WHEELS of INDUSTRY The wheers of wealth will be slowed
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by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising as a carriage is by the roughness of the roods over which it runs."—John Beanie Crozier.
Users' . Claims in Connection with Tyre Failures.
An important arrangement has been come to between certain makers of solid and cushion tyres who are members of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. The official announcement concerning this states that the tyre-manufacturing industry observes with sympathy and some regret that the stress of competition in the transport world is such as to lead to the habitual overloading of heavy vehicles, and the industry cannot fail to regard seriously the fact that this involves the loading of tyres much in excess of the economic and practical limits.
Ulncreasing demands are being made upon producers of tyres, for allowances upon alleged unsatisfactory tyres which, in reality, -could have failed owing only to this practice of overloading. Therefore, the tyre makers concerned have reluctantly decided that it is necessary to protect themselves and those vehicle owners who use their vehicles correctly, by revising their present practice in the settlement of claims. They will, therefore, not make any adjustment or allowance for alleged unsatisfactory mileage on any solid, cushion or semi-pneumatic tyre fitted to a vehicle rated to carry a net pay-load of 5 tons or more if such tyre has already covered 6,000 miles. " Claims for alleged unsatisfactory tyres which have run lesa than 0,000 miles will be examined, and will be dealt with having regard to the individual circumstances.
.7": The tyres concerned are those produced by the 12 principal makers of the types mentioned.
Trams That Ceased Last Night.
Late last night (Monday) the last tramcar to run along the route of the Lanarkshire Traction Co., Ltd., between Newmains and Cambuslang retired-from the service and this morning over 30 new Daimler 32-seaters are out on the road, serving this route and an extension of it into Glasgow_ Altogether 50 Daimlers were purchased, the others being employed on bus routes already operated by the company.
`^cf Special powers for the new route were obtained from Parliament, subject to the sanction of the Minister of Transport, and this sanction was given
on September 25th. In our issues dated August 12th and September 16th we dealt fully with the new vehicles.
Non-skid Road Surfacing.
Some interesting tests were carried out last week on a section of road in Edith Grove, Chelsea, with a special surface of Boetan asphalt, which had been laid down by the borough engineer, Mr. W. R. Manning. After the road had been watered vehicles were driven along it at high speed and violently braked, but even deliberate efforts to skid were unsuccessful.
"ssBoeton asphalt is mined in the island of that name in the Dutch East Indies, and its non-skid qualities are said to be due to the fact that it is naturally constituted of bitumen and shells. It
is stated that it cannot be polished, even in a laboratory, and it maintains a Matt surface in all weathers.
Success of 1Foclen's Band..
The twenty-Eftli Ntitional Band PestivaI, in whieh.189 bands from 33 different counties in England, Wales and Scotland competed, !was recently held at the Crystal Palace, London. The championship: trophy was awarded to the works band of Fodens, Ltd.,. the well-known maker of steam 'wagons.
Bus-body Orders. .
Weyrnann's Motor Bodies (1925), Ltd., Addlestone, Surrey, has recently 'received an order from "G-reen •Lino Coaches, Ltd., for 25. 30-seater longdistance-coach bodies, which are to be mounted on A.E.G. Regal chassis. • " • • Ransomes, Sims* and Jefferies, Ltd., Orwell Works, Ipswich, has received an order from the City Omnibus Co., Ltd., Kentish Town, London, N.W.,"for five 02-seater double-saloon bus bodies.
A Publication for Booking Agents.
Under the tide of " The Booking Agents' Gazette" a new monthly journal will be published early in November by Highways Guide, Ltd., Mitre, House, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4. We are told that it will be known as the official organ of the Booking Agents' Association, of Great Britain, Ltd., which has recently been formed with the object of organizing the coach-booking trade and of securing closer co-operation between agents and operators.
Reduced Chevrolet Prices.
General Motors, Ltd., The Hyde, Hendon, London, N.W.9, announces price reductions for the range of Chevrolet vehicles. The new prices are as follow, the old figures being given in parentheses ;-12-cwt. chassis, £140 (1148) ; 12-cwt. boxvan, 1175 (£183) ; 80-cwt. chassis, 1175 (1190) ; 30-cwt. platform lorry, 1208 (1224): 30-cwt. drop-sided lorry, 1212 (1230); 30-cwt. tipping lorry, 1226 (1244) ; 30-cwt. boxvan, 1235 (1250): 30-cwt. lorry with tilt top, £219 (£236). New Observation. Coaches on London-Scottish Route.
