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Oldham Watch Committee is to obtain tenders for the supply of a motor fire pump.
Ilford Corporation has decided to purchase a motor van for the electricity department at a cost of about £330.
Ripon Corporation has arranged to hold a special meeting to consider the question of general transport facilities. The highways committee of the Eastbourne Corporation has authorized the purchase of a Dennis. gully-emptier at? cost of 11,100.
The tramways committee of the Glasgow Corporation has accepted the tender of Millar's Machinery Co., Ltd., for the 5u1)pl3r of a •Tructractor.
The tramways committee of the Manchester Corporation has accepted the tender of Ifillar's Machinery Co., Ltd., for the supply of Tructractors.
Ilford Corporation is being asked by the chief officer of the fire brigade to consider the question of the provision of an additional motor fire appliance.
The electricity committee of the Leeds Corporation has accepted the tender of the Yorkshire Pat6nt Steam Wagon Co. to supply a 10-12-ton sixwheeled steam wagon for cable transporting purposes for the sum of 11,350. Oldham Watch Committee is to obtain estimates for the supply of a new motor ambulance..
Birmingham Corporation has accepted the tender of J. Buckingham, Ltd., for the supply of a motor ambulance.
The health committee of the Darlington Corporation has decided tp purchase an up-to-date motor ambulance to replace an obsolete vehicle now in use at the Fever Hospital.
The cleansing committee of the Glasgow Corporation has accepted an offer by Messrs. George and Jobling to give a demonstration of the Fordson tractor with Eagle refuse-collecting trailer, as well as that of Shelvoke and Drewry, Ltd., to give a trial of its S.D. Freighters for the collection of refuse.
The tramways committee of the Manchester Corporation has considered a communication from the Stretford Urban District Council suggesting a motorbus service between Stretford and Barton Bridge, and agreed to such a service' being instituted subject to the sanction of the Barton-upon-Irwell Rural District Council being obtained for that portion of the proposed route within its district. The tramways committee of the Hull Corporation has decided to purchase an Albion chassis at a cost of £585 for the tower wagon.
Castle Ward (Northumberland) Rural District Council invites tenders for the supply of a 1-ton Ford chassis for use in the highways department.
The tramways committee of the Glasgow Corporation recommends acceptance of the tender of N.B. Motor Traders, Ltd., for the supply of a Foden steam wagon.
At a meeting of the Bolton Watch Committee a letter was received from the Ministry of Transport intimating that the Minister of Transport has given his consent to the running by the Bolton Corporation of omnibuses in the parish of Ainsworth, in the rural district of Bury, and in the urban district of Radcliffe.
Sidmouth Urban District Council invites tenders for the supply of a 30-cwt. scavenging motor van of Chevrolet, Morris or Ford make. The chassis must be of standard pattern and fitted with a large sanitary tipping body, which must be of all-steel ot steel-lined. Tenders have to he in the hands of the surveyor by June Dth.