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The Third Annual Event Organized by the Area Committee of the C.M.U.A. Proves Successful in Spite of a Reduced List of Entries.
1DROUD Preston may be considered to
have achieved commendable success with its third annual motor parade, held on September 25th under the auspices of the local area committee of the Commercial Motor Users Association. The entries were hardly up to the total of last year, but they were select enough to give the parade an air of distinction. The event took place on a Thursday, which, it is feared-, is hardly a good day for northern motor haulage contractors, if an analysis of the list of entries is any thing to go by. In the steam classes there was not a :single haulage contractor's vehicle on parade, and only
four petrol vehicles, apart from those engaged in passenger tl:ansport service.
But for the fact that they had recently suffered inconvenience by a labour dispute, H. Viney and Co., Ltd., would certainly have been well represented on the parade ground. As it was however, urgent work made it impossible for them to parade any of their machines.
The competing vehicles were classified in 19 categories, which may be roughly expressed as follow :—(a) Haulage contractors; (b) other than haulage contractors; (c) passenger-carrying vehicles; (d) advertising vehicles; (e) Fords and fleets. Why is it, we wonder, that the Preston parade is the only one which attracts entries of motor coaches and motorbuses?
Compared with last year's entry of nearly 60 vehicles, only 33 machines presented themselves this year, almost 50 per cent, of them being petrol and steam wagons of Leyland manufacture.
A commendable success was achieved by Whittle Springs Brewery, Ltd., who, for the third time, with a fleet of Leylands, again vindicated their claim to the Viney challenge cup for the best fleet of petrol vehicles on parade. Not only that, but they won the Leyland cup for the best Leyland machine (steam or .petrol) On -parade, the petrol fleet pi ice, and the first and second prizes in the 1920 petrol-vehicle class. There were five silver cups for competitions, but the Dewhurst Cup for the best fleet of steam vehicles was not awarded as there was only a single Sentinel and a single Leyland steamer on parade. • The most distinctive entry in the Ford classes was a travelling motor shop with plate glass windows, exposing to view a big range of motor accessories.
. The judges of the parading vehicles were :--Mr. F. G. Bristow, M.Inst.T., Maj.-Gen. S. S. Long, GB., and Messrs. J. Leavesley (Blackpool), D. Morgan, W. B. Livsey (Blackburn), H. W. Roberts, G. J. Gibbs, J. T. Lawton, N. Barker, A. J. Mills and A. H. Cousins. Mr. J. F. K. Watson, chief constable of Preston' acted as marshal of the parade, with Mr. A. H. Cousins as assistant-marshal. The stewards were Messrs. R. Houghton, C Is M. Gosselin D. Brindle and T. H. Jones. Most of the organizing work was, as usual, done by Mr. Walter 'Atkinson, secretary of the Preston Branch.
Major-Gen. Long presented the cups to the winners and congratulated them oi their success.
The method of awarding marks was to allocate a total of 100 to each vehicle on parade, or 200 marks to each team. Judges were required to pay no regard whatever to the age of the vehicle, mileage, or class of goods carried, and all machines were judged . entirely upon their appearance on parade. The complete list of prize-winners is as follows:—
. Cup Winners.
Viney Silver Cup, presented by H. Viney and Co , Ltd., to be held for twelve months by the owners of the best fleet of two :petrol vehicles of any make. Whittle Springs Brewery, Ltd., two Lay. lands (mileage, 65,250 and 64,450 respectiveliy). Leyland Silver Cup, presented by Leyland Motors Ltd., to be held for twelve months by the owner of the best Leyland vehicle (steam or petrol) on parade (excluding winners of the " Dewnurst " or " Viney " Cups), Whittle Springs Brewery, Ltd., Leyland (mileage 54,250).
Bradshaw Silver Cup, presented by Mr. E. Bradshaw, to be held for twelve months by the driver of the best Ford vehicle on parade, United Yeast Co. Matthew Brdwn Silver Cup, pre. sented by Matthew Brown and Co., Ltd., to be held for twelve months, by the owner of the best passenger-carrying vehicle of any type on parade, Embee Motors, Ltd., Leyland (mileage, 15,000).
. 'Petrol Vehicle Fleets.
1. Whittle Springs Brewery, Ltd., two Leylands (rni16_ „acre 65,250 and 64,450 respectively); 2. Matthew Brown and Co., Ltd., two Leylands (mileage 50,000 each).
Haulage Contractors' Classes. Single Petrol Vehicles, 2917.
3. Fishwick, Leyland (mileage, 208,000). Single Petrol Vehicles, 1920.—J. W.
Balmer, Leyland (mileage, 55,000). Single Petrol Vehicles, 2923.
3 Watkinson, Leyland (mileage, 80,000). Passenger-carrying Vehicle (any type), 1923.-1. Embee Motors, Ltd., Leyland (mileage, 15,000); 2. T. H. Jones, Leyland (mileage, 103,000).
Clam es for Other than Haulage Contractors.•
Single Steam. Vehicles, 1927.—Mat. thew Brown and Co., Ltd., Sentinel (mileage; 70,000).
Single Steam. V chicles, 1920. —Leyland Motors Ltd., Leyland (mileage, 12,000).
Single Petrol Vehicles, 1920.-1. Whittle Springs Brewery, Ltd., Leyland (mileage, 54,250); 2. Whittle Springs Brewery, Ltd. Leyland (mileage, 64,450); 3. Matthew Brown and Co., Ltd., Leyland (mileage, 50,000). Highly commended, Whittle Springs Brewery, Ltd., Leyland (mileage, 65,250).
Single Petrol Vehicles, 7923.-1. Whitwell, Mark and Co., Ltd., Thornycroft (mileage, 11,338); 2. Anglo-Ameriean Oil Co., Ltd., Liberty (mileage, 14,966); 3. Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., Liberty (mileage, 16,347).
Vehicle Showing Best Permanent Advertisement.-1. Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., Liberty (mileage, 18,535) • 2. E. Bradshaw,. Ford (mileage, 25,060); 3. J. loVatkinson, Leyland (mileage, 80,000); Highly commended, Whitwell, Mark and Co., Ltd., Guy.
Vehicle Showing Best Special Advertisement.—E. Bradshaw, Ford (mileage, 1,000).
Steam or Petrol Vehicle (any type), open .to other than Preston Area.-1. The British Petroleum Co.' Ltd., Karrier (mileage, 20,144; 2. British Petroleum Co., Ltd., Dennis (mileage, 2,579).