National Coachways, Ltd., operating from the Central London (Road Transport) Station, Ltd., at Crescent Place, London, W.0.1, has this week put into operation on its London-Glasgow service three new Daimler CF6 observation coaches, with bodywork by the Hoyal Body Corporation, Ltd., of Weybridge. The vehicles, which are 26-seaters, finished externally in grey and blue with gold lettering, were completed last week and made a preliminary tour along the route on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, calling at the offices of the various agents.
The service is operated by one departure daily –from London and from. Glasgow at noon, the journey being completed by, 7 a.m. on the-following day. The fare is 30s. single.and 12 10s. ;eturn, the route being via Newcastle and Edinburgh. .
Progress with a Trolley-bus System.
On October 1st IVIetropolitart% Electric •TraraWaYs, Ltd., of 55; Broadway, London S W 1 made a test With an Electric double-deck trolley-bus Over the" first portion of its new double-wire-system. This runs from the-Falwell_ depot for about three. quarters of a mile. down the roadto -Kingston: Ultimately it wit form a part of the Twickenham-Kingston route.
The Exhibition of Inventions.
There are very few inventions of direct interest to our readers at the International Exhibition of Inventions, which is now in prowess at the Central Hall, Westminster, London, S.W.', and continues until October 11th. Amongst the devices which are attracting attention are the Griffith design of laminated spring, in which the master loaf is built up in sections, and the S.O.S. automatic safety switch for those vehicles equipped with coil ignition. It will be recalled that we dealt with the former system in our issue dated January 21st last,
Austin's Rig Profits.
In our issue for last week we referred to the dividends which are to he paid by the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., and we have now received a copy of the company's report for the oeven months ended July 31st last. This shows that the gross trading profit for the period was £858,137, the balance available, after deducting charges as per the profit and loss account (maintenance, depreciation, etc.), being £613,092. After adding the sum of £657,629 brought forward, there is a credit balance of £1,270,721. Interest on mortgage debentures, sinking fund, income tax and dividends absorb 1697,208, so that a balance of £573,513 remains. The dividends to which we have referred and the transfer to the income-tax account (1150,000) absorb £293,693, thus leaving the stun of 1279,820 to be carried forward.
Highways Work in Sheffield.
The report of the highway and sewerage committee of the city engineer and surveyor's department of Sheffield has just been issued for the year ended March 31st last, and it shows that the gross expenditure of the department during the year amounted to £563,690, as against an average of £47,401 during the past 10 years. Expenditure on highways showed a slight decrease, the actual drop being /4,852, this year's figure being £92,323, equivalent to an average of £206 per mile. This reduction is regarded as very satisfactory, in view of the increased traffic which the roads now have to bear. During the year the length of roads repairable was 448 miles.
An important development in connection with road-making and maintenance materials is now taking place in
Sheffield. The Yorkshire Tar Distillers have offered for trial specially prepared and blended tars and these have been applied to about 40 trial lengths, covering more than eight miles of important roads, some carrying as much as 7,000 tons of traffic per day. The tests are being carefully observed. Judged after the summer's experience, it is said that some of them are much superior to the ordivary standards.
Manchester-London-Manchester for 155.
There are four day-and-night motorcoach services operating between Manchester and London, the fares charged by three companies being 15s. single and 25s. return, and by the fourth 20s. return. Another concern has just decided M inaugurate the experiment of week-end excursions leaving Manchester at 10.30 p.m. on Friday and icturning from London on the Saturday at 11 p.m., at a fare of 15s. for the return journey.
A Rotary Striping Outfit.
The B.E.N. Patents, Ltd., 92, Tottenham Court Road, London, W.1, has just issued a leaflet describing the B.E.N. lightning rotary striper, which is a useful item of equipment for making stripes on motor-vehicle bodies, louvres, wheels, bonnets, etc. Broadly speaking, the outfit works on lines similar to the lawn-tennis marker, in that a wheel revolves in and out of a container which holds the supply of marking material. The wheel is continually bathed in colour and rolls the stripes on evenly and accurately.
A New Traffic Tunnel Under the Thames?
With regard to the suggestion made by Poplar Borough Council to the London County Council that an additional tunnel should be constructed to give relief to Blackwell Tunnel, it has been decided that the limit of the tunnel's carrying capacity has not been reached, and, therefore, no action in the matter is at present proposed. It is pointed out that the county council is being recommended to contribute 1100,000 towards the cost of the construction of a tunnel under the Thames, .between Dartford and Purfleet, