How 44-Hour Week Will Work
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THE 44-hour week for road goods transport workers came into force from the week ending on the first pay day on or after March 3. The wages to be paid are those set out in R.H.21 in respect of a 48-hour week.
The detailed arrangements for the operation of the 94-hour week will be issued in R.H.22. but a summary, coded WB.944, has been issued by the Road Haulage Association. The main provisions of the new arrangements are as follow:—
WORKING WEEK: The working week of a regular employee will be regulated on a 5-day or 5%-day basis. Normal hours for a 5-day worker will be: Monday-Thursday, 9 hours per day; Friday, 8 hours. Eight hours may be worked on any specific day from Monday to Thursday and nine on Friday. For a 5142-day worker the hours will be: Monday-Friday, B hours per day; Saturday, 4 hours.
GUARANTEED WEEKLY WAGE: A guaranteed weekly wage will be paid provided that the worker is ready and willing to work for the spells of duty set out in the previous paragraph, irrespective of whether a lesser number of hours be worked on any Or all of the days in question.
CUSTOMARY HOLIDAYS: In a week in which a customary holiday occurs, a regular worker will be paid as if he had worked his normal hours on the day in Question (minimum of 8 hours if the holiday fails on Saturday). Regular or casual employees who work on a customary holiday will be paid for twice the number of hours worked (with a minimum of 16 hours for a milk worker). CASUAL WORKERS: Normal daily minimum Sours of work are: Monday-Friday, 8 hours: Saturday, 4 hours, Hourly rates of pay will be 1-44th of the appropriate weekly wage, plus lt,4,4.
TELEPHONING FOR DUTY: For telephoning between two spells of duty, a worker will be paid the foilowing in addition to his weekly wage:— (a) First call (except immediately following a spell of duty) 1 hour's wages. (b) Subsequent calls, 4 hours* wages. If, when making a subsequent call. instructions are given to start work within an hour, payment of 4 hours' wages will be reduced to One hour's wages.
SUBSISTENCE: Remuneration when away from home will be as follows:-15 hours' rest, 95. subsistence allowance. Wages for 9 hours (or 8 hours for a 5i/,day worker) will be (said for the normal spell of duty laid down in the provisions for the regulated working week, whether worked or not.
OVERTIME: This is payable to regular workers at time-and-a-quarter for the first 8 hours in a week, and time-and-a-half thereafter for (1) hours worked on any day in excess of the normal; (2) hours worked after 2 p.m. on Saturday in the case of a 51/2-day worker, and (3) all hours worked on Saturday in the case of a 5-day worker (minimum of four hours). Casual workers will receive overtime at time-and-a-quarter for boors worked in excess of eight in any day from Monday to Friday and four hours on Saturday.
SUNDAY WORK: Double time will be paid for hours worked on Sunday, with a minimum of 51/, hours at double time. NIGHT WORK: An additional 4d. per hour or Pan of an hour will be paid for work done between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m.
ANNUAL HOLIDAYS: These will consist of one week plus three full working days. where the usual qualification is satisfied. Holidays for broken periods will be in proportion. If given in two spells, one must be a complete week.
MILK WORKERS: Seven-day milk workers will have a week of 6 days of 6J-1 hours from Monday to Saturday mid 5 hours on Sunday. For 6-day milk workers the week will be 6 days of 7 hours 20 minutes.
SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Certain of the exceptions and qualifications contained in R.11.21 still hold good, including Particularly the fol. lowing:—(1) Alternative weekly short day: (?) work beginning or finishing on customary ho day; (3) work beginning or finishing on Sunday; (4) a film worker will not receive overtime rates for howl worked after 2 p.m. on Saturday; (5) provisions concerning higher-grade areas, The following provisions of R.H.21 are no longer applicable:—Para. 6 (a). concerning attention to vehicle, and Para. 6 (b), on reporting for duty. Normal hours of duty begin from the time a worker reports for duty in accordance with bis employer's instructions.