NEWS of the WEEK
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Several well-known personalities connected with the commercial-vehicle industry are included in the New Year Honours.
Lord Nuffield, the head of the huge Morris organization, has been created a Viscount; Sir Percival Perry, chairman of the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., becomes a Baron; whilst the C.B.E. has been conferred upon Mr. W. H. Gaunt, transport manager of J. Lyons and Co., Ltd., and a member of the Transport Advisory Council.
The Sphere of the Trailer and Semi-trailer.
Our next issue will be largely devoted to articles and illustrations concerning those most useful transport media, trailers and semi-trailers. They will be dealt with from the economic and general aspects, and every transport operator who is in a position to utilize such machines should find much to interest him in this number,
Hauliers Swelling Traders' Profits.
" Haulage concerns throughout the country are adding materially to the profits of traders by means of the relatively low rates which they are able to quote," said Mr. J. W. Wright, a director of Evans, Sons, Lescher and Webb, Ltd.,. Liverpool, in an address to Liverpool members of the Industrial Transport Association, last night. Mr. Wright is chairman of the LiverPool branch.
Railway agreed charges were not all that they seemed to be, he added, and he advised traders to approach them with caution. Price-cutting in any sphere of business was a snare and a delusion.
Referring to road-transport costing, Mr. Wright expressed the view that interest on capital should not be charged against the cost of operation. Profits earned represented the interest on capital returning to the owner in the form of dividends and, in Mr. Wright's opinion, no interest could justifiably be charged.
No Liverpool Vehicles for BoutsTillotson.
The application by Bouts-Tillotson Transport, Ltd., for A licences for seven vehicles (I% tons) to be based dh Liverpool has been refused by the North-Western Deputy Licensing Authority. The hearing opened in June last, when Mr. E. S. Herbert, for the company, said that if the application were granted, Bouts-Tillotson Transport, Ltd., proposed transferring the vehicles from its South-Eastern Area licences.
Mr. B. de H. Pereira, for the railways, contended that the company should be treated as a newcomer at Liverpool, where it had no vehicles licensed. At the resumed hearing in
B20 November, Mr. G. H. P. Beames, also for the railways, made a submission on these lines.
In reply, Mr. Herbert contended that there had been no decision given which dealt with the question of a newcomer to an area. The Enston decision did not apply to this particular type of
case. To cut out these seven vehicles and leave the concern without any means for dealing with collection and delivery services in that area was a step too serious to ask the Licensing Authority to take.
SIR JOHN ANDERSON, P.C., G.C.B , G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., has been appointed a director of Vickers, Ltd.
MR. J. H. COWELL, manager of the Blackburn municipal-transport department, has retired after 32 years' service.
SIR EDWARD CROWE, K.C.M.G., has been appointed a director• of W. T. Henley's Telegraph Works Co., Ltd. He recently resigned from the position of Comptroller-General of the Department of Overseas Trade.
MR. FRED BROWN, a director. of Brown Brothers; Ltd., the well-known concern of inotor factors, recently left on -a business and health trip to Australia and New Zealand. He expects to be back at the end of March.
MR. D. J. WAHL has been appointed a special executive of Teca,lernit, Ltd.. to supervise and promote sales of the company's products throughout South Africa and Rhodesia. For five years he has covered Lancashire and Yorkshire as a motor-trade representative.
MR. A. S. C. CIIATTEY, home sales manager of the Associated Equipment . Co., Ltd., has been appointed general sales manager, of the company, dating from January 1, thus taking over the position formerly occupied by the late Mr. N. A. Hardie. Our congratulations to Mr. ChatLey on his important new appointment, which follows a long association with the company.
On the occasion of his relinquishing the position of chairman of the West Midland Traffic Commissioners, a few days ago, COL, A. S. REDMAN was the recipient of a gold wristlet watch and a coffee service from the passengervehicle operators in the Potteries.
Important Road Haulage Merger.
A merger of first-class importance to the road-haulage industry is foreshadowed to-day, Mr. J. H. Watts, managing director of Red and White Services, Ltd„ the largest independent road-transport undertaking in the country, and 'certain of his friends, have acquired a controlling interest in All British Carriers, Ltd., of Newport and London; London and Southern , Counties Transport Co., Ltd.; Mechanization, Ltd., of Cheltenham and Loudon, and Bulwark Transport, Ltd., of Chippenham and Chepstow.
The fleet will consist of 250 vehicles and will cover, with a network of services, London, South Wales, the South Coast, the Midlands ad the North. Offices and depots are situated in London, Swansea, Newport, Liverpool, Manchester, Exeter, Bristol, Gloucester, Birmingham, Chepstow, etc.
Au article dealing with this matter, appears on pages 764-5 of this issue. WELSH OPERATORS' LICENCES SUSPENDED.
Licences held by three operators have been suspended by the South Wales Licensing Authority. As from December 27, for two months, the A licence of Mr. Edward Hewer, of Newport. Mon., has been suspended, whilst similar action has been taken against Mr. Wyndham Ewart Jones and Messrs. Lewis's Motor Transport, also of Newport, each of whom has lost a, licence in respect of one vehicle.
The suspension in respect of Mr. Jones is for a month from December 27, ' and that relating to Messrs. Lewis's for a week from the same date.
Laffly Founder Dead.
We regret to report the death of M. Alexandre Lailly, the founder of the Wily commercial-motor works at Asnieres, Paris, and one of the pioneers of street-sweeping, refuse-collection and other municipal vehicles in France.
Speeding Up Grain Haulage.
Mechanization is speeding up the collecting, shelling and hauling of maize in the Argentine. This week a number of Leyland Hippo oil-engined lorries have been shipped to the South American company, Seret Hermanos, and they will he used for grain haulage in place of horse-drawn vehicles. It is estimated that each of the new machines can be loaded with 20 tons of grain in 15 minutes.
'Shipping Guide for Hauliers.
The following is the number of ships arriving at the London docks, wharves and jetties named, from January 7-15 inclusive:—DoCacs: Ring George V. 9; Royal Albert, 8; Royal Victoria, 5; Surrey Commercial, 7.; East India, 1; West India, 6; South-West India, 4; Tilbury, 13; Tilbury Stage, 3; Millwall, 7; London, 1. WHARVES: Hay's, 6; Butler's, 2; Tilbury Jetty, 3; Regent's Canal, 1.
Auto-Trucks at B.I.F.
At this year's Birmingham section of the British Industries Fair, to be held in February, 24 Auto-Trucks, supplied by R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., Dursley, Glos., will be in use for the installation of the exhibits. These handy little trucks have for some years been' used for this purpose, but this is the largest number the organizers have ever commissioned. An AutoTruck, designed as a mobile milk bar, will be the centre-piece of the Lister display at the Fair.
Fischer Bearing Developments.
The well-known Fischer Bearings Co., Ltd., which specializes in bearings of the ball and roller types, tdok premises in Upper Villiers Street, Wolverhampton, early in 1936, the site being' that of the old Sunbeam Motor Co. With extensive structural alterations and the installationof the most modern machinery, progress was rapid, and to-day the factory has one 'of the most modern plants in the world, employing several hundred workers.
Large contracts are in hand, and it is considered that the number of employees .will soon be more than doubled.
The works cover an area of some five acres, and an experienced technical staff is available to advise upon the selection of bearings for various applications.
Leeds Wins in Traffic Dispute. .,
The Minister of Transport has just confirmed Leeds Corporation's Order (which arouSed so much controversy) for the introduction of the gyratory traffic system in City Square, where it has been in operation since August 16.
Report on Oil-engine Costs.
A meeting of the Diesel Engine Users Association is to be held on January 13, at 4.45 p.m., atCaxton Hall, Westminster, London, S.W.1, when the report of the committee on
heavy-oil-engine working costs (1936-37) will be discussed.
Oxford Stages Farming Conference.
The third farming conference, held under the joint auspices of the School of Rural Economy, the Agricultural Economics Research Institute and the Institute for Research in Agricultural Engineering of Oxford University, opened at the Taylor Institution, Oxford, on January 4, and closes to-day (Friday). A number of papers was listed for reading and, if any ;aspect of mechanization was dealt with, either in them or at the subsequent discussions, we shall refer to it briefly in our issue for next week.
The commercial-vehicle section at the Belgian International Motor Show, which opens in Brussels to-morrow (January 8), and will continue until January 19, promises to be one of the largest for Many years, In additicin to Belgian vehicles, examples Of the productions of six foreign countries are to
he displayed. .
America %Olt take the leading position with 13 different makes, followed by Belgium with eight: Germany seven, France six, Great Britain two (Bedford and Morris-Commercial), and Sweden and SI,vitzerland one each.
More Distributors Wanted.
A London goods-vehicle manufacturer requires additional distributors in both the Metropolis and main provincial towns. Applications should be addressed to the Editor and marked "Distributor." They will then be forwarded to the appropriate -quarter.
All Long-distance Goods by Rail.
Our French contemporary, Le Poids Lourd, reports that the Greek Government has recently created a Ministry of Railways and Road Vehicles, one of the first actions of which was to issue regulations with the object of co-ordinating the rail and road transport of goods.
It is stated that the railways are to have a monopoly of goods transport over long distances and that road. hauliers will be permitted to undertake goods delivery work up to a radius of only about 31+ miles from their headquarters.