The Wheels of Industry.
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This journal, dealing as it does with the "Chariots of War," no less than with the "Wheels of Industry," continues of national importance. Its interests embrace impartially the transport wagon and the pareelear, the military tractor and the steam lorry.
Proposals and Purchases by Local Authorities.
The 'Formby U.D.C. wants tenders for a 30-40 .h.p. motor hosetender.
The Hendon tr.D.C. has raised its loan of £1210, to purchase a second motor fire-engine, following L. G. B. sanction.
The Deptford surveyor, in reporting upon the first six months working of a Laffiy motor sweeper, states that there has been a saving of 2s. :3d. per mile on the -cost of doing the same work in the Borough by horse-drawn brooms, apart from a higher degree of cleanliness.
Recent Registrations.
Glasgow Motors, Ltd. (1000), with its office at 52, Woodlands Road, Glasgow.
Thames Haulage and Motor Co., Ltd. (111250), with its office at 158, Bishopsgate, E.C.
A meeting of the members of the London Motor Coach Works, Ltd., will be held at the offices of Messrs. J. H. Byrne and Co., 81, Gracechurch Street, E.C., on the 18th inst., at 12 o'clock, for the purpose of considering the liquidator's account showing the manner in which the winding-up has been conducted and the property of the company disposed of.
American Components.
Brame°, Ltd., of Coventry, is in a position to supply a very wide range of American components, in order to help British manufacturers who are experiencing difficulties in the matter of supplies from British works.
Agrimotor Activity.
Important trials of agrimotors, to which trials we have made advance references in several of our recent issues, will have been completed. at Stirling, under the auspices of the Highland and Agricultural Society, by the time of publication of this issue. We shall give a report of these trials next week.
The _AgriculturalOrganizer to the Lindsey OL.anty (Lincs.), Mr. It. W. Dowling, held a series of interesting tests, with a.grimotors, at Wontes Farm, Frithvine, Boston, on the 30th ult., and at the farm of Messrs. Brown and Son, Appleby, forth Lincs., on the 5th inst. Daimler, Universal, Saunderson, Simplex, Mann, Sandusky, M.ogill, 'vet John Bull, and Martin agrimotors participated.
A35 Our Fund.
The first list of donors, for the 1915-1916 period of the Fund, will be found in the course of the article which appears on page 104.
Sixpenny Taxi-fares.
Owners of taxicabs in Newcastleon-Tyne and Liverpool are pressing for the abolition of the initial halfmile sixpenny fare.
The Budget.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, in the course of his speeches in the Budget debate on the evening of the 29th ult., made the following alterations in the Budget proposals (1) he promised to exempt commercial cars and cars used by doctors or for ambulance purposes, from the operation of the new import duties ; he promised that rubber tires should not be classed as component parts ; he reserved power to concede the old rebate of 50 per cent., in respect of the new petrol duty, to owners of commercial motors, and to other owners who now enjoy the rebate, after consideration.
An important point in connection with the exemption of commercial cars from the import duty is this. Mr. McKenna made it clear that class or use may be the tesi and so indicated the possibilit' Df the same chassis-type being subject to duty, or exempted therefrom, according to its intended application on purchase. The specific words were "I shall propose to exempt, in the Finance Bill . . motor vehicles, chassis and parts used exclusively for trade purposes." The italics are OUT'S. IS it possible that the Ford and other chaosis are to have a facultative existence ?
Council v. Council.
The Bucklow R.D.C. has declined to renew motorbus licences in favour of the Manchester City Council.
The deputation consisted of Colonel R. E. Crompton, C.B. (Chairman), Mr, E. S. Shrapnell=Smith (Hon. Treasurer), Mr. Herbert Cannoi (Cannon and Gaze, Ltd.), Mr. J. R. Maidens (Schweppes, Ltd.), Mr. Arthur Paterson (Carter, Paterson and Co.. Ltd.), Mr. Walter Wolse3., Olunr, (Thos. Tilling, Ltd.), and Mr. F. G. Bristow (Secretary).
