Neutral Notes,
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British will do
users, at the present time, when they are being offered American chassis of all kinds in such numbers well to keep themselves informed of actual commercial-vehicle activities in the United States, as well as in other neutral countries.
Benzole for American Motorists.
Benzoic, which heretofore has not been extensively manufactured in the United States, will be made on alarge scale by the Carnegie Steel Co. The plans for the erection of the necessary plant axe in hand. Rapid erection is likely.
The Ideal Tractor.
In the course of a discussion on motor haulage by the Union of Team Owners Convention, recently held in Springfietd, Mass., the following were suggested as being the requirements of the ideal tractor. It must be so designed as to overcome all the shortcomings of the conventional truck and of the horse as well. It must be capable of drawing on a hard road at least 20 tons, distributed in several trailers. It must be capable of ma-king its way over ploughed ground, climbing into and out of excavations and must also he able to back any one, of its trailer's into any given position. It would be an advantage if it were designed so as to utilize the weight of the first trailer for traction purposes when needed. Steel tires must be used, and in order that its powers of manceuvring iii and out of traffic may not be interfered with, each trailer must follow in the path of its leader. Furthermore, it must. be able to turn round with a full train of wagons on an 18 ft. road. In short, it must go anywhere or do anything that a horse will do, " except to eat oats when not working." It must cost less than a three-ton truck and the running cost should not exceed that of a three-tonner. The author of the paper, Mr. C. H. Martin, was of the opinion that the ideal was not yet achieved. A County of New York State Forbids "Truck" Operation.
Highway Committees of the towns of Otsego and Middlefield have each served the International America Products Co.• with notices forbidding it to operate a 3,-ton G.M.C. over the roads in their respective jurisdiction. The company's counsel has assured it, that it is within its rights if it continues to operate, and accordingly no attention has been paid to these notices. The company states that at no time are its vehicles so loaded that the total weight of the truck and load exceeds eight tons. Litigation is pending.
£22,000,000 a Year on Roads.
The question of the repair and maintenance of the roads is becoming one of the most important elementsof internal politics in the States. They possess some two million miles of road. and Americans are already appreciative of the fact that the dirt road, although plenty good enough for
the horse, no longer suffices. A regular and steady improvement is being made in existing roads, so that in the 33 States from which records are available approximately 35,000 miles a year are improved. During the year 1914 over 6000 miles of quite new road were laid down, and the total cost for -new roads and improvements to existing ones was £22539,93. The macadam road is regarded in the U.S. A. as being the best ; the total number of miles of macadam road in the 33 States is 42,499. Of the other improved roads concrete and brick comprise the majority. it is expected that the latter will shortly become an important factor in road development.
A New Type of Four-wheeldrive Truck.
A new four-wheel-drive petrol lorry is reported as being built in Gosloed, Indiana. The novel feature of this vehicle is that chain drive is incorporated for each of the four wheels, all of which are used for steering. Each axle and cross shaft is mounted on a fifthwheel device, the same as the front axle of a horse-drawn vehicle. The ordinary type of motor-vehicle' steering gear is not used. When either axle is turned, the complete shaft and transmission system turns with it. The engine is carried in the front, and the power is transmitted through an ingenious' system employing four universal joints and bevel and spur gearing. Steering is by rack and pinion.
Standardizing Names of Parts.
The Society of Automobile Engineers of America has now definitely got to work on its scheme for universal nomenclature of automobile Parts. It will, of course, be ob vious that the amount of work Involved will be considerable. This, no doubt, will be appreciated to some extent if we point out that half-an-hour was spent without any definite results in discussing the precise difference between the meaning of the terms " bearing " and "bushing," and in considering the nomenclature of bearing caps, carriers, housings, retainers, cages, etc. Water pipes and passages are another trouble. There will be top and bottom pipes, inlet or outlet manifolds, etc. Further, a pipe which is an outlet from the cylinder is an inlet to the radiator and vice versa, thus affording much scone for confusion.