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American Roadway THE site of the old. South Being Built on Old Pennsylvania Railway, the Railway Route . . . building of which was aban doned in 1881 after much of the route had been levelled and nine tunnels (totalling four-and-a-half miles) had been driven, is to be converted into a road. Much of it will accommo date a two-lane carriageway. The rest will be widened and an additional 2.6 miles of tunnel constructed. The road will be 164 miles long, will have no level crossings and will avoid built-up areas.
Road Conditions Q.0 little is heard of road Vary Greatly in the 1•-/transport in the U.S.S.R.
U.S.S.R that some notes on its road system are worthy of mention. The length of well-surfaced roads is 38,125; in addition, there are 100,000 miles of roads, shaped .and partially stabilized by the addition of stone, but traffic on these is difficult or impossible in bad weather. The remainder of the most, important consists of some 875,000 miles of untreated earth roads, mostly unsuitable for motor traffic. Construction is rendered difficult by scarcity of stone and machinery, by the great distances over which material must often be carried, and by severe climatic conditions.
1318 In the west the roads between industrial and strategic centres have been rebuilt, and communication with Central Asia, especially with Moscow, improved. A fairly good system of metal roads exists in the Caucasus, and buses are in regular operation in Central Asia. The number of lorries reached 200,000 in 1936, but there are comparatively few private cars.
Care Which Should be A T this time when so many Taken When Using f-toperators are using antiAnti-freezes . . . : freeze mixtures, it may be of
interest to point out some precautions which should be taken when adding them to radiators, as impressions have been gained in some quarters that they are apt to cause circulation stoppage or leakage. A well-tried product is, of. course, essential. Most of these clean out rust and scale, and the removal of this foreign matter may expose weaknesses. The cooling system should usually be Hushed out and treated with a cleanser before an anti-freeze is employed. Naturally, it is better to include the protective Means at once in a new vehicle: In any case, the hose connections should be carefully watched and tightened when necessary. Burred Screw Threads EALLY. ingenious prac Need Not Baffle the ‘tical dodges are always Repairer . . . worth passing on We saw
a mechanic, the other day, cleaning up a damaged thread on the end of an axle tube with a pipe cutter of the knife-edged disc type. This tool proved remarkably effective for what would otherwise have been an awkward job. This recalled to our mind the file, marketed by certain factors)notably Gerald Stains, Ltd., which is specially designed for repairing damaged threads. It has eight cutting faces, one for each of the same number of screw pitches. We have one of these" files in 6ur own workshop and count it among the most-prized items of onr tool kit. Modern Engines DeA SHORT time ,ago the man d More f rom 1.-Lodge concern received a
Sparking Plugs sparking plug which had just been removed from a car after 26 years' service. Ilespite its senility, the plug was in perfect condition. It must be remembered, however, that the comparatively Slow, low-efficiency engine gave plugs an easy time. To-day matters are quite different. High -efficiency engines, with intense flame heat ana' quick acceleration, alternating with
many periods of idling attrafft. lights, etc., make conditions far 'More difficult and, although the plug Of to-day'is far better than that of 25 years ago, it i-s considered that 20,000 miles on a modern vehicle approximates to 20 years on a pre-war type.