Honours haul for transpor
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RANSPORT personnel were .rongly represented in the few Year's Honours List. wards were made to operairs and engineers in both fleet rid passenger operation and em the public and private ctors. The services of the lanufacturing industry and le Department of Transport ere also recognised.
Probably the best known ames to CM readers are R. V.
:ole, formerly of the BRS iroup, and E. A. Lainson, hairman of Premier Travel iroup of Cambridge, who /ere both awarded the OBE.
From the private sector J. H. Voodward, chairman of T. E. Voodward of Accrington, and '. Keen, group transport ontroller of George Wimpey nd Co, were awarded the ■ IBE.
The list reads: — :BE: Group Capt H. S. L. )undas, managing director of tritish Electric Traction Cornany; R. J. Ramsey, industrial elations director, Ford Motor 1:o Ltd.
OW: T. F. C. Blackmore, i.. rincipal scientific officer, Deartment of Transport; R. V. ale, formerly of BRS Group; A. Lainson, chairman of emier Transport Group of ambridge.
VIBE: N. Bisby, deputy chairnan, Transport Users Consulative Committee, Yorks area; -I. Conlan, area manager, Vorthern Ireland Carriers Ltd; 3. Gray, fleet engineer, Midands BRS Ltd; R. Hopkins, Arorks manager, Ribble Motor Services; F. Keen, group tran;port controller George Wim)ey and Co; J. MacBean, lately 3enior executive officer, De)artment of Transport; H. E. Scruby, executive assistant, London Transport; J. H. Woodward, chairman T. E. Woodward, road haulier, Ac2rington; G. H. Wright, regional secretary, TGWU, Cardiff. BEM: L. V. Barker, area manager London Transport; M. Davies, garage foreman, North West Electricity Board; P. Glendinning, transport operator, Esso Petroleum Company, Belfast; R. E. Packett, coachmaker, London Country Bus Services Ltd; E. J. Radford, ticket inspector, Crosville Motor Services Ltd; D. Wallace, motor vehicle fitter, Lanarkshire Civil Aviation Authority.
Imperial Service Order: J. N. Slinn, principal officer, Department of Transport.