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The Latest Albion Sample Carrier or Travellers.

7th November 1907
Page 22
Page 22, 7th November 1907 — The Latest Albion Sample Carrier or Travellers.
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A Novel Arrangement of Side Compartments.

The two illustrations which accompany these lines show a novel, samplecarrying body that has been constructed for the use of the commercial travellers employed by a North of Scotland firm, Messrs. Anderson and Thomson, woollen merchants, of Aberdeen. The body, which was built to the specification of the users, is mounted on a standard, i6h.p. Albion chassis. This compartmented car is admirably adapted to the requirements of Messrs. Anderson and Thomson, and it provides accommodation for the samples sent out from their various departments. The body, it will be seen, has three doors ;on each side, and each of these gives access to a series of three compartments. The two upper divisions have each a light door secured by a spring lock, whilst the bottom one in each set is fitted with a sliding box, which can be removed and taken, with its contents, into the shops of customers. The provision of these separate compartments makes it possible to reaCh the goods contained in any one of them without disturbing the material in the others, and in this way, a large amount of packing and re-packing is rendered unnecessary. The compartments are of ample size, their dimensions being 2 feet 4 inches by 2 feet by 54 inches. The whole van body is 6 feet long, 5 feet 6 inches wide, and 5 feet high. In addition to the space offered in the body proper, advantage has been taken of all the other available space on the chassis for the storage of additional samples and materials. The front and only seat offers comfortable accommodation for the driver and two passengers, and this is well protected by the glass wind screen which is placed behind the bonnet, and by the canopy which is extended from the body of the vehicle to meet the screen, The spaces at the sides, between the wind screen and the body, have waterproof curtains, which can be used in rough weather. A rail runs round each division of the roof, where a large space is at the disposal of the user for the accommodation of any extra cases. The car is geared to a maximum of 16 miles per hour, and is capable of carrying a load of 15 cwt. This traveller's sample-carrier is the first of its kind to be used in the far North, and it has naturally attracted

considerable attention in the Granite City. The car has given every satisfaction to Messrs. Anderson and Thomson, who, as will be seen from the appended extract from a letter written by them to the Editor of this journal, are new recruits to the ranks of commercial motor users. They write :—" For some twelve or eighteen months past we have had in view the introduction of motors for our commercial travellers, but we did not give the matter any particular attention until the spring of this year. At that time we began to think seriously of the matter, and we accordingly subscribed to your magazine, with a view to ascertaining the latest information on the subject, and we have found the articles centained therein very interesting."