Will you please send me depreciation charges for Bedford two-tonner, costing £300 when new and purchased in March, 1937? We require this for the Operating Costs Record Book which we bought at the Commercial Show. W. E. CLARKE.
' Huddersfield.
[You should take id. per mile at least. I would prefer to recommend you to take a figure of lid. per mile for the total of the three items, tyres, maintenance and depre
' elation, which are to be entered in The Commercial Motor
. Operating Costs Record. . The' other calculated item, .namely, tax, phis garage rent, plus insurance, plus interest, will total 34s. per week.—S.T.R.]
[5234] I am trading in my own name, but I wish to register as a company (not limited) under a different name, • i.e., "Modern Farmers." Now I wish to have the bullheads, etc., printed. Is it necessary for me to put my own .name on as well, i.e., "Modern Farmers" (Proprietor, N.F. ), or can I have just "Modern Farmers "?
What vehicle is most suitable for my work, a rigid or articulated six-wheeler? I cart produce, manure, etc., and sometimes have to go on greasy land. Is there a tendency towards wheelspin on the driving wheels of articulated vehicles?
If I carry my own produce, etc., can I use the vehicle under 'an agricultural licence, if -so: what application form is necessary? Do I need a C licence if the vehicle be used under an agricultural licence?
If C licence be used, am I forced to keep records if the journey, is under 25 miles?
Must I -display a plate or card on the premises at which the business is registered?
I have been taking The Commercial Motor regularly for some five years, and I would like to say that this
year's Show Numbers are the best ever. N.F. Wigan.
[We presume that you desire to register the trade name of " Modern Farmers," you to be the proprietor. On the stationery of the business the name of the proprietor must 1343 appear; it is not necessary, however', to have .his name exhibited upon any facia or plate upon the premises. Whenthe business name, is registered, you Will receive a certificate from the. Register of Business Names. This docunient "Will have to heexhibited upon -the business premises.' Replying to Yonf further queries,: We would not recommend an articulated vehicle if it iS to be used on greasy land: The articulated type is moth suitable for good ,roads. If you are in doubt as regards your position, it Would be advisable, for you to consult the Licensing Authority of your Area—in your case., this would be the North-Western Area, Arkwfight House, Parsonage Gardens, Deansgate, Manchester, 3. The Authority can supply you with a special leaflet (G6/12) for the guidance of users of agricultural vehicles.—Eia.1
[5235] I have been making quite a lot of use of your Tables of Operating Costs, but I am not clear as to how you arrive 'at the figure for "interest," Would you be good enough to let me into the secret?
The number of motor vehicles in this country, which had been diminishing to a remarkable extent between the years 1931 and 1935, has recently increased considerably owing to the abrupt return to prosperity during the past 12 months or so.
Road construction has been going ahead at a great pace, and unless the new co-ordination law works properly, it looks as though a battle of rate cutting will soon start in earnest between road and rail.
Buenos Aires. R. K. HTJBBARD.
[The figure for interest in the current Tables is calculated according to that formula which makes provision for an accumulating depreciation fund as a set off against interest on the initial outlay.
Pi (x + 1) The formula is in which x equals years of 200 x expectation of life, P the initial outlay, i the rate of interest. As an example, if P be £1,000, x 5 and i 3 per cent., the result is £18, which is the amount to be debited for interest each year. In actual fact, recent investigations have convinced us that the formula is cumbersome and Unnecessary and in future the broad basis of 1 per cent, above current bank rate will be assumed to apply.—S.T.R.l
[5236] I shall be grateful to you for an estimated value of my services; figures for the past three years are as follow :—
1934 : miles, 129,671; passengers, 155,385; receipts, £3,565 8s.
1935: miles, 123,751; passengers, 162,806; receipts, £3,550 6S.
1936: miles, 144,746; passengers, 185,917; receipts, £4,280 is.
I have seven buses and their present value I have computed by writing Off 20 per cent, each year since new. .1 hold 10 stage, three express and. two express and tours-lkences.
I have taken your 'journal-for some years, and 30 years ago was a reader of Cycling. W Littleport.
[The value of your business can be determined only after assessing the goodwill and with some knowledge of the ' age, make, size and 'other particulars of the vehicles.. Goodwill depends upon the profit you have been making and on the face of it your figures do not look very promising. If you like to give me more particulars of the vehicles and the mileage each does per annum, I should be able to answer your letter more effectively.—S.T.R.1 B44
[5237] As a regular reader of The Commercial Motor r feel that I must congratulate you on your Show issues, which, I think: have been the best since I started taking the journal some. five years ago.
Having seen the assistance you give to the many readeri who are constantly asking your advice, I should be pleased. if you or your bodybuilding expert could answer the following questions :—Would a body frame built of 15-ton 'tensile metal, to the design I have sent, carry a load of five to seven tons? What gauges of aluminium would you use for the floors and sides, and what thickness of material of 12-ton tensile Strength would you use for such a frame?
Thanking you for the knowledge and ideas I have been able to obtain by studying your paper. A.A.T. • Nottingham. . .
[The' dimensions which you give for the channel cross'bearers are suitable for a load of five to seven tons if Of 25-ton (not 12 or 15-ton) tensile steel, but you do not make it clear as to what material you refer. You do not state what height the floor is above the chassis. or what material is to be used for the chassis runners. If the underframe may be all steel, then one of this type may be obtained complete from Armstrong-Whitworth; Ltd., or E. G. Brown and Co., Ltd., West Road, Nerthtmberland Park, Loudon, Ni?. If weight be a special consideration we would suggest aluminium alloys. A full explanation of the use of these materials for underframes is given in the bulletin of the Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., a copy of which has been sent to you. This concern has an office at Middlemore Road, Handsi,vorth, Birmingham, 21, where you could discuss your special problem. We do not recommend ordinary aluminium for the floor, _ but as an aluminium alloy we would suggest duralumin chequer plate. On the other hand, a floor of 1-in. (finished size) brown-oak boards makes a good floor for a heavy load. Regarding aluminium side .panels, these :should be of 16 gauge, and it is presumed that you will protect them on the inside with wooden battens.–'En.]
[5238] We are running several Ford Tugs. They are pulling four-wheeled trailers of various types which weigh about 30 cwt. and are engaged upon hauling timber from docks to the mill—a short distance up to about a mile. The load is 'about al tons on level roads.
We have hired one out to a friend of ours and-wish to know what to charge him per day or per hour. Could you kindly advise us? The mileage per "gallon of petrol is about 12 miles, and the price is to include petrol sup plied by us, but not our driver. C.l3. N.
LOn the assumption that you provide for everything in connection with the operation of a Ford Tug and trailer, except the wages of the driver, that is to say, you garage it, maintain it, pay the insurance and tax, etc., then you should charge £6 10s. per Week, on the basis of 240 miles per week. You may deduct 31-d. per mile for every mile less than 240, but you should add 5d. per mile for every mile over 240.—S.T.R.)
[5239] Further to your kind reply to my inquiry with regard to American publications on the subject of commercial motoring, I would like to thank you for your promptness in supplying me with the information and to apologize for the tardiness of this acknowledgment, due to the fact that I was away in Africa at the time of the arrival of your letter,
. I feel' that, in time, I shall be interested in the work of the Industrial Transport Association, and thank you for your help in this direction, too.
Old Delhi, India. D. L. IL Flurcknisigox.