Our Campaign Comforts Fund.
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The £5000 Stage has now been more than Completed. We Publish the First Promises for New Season.
Patroness: H.I.H. Princess Arthur of Connaught.
No. 1 stage of our Fund was completed on Thursday of last week. The total receipts, in respect of the period which was three weeks short of a year, totalled 15441. We were able, therefore, thanks to the wonderful support which it has been our privilege to enjoy, to exceed our estimate of 25000 by a good round sum. The whole' of the money, it goes without saying, as our records testify, was badly wanted and usefully expended.
Why This Fund is Deserving.
We enter upon what is practically the second year of the Fund's existence, disregarding the discrepancy of three weeks, with every confidence. We now have a better knowledge of what is required, and the incentive of having to look after comforts for a very large number of men. We are not permitted to give the exact figures, hut we are at liberty to say that the total is now one very largely in excess of 40,000. These men of the A.S.C., M.T., more than 80 per cent, of them in civilian work less than a year ago, and the same percentage of them probably coming, on their return when war is over, into the world of commercial motoring, are entrusted to our care to a remarkable degree. They do not receive any gifts from Queen Alexandra's Field Force Fund—a fact which, of itself, is wonderful testimony to the thoroughness with which our Fund is organized. They are, furthermore, entrusted to us with the official approval of the heads.of the A.S.C. organization. Wre rely upon these two outstanding facts as justification for our continued existence.
Completion of 1914-1915 Donations.
We have to acknowledge the following additional donations, for the account which was closed on the 30th ult.:— The honorary auditors of the Fund, Messrs. E. Bishop and Co., Chartered Accountants, of 106, Jermyn Street, S.W., are now occupied in carrying out the audit, and a copy of the certified aecounts will be sent to the principal donors, or for the information of any bona-fide applicant, when ready.
Opening of the 1915-1916 Lists.
'We shall, from next week forward, include at the head of the' "_Comforts " page or pages a tabular summary of the principal donations to the Fund for the next 12 Months. The cash receipts to Friday last are giuen in the next column.
Numerous other cheques, on account of promises at the rate of 210, 25 or other sum per month, are due to arrive at any moment, according to the convenience of the parties in arranging signature. We only asked for these cheques on the 1st inst. It is desirable, therefore, that we should add, by way of information, that regular support, on the bases which are stated, has so far been additionally promised to the following extent:— 210 monthly for 12 months.—Commercial Cars, Ltd.; Crossley Motors, Ltd. ; Daimler Co., Ltd.; Fodens, Ltd.; J. and E. Hall, Ltd. ; John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd. 25 monthly for 12 months.—Herbert Frood Co., Ltd.; Halley's Industrial Motors, Ltd.; Maudslay Motor Co., Ltd. ; Wood-Milne, Ltd. 25 monthly for 6 months.—Joseph Lucas., Ltd. ; S. Wolf and Co., Ltd. £3 3s. monthly.—St. Helens Cable and Rubber Co., Ltd.
21 Is. monthly for 12 months.--Ruhery, Owen and Co.
Individual single donations, which are promised, include 250 each from the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., and Belsize Motors, Ltd. The average of joint support from the, A.S.C., M.T., depots and Columns is estimated by us at 2300 a month.
Comforts Gifts Up to Saturday, 2nd October.
Miss Archer, Hampstead (2 pairs of socks). Mrs. Avory, New Kent Road (3 pairs of socks, 1 pair of cuffs). Miss F. D. Bean, Welling (12 pairs of socks, 1 cap, 1 scarf). Miss S. Bertram, Reston (9 pairs of socks, 1 pair of mittens, 1 pair of cuffs, 1 pair of pants, 1 vest).
John Bright and Bros., Ltd., Rochdale (56 lb. motor fents).
Mrs. F. Butterworth, Crouch End (1 pair of socks, 1 jersey): Cummersdale and. Kirkandrows Working Parties (41 pairs of socks). Miss Edward-Collins, Bodmin (2 helmets). Miss Elgie, Darlington (6 pairs of socks, 3 helmets) Mrs. Faircloug,h, Bournemouth (6 pairs of socks). Mrs. W .E. George, Bristol (50 pairs of socks). Mrs. Handcock, Ingatestone (3 pairs of socks). Miss Hassell, Saltash (6 pairs of socks). Miss S. Hett, Kensington (12 pairs of socks). Miss Joan Keighley, Batley (1 pair of mittens). Lawn Tennis Association 2125 tennis balls).
Mrs. W. H. Leach, Axminster (6 pairs of socks).
Per Mrs. Long (12 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of mittens, 1 scarf).