At the comniction of the proceed. ings, the denuty-chairman of the Board announced that Mr. McKenna had given instructions, after con= sidering the arguments which had been nut he lore him in the Association's memorandum, for the neces. sary clause to be put into the Finance Bill, so as to secure to commercial users the same percentage rebate which the had previously enjoyed.
" Am depositing with the Guaranty Trust Co., New York, to your ac. count, two thousand dollars as con. tribution to • The Commercial Motor Campaign Comforts Fund, with instructions so to advise their London branch.—Peerless Motor Car Co., Cleveland, Ohio."
Duty on Petrol.
A deputation of the General Committee of the Commercial Motor Users Association was received, on Monday afternoon last, on the instructions of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, by the Commissioners of Customs and Excise. This conference was in. continuance of efforts which were put forth by the C.M.U.A. immediately after Mr. McKenna's Budget speech of the 21st ult. We do not feel at liberty to report the proceedings, but we may state, in. view of the fact that. it was drawn up by the Editor of this journal, that the following memorandum formed the basis of argument.
• (1) A rebate of 50 per cent, has hitherto been allowed in favour of commercial transport.
(2) The necessary forms and procedure are in force and well understood.
(3) The internal commercial transport of this country is seriously hampered and harassed by reason of : (a) Shortage of labour.
(b) Railway uncertainties.
(c) Congestion at docks.
(d) Lack of horses.
(e) Unprecedented military demands for haulage. Impressment of some 4000 commercial motor vehicles and absorption of output of motor factOries for the war. (g) Higher wages and working expenses generally an d higher charges fur motor spirit by iM,porters.
(4) The Proposed extra, tax reprecents a 200 per cent.. increase on industrial transport, whereas pleasure motoring is " let -off" with 100 per cent.
(5) It is urgently represented that this extra tax on commercial traffic is unduly and disproportionately onerous.
NOTE.For "300" and "200" in col. 2, page 81, of last week's issue, read " 200" and "100," respectively. (f) Lighting Regulations.
A fresh measure of stringency is now being enforced, throughout the Metropolitan Police area, and in the City of London, with regard to the amount of lighting which is allowed on a motor vehicle. It will be as well if drivers pay close attention to this matter. The Order, which is dated the 28th ult took effect from the 1st inst. The following clauses, apply to motor and other vehicles, and are subject to the additional authority conferred upon the Admiralty, to require the reduction or extinction of such lights in case of emergency.
"MOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES, "(10) The lights of trams and omnibuses must not be more than is sufficient to enable fares to be collected, and all lights except
_those required by paragraph 12 of this Order mastbe covered or extinguished while crossing bridges.
" (1 t) The use -.)f powerful lamps on motor and other vehicles is pro hibited.
"(12) . Every person who shall cause or permit any vehicle during the period of half an hour after sunset and half an hour before sunrise, to be in any street, highway, or road to which the public have access, inugt provide such vehicle with a lamp or lamps in proper ,working order and so constructed and capable of being so attached as when lighted to display :—(a) to the front a white light visible for a reasonable distance. If only one lamp is provided for this purpose, it must be placed on the off or right side of the vehicle ; (b) to the rear a red light visible for a reasonable distance, if only one light is provided for this purpose, it must be placed on the off -or right side of the vehicle and in such a position that the red light is visible at a central point immediately behind the vehicle,
. " Every person driving or being in aarge of any such vehicle during such period aforesaid must keey such lamp or lamps properly trimmed, lighted and attached.
" For the purpose of this Order, the word vehicle ' shall include any bicycle, tricycle, or velocipede, and any vehicle drawn or propelled by hand.
" (13) Subject to the foregoing provisions of this Order, all bright external lights and all aggregations of lights are prohibited, except in such circumstances and under such conditions as may be approved by the CommissiOners of Police -of the Metropolis and of the City of Lon
don don in their respective urisdic tions."
