keeping them running
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by Trevor Longcroft
Rust stabilizer
k quick-drying rust stabilizei mown as Corroless S has been ntroduced by Lawrence Chemcal. It is claimed that the aabilizer is particularly beneficial n highly corrosive, chemically :ontaminated areas where wick-drying is essential for good irotection. It is also suitable for ipplications to rusty components 4 commercial vehicles.
Corroless S is said to iccomrnodate top coats containng strong solvents without .oftening, such as nitro:ellulose, chlorinated rubber, :oozy and polyurethane paints. t is brush-applied to rusty metal rhich has been scraped and Jire-brushed to remove all loose Jst, old paint, oil and so on. .wo coats are required followed y a coat of a suitable decorative aint.
The stabilizer is supplied in -litre cans ready for use. Its overing capacity is approxi'lately 100 sq ft per litre, epending upon the condition of le rusted metal. It is touch-dry pproximately 1 hr after pplication and overcoatable her six hours. No thinners are !quired.
lade by: Lawrence Chemical Co td, Boundary House, Boston oad, London W7 2QE.
)rbital sander
Super Stork 7000 DE orbital ander has been introduced by larron Machines. A 350W lotor drives the 4-12x 7in. pad at 000 orbits /min.
The sander has a self3ntained dust extraction sys)m, driven by an upward Made by: Marron Machines Ltd, 37/38 Queensbury Station Parade, Edgware, Middx, HA8 5NN. Palletized box system RAKO system stacking boxes introduced by WCB Containers, vary in size, but can be combined to form secure stacks on European-sized pallets 1200mm x 1000mm; all models will interstack with one another. All are injection moulded in grey high-density polythene and can be fitted with either a plain, fully hinged or half-hinged lid. The boxes have provision for a wire seal to be added to render them pilfer proof. An additional model is available with a half-drop side, so that goods may be removed without disturbing the stack. Made by: WCB Containers Ltd. Stamford Works, Bayley Street, Stalybridge, Cheshire. Self-locking nuts A new range of self-lacking nuts based on the Cleveloc design has been introduced by Firth Cleveland Fastenings. Known as the Cleveloc Automation Series, the nuts are intended for use by bulk users. The knurled locking element collar is of a conical shape and has a low profile which enables it to be used with shorter bolts. The locking element distributes pressures over a wide area so giving the nut a high re-usability factor and prolonged life. The locking threads are not interrupted which obviates damage to the bolt threads. Available in three grades, the Series covers most applications. Thread types include UNF /UNC, BA /E1SF /BSW and ISO METRIC in a wide range of sizes. Made by: Firth Cleveland Fastenings Ltd, Treforest, Glamorgan. Detecting pastes Levermore has introduced two water-detection pastes, an oil-detection paste and an oil-leak sealant. The two water-detection pastes are known as Bluchalk and Bluchalk Chrome and are suitable for use in various grades of oil and petroleum spirit. Both products change colour sharply on contact with water, Bluchalk from dark to light blue and Bluchalk Chrome from yellow to pink. bluchalk is suitable for most .grades of oil products from crude oil to aviation spirit, while Chrome is particularly recommended for water detection in high-grade petroleum spirit. The oil-detection paste is known as Bluchalk Ullage and is said to provide a simple and accurate means of gauging the level of petroleum spirit or light oil in a tank. A small amount of Ullage paste is rubbed on to the dipping rod where the top level is expected to register, and the rod is then held vertically in the tank. When withdrawn, a cut in the Ullage paste mark provides an accurate reading of the level. The oil leak sealant. Oyltitestik, is in stick form. It is claimed to give a permanent seal in the case of small leaks from oil and petrol tanks. No heating of either the stick or the surface to be sealed is necessary and no tools are required BS the stick itself is rubbed on to the leaking area while the oil is running. Oyltite-stik will seal leaks or seepage of all petroleum-based products from petrol to tar oils, and is also effective in dealing with vegetable oils, water, dilute acids and alkalis under pressures of up to 15 psi. Marketed by: A. Levermore and Co Ltd, 40 /44 The Broadway, Wimbledon, London SW19. Price: Bluchalk and Bluchalk Chrome, £8.25 per carton of 25 55g tubes; Ullage, £9.50 per carton of 25 110g tins including packing and delivery within the UK. Bending machines Chamberlain Industries have redesigned their Staffa 4-in. capacity, hand-operated and motorized hydraulic pipebending machines by introducing interchangeable and standardized components for both models. Head frames, ram units and housings of the two machines are identical and users can convert hand-operated models to power operation and vice versa at low cost. The pipe benders operate on the press-bending principle and incorporate a 2850 psi pressure system. The pressure is provided by a single-stage pump while the double-acting rams have a stroke of 20in. The machine can handle pipes of mild steel or of a material having a comparabfe ductility with a wall thickness of 0.337in. Special extraction shackles are fitted to both machines to facilitate pipe removal, Machines in the Staffa range cater for pipe stock from 'fin. to 18in. od. Made by: Chamberlain Industries Ltd, Staffa Works, Argall Avenue, Leyton, London E10. Battery tester A battery testing instrument of German origin has been announced by Kandem Electrical Ltd that is capable of testing 12V vehicle batteries for capacity and starting ability and will also, it is said, accurately indicate when charging is completed. Complying with DIN specification 72311, the tester is known as the AT 12. The capacity test is made with a constantdischarge current with a value in amperes of 0.05 x capacity at the 20hr rate (Kb). After a continuous discharge period of 20hr, the permissible minimum value must not fall below the discharge voltage of 10.5V. Voltage is measured by the tester without the connection of load resistors in the circuit. Starting capability is tested with a constant discharge current of 3.5 K (in amperes), the permissible minimum value of the battery voltage being not less than 8V. The load is adjusted in steps of 100, 200 or 300amp by means of load resistors. The voltage is read after a test time of 5sec. Battery charging is complete when the voltage shows no change for three readings at intervals of at least an hour. Marketed by: Kandem Electrical Ltd, 7 1 1 -7 1 5 Fulham Road, London SW6 SUN. Battery chargers A range of three mobile and one static battery chargers has been introduced by Stenor. The ST40 Auto-Start, the 8150 SuperStart and the ST47 Batt-Booster are mobile general-purpose units intended mainly for forecourt and workshop use as fast chargers and engine starters. They can also be used to simultaneously slow-charge a number of batteries together. The fourth Model, the ST5 Static Charger, is a static machine designed solely to slow-charge a number of batteries at the samE time. The ST40 model is mainly intended for garages dealinc with vans, cars and motorcycles Basically similar to the S140 ir appearance and function, thc ST50 Super-Start can alsc handle 24V batteries and it suitable for commercial vehicles It fast-charges 12V and 24\ batteries at a maximum rate o 50amp and 6V batteries at t maximum of 100amp. It car also slow-charge 10 batteriel simultaneously. Designed for smaller estab lishments, with relatively lov throughputs of private vehicles the ST47 Batt-Booster gives fas charging rates up to 60amp fo 6V batteries and up to 40ami for 12V batteries. Short perioi bursts of up to 125amp fo engine starting are possible. I can also slow-charge up to fivl batteries simultaneously. The ST5 Static Charger i designed as an ancillary unit fc garages with a large throughpu of batteries and requires a sloY charge. The unit is intended fc wall or bench mounting and wi slow-charge up to 12 batterie at a maximum charging rate c 10amp. Made by: Stenor Ltd, Richmonc Surrey. Price: 5140, £115; ST5C £162; ST47, £76; ST5, £59. ,hoto-electric ontrol photo-electric control unit, aimed to have a long life and to i the first of its kind to be made the UK, has been developed Hird-Brown, the electronics igineers. It is known as the GARI and is an infra-red beam and a ilid state gallium arsenide ojector that is said to have a eful life of 10 years. The light modulated at high frequency -iich eliminates the effects of -thient daylight or artificial ht. Very little maintenance is luired. Accessories include reflective ics of 2.2, 3.4 and 8.2cm meter, adjustable mounting ackets and self-adhesive lective tape. Electrical charac • istics include a current supply 220 /250V ac or 110 /120V ac I/60Hz, the power required ing 3VA. Temperature limits from —20deg C to +65deg The relay is a plug-in type and dust-protected. There are two Es of change-over contacts th a maximum rating of 1 amp 250V Sc. 411 components are readily essible by removal of a cast ier. The operating range is up 3m (10ft). ide by: Hird-Brown Ltd, Lever • eet, Bolton BL3 6BJ. iesel welder compact 250amp dieselined welding unit — the hty Midget — has been ounced by Hayters. Weigh ing 4681b, the lightweight welder is readily transportable and is said to be ideal for on-site use. The welder is said to provide easy arc striking, arc stability and deep welding penetration and to be suitable for use by a novice Operator. An SEM Mk VI unit, the welding alternator incorporates a fine-control feature which provides six The complete utilization of workshop equipment may occasionally make it necessary to hire — for short periods — or buy extra equipment such as hydraulic jacks for certain workshop jobs. In the case of hired equipment the estimated hire period often has to be exceeded in order to complete the job, perhaps with the accrued hire charge proving more expensive than buying the equipment. A way to avoid getting in this fix is offered by Tangye-Epco's unit hire scheme whereby a jack can be hired for specific jobs. If the hire period exceeds ,13 weeks the hirer becomes eligible to purchase the item for a further nominal sum. Here are some examples: the smallest jack in the scheme, Model 651, a hydraulic bottle-jack with a capacity of 15 tons, may be hired for £4.75 a week. After 13 weeks the total hire cost and the nominal charge additional fine-controt settings in each of the six coarse-control settings and gives in all 36 settings from 0 to 250amp. The engine is a MAG single-cylinder four-stroke unit developing 15 bhp at a governed speed of 3000 rpm. It is designed for continuous operation at maximum output. The high-frequency alternator operates at 427 cps which accumulates to £62.75 -£12.85 above the normal retail price. Model 1225, also a hydraulic bottle-jack but with a 25-ton capacity, costs £7.55 a week to hire. The total costs after 13 weeks, including the nominal purchase sum, add up to £99.15 — £19.67 above the retail price. I understand that both these terms compare with those of an HP agreement over a similar length of time. When hiring, should one run into financial difficulties during the hire period the jack may be returned, whereas with an HP agreement the contract would, of course, have to be fulfilled. Initially, the scheme is operating only from the Tangye depots at Renfrew, Wigan and Leeds, but I learn that the scheme is to be extended to London, Glasgow and Leeds depots. The address of Tangye-Epco Ltd is Gough Road, Greet, Birmingham, BT1 2NH. promotes arc stability together with a good weld finish and penetration. An auxiliary power supply unit that converts the medium frequency welding current to either 100V or 230V dc for maximum output of 1500W is used for power tools. The engine and alternator are attached by a flexible coupling and are mounted on a robust frame equipped with land wheels and handlebars to facilitate site transport. Made by: Hayters Ltd, Spellbrook, Bishop's Stortford, Herts. Price: £498; standard accessories, £16. Lamp conversion A two-lamp kit for converting four-headlamp vehicles to halogen has been introduced by the Wipac Group. The 54in. lamps in the kit, which is known as the R2, replace the two main-beam inner lamps on four-headlamp vehicles. They are claimed to provide nearly twice as much light power on main beam as standard bulbs and to have twice the life. Special easifit ponnecto'rs enable the lamps to be wired up to the existing circuit. They are rated at 55W and operate on 12V. Made by: The Wipac Group, Buckingham. Price: £5.75. Chemical cleaners The Speed-O-Klene Equipment Company Ltd have added three new chemicals to those already marketed in the UK as part of the Euroclean system of high pressure cleaning. The chemicals, a liquid acid, a strong acid and an alkaline .passivating liquid are suitable for specific applications including brewing, engineering, food and building industries. Made by: Speed-O-Klene Equipment Co Ltd, Bedford. Air filters Jones Filtration has developed three high-efficiency long-life air filters, suitable for use in heavy trucks, buses, tractors and industrial plant. They are said to outlast other types of filter under all normal operating conditions. Three elements cover the majority of vehicle and industrial applications. They have an air-flow rate of 1 50 cu ft /min and a minimum dust retention efficiency of 95 per cent to the SAE J726a Standard. Manufactured from a dimpled /pleated resin-impregnated paper filter medium, the elements are protected by inner and outer steel mesh screens. The medium is bonded into heavy-gauge metal end caps by a thick layer of special plastic adhesive which ensures freedom from bypassing. Made by: Jones Filtration Ltd, Maylands Avenue, Hemel Hempstead, Herts. Welding torch BOC has developed a welding torch, known as the Saffire Gasmaster, which is designed for use with natural gas or town's gas in conjunction with compressed air to provide the necessary flame intensity and high velocity for welding body assemblies. Conversion from one fuel gas to another is by a simple change of injector and air valve assembly. The torch incorporates an air stabilized pilot flame. Made by: The British Oxygen Co Ltd, Hammersmith House, London W6 9DX. Thickness gauge A portable thickness gauge has been developed by Tinsley for production spat-checking, quality control and general laboratory use. It has a range of 0-500 microns (0-0.025in.) and is claimed to be ideal for testing paint, galvanizing, enamel and undercoats. It can be employed for measuring the thickness of any non-magnetic surface coatings applied to ferrous materials. Derived and developed from the original Tinsley /BSA thickness gauge, the new model has an improved scale calibrated in either 1 /1000in. or microns . The pointer retains its position at $ pull-off point, thus leaving the indicated reading available for checking. The size is 1 35mm x 75mm x 20mm. Made by: H. Tinsley and Co Ltd, Werndee Hail, South Norwood, London 5E25. Pneumatic screwdrivers A new range of automatic screwdrivers which can drive screws of up to in.-Iong into woad or aluminium sheet at a rate of 40 a minute has been designed by Roevac Automation. Known as Roevac Bell Automatic Blowfeed screwdrivers, they incorporate a jam-free feeding mechanism to ensure the presentation of one screw a a time to the driver head thu ensuring reliably continuou operation. The screwdrivers are pnet matic powered operating from standard 80 psi air supply. Th three models in the initial rang deal with screws of fror 0.375in. to 1 .5in.-long wit head diameters of 0.120in. 0.37in. All three models can b supplied with either a hand gri or a pistol grip. Made by: Roevac Automatic Ltd, Denton, Manchester M3 3RT. Pressure washer Produced by Kina Engineerin the Hotmaster high-pressu portable washer operates at BC psi, is powered by a 1hp root and has a water consumption 2 gal /min. It is fired by lpg ar provides a constant wat temperature of 77deg C, whi is obtainable within 0sec of cold start. The pump is of ti four-vane rotary type. A pressurized detergent ta has a capacity of 1gal, and t feed to the lance is direct, t metering valve being fitted to t lance. The inlet pressure swit gives immediate shut-down both electrical and gas syster if the water flow is interrupted. thermal overload switch affor protection of the motor. T ignition system cannot ba ignit unless the pump is working. Made by: Kina Engineering L Industrial Estate, Hadleic Ipswich, Suffolk.