No Women Taxi-drivers in London.
Sir John Simon, replying to Mr. Agg-Gardner in the House of Coinmons, on the 30th ult., stated that a virtual undertaking had • been given, by the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis, that no alteration in licensing conditions should take place during the absence of enlisted taxi-drivers. Futtherinore, there was no shortage of licensed drivers. Transport at Bath.
The Bath branch of the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., has recently opened new premises in Orange Grove, Bath, in connection with developments of its private-hire businesses.
Edinburgh and the War.
Mr. W. Thomson, general manager of the Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., presided over a meeting of the company's employees, on the 22nd ult., on the occasion of an address by Captain Edward Coventon.
Hire of Batteries for Electrics.
The practice of purchasing electric vehicles without batteries and relying on the central service depot from which batteries may be hired, rapidly growing. It will be interesting to observe how this movement will affect the design of commercial vehicles with regard to the accessibility of the battery unit. Brighton Road.
We understand that the main Brighton road, -on the London side of Redhill, was recently in a treacherous condition for heavy traffic. This applies to the near side of the road, coming towards London. The re-making of the road, after the opening of certain trenches, was left in a dangerouslysoft condition. Such highway "
quicksands" should undoubtedly he indicated, until the local authority, or whoever is responsible, makes good the interruption.
Lamp-lighting Table.
Light up your lamps at on
Thursday, 5.53 on Friday, 5.50 on Saturday, 5.46 on Monday, 5.44 on Tuesday, and 5.41 on Wednesday. The above times are for London. In Edinburgh light up 33 minutes later, Newcastle 31 minutes later, Liverpool 39 minutes later, Birmingham 35 minutes later, and Bristol 40 minutes later. For Dublin. reckoned in the local mean time, it is 33 minutes earlier.
Packard Employs 8200 Men. Works a Mile Long.
The Packard Motor Co.'s works has now a frontage facing the railway one mile long, the average depth being one thousand feet. The number of men on the pay roll is now eight thousand two hundred.
The Price of Petrol.
The Automobile Association of America is holding a nation-wide investigation into the price of petrol. it is hoped that the special committee appointed will present its report in October. The object is to regulate the price so that the user can rely on being able to purchase petrol at any place at a predetermined rate..
Northampton (London) Polytechnic.
The Northampton Polytechnic has issued an exhaustive catalogue of its classes for the coming season. Particulars may be obtained by any intending students from the principal. Mr. it. Mullineux Walmsley, Northampton Polytechnic Institute, Clerkenwell, E.C. Many of the classes cover subjects which are important to mechanics and others who wish to improve their mathematical and mechanical knowledge.
D2nnis Chars-awbancs in Malay.
The accompanying illustration shows one of eight Dennis chars-isbanes which are doing good service in the Federated Malay States. In a letter which Dennis Brothers (1914), Ltd., has received from its agents in Singapore, Wearne Brothers, Ltd., this company
,states that " . . Some of these machines have done over 150,000 miles arid are still going strong." Bearing in mind the general conditions under which these Dennis vehicles operate, this mileage is certainly a creditable one, and bears good testimony to the substantial construction of this make of machine for public-service work Overseas.
Dangerous Tramrails.
The London Master Carmen and Cartap Contractors' Association is taking steps to call the attention of numerous borough councils in London to the bad state of the L.C.C. tramway tracks. The defective state of the lines along many sections is becoming a matter of grave urgency, even if allowance is made for the shortage of labour. The L.C.C. should attend to the repairs of the track with due regard for the interests of owners of ordinary wheeled traffic. There will be a day of reckoning in this matter, for tramway undertakings generally, later on. The amount of damage which is sustained by 'owners of horse-drawn and other vehicles, in London alone, due to projecting tramrails constitutes a steady and serious tax upon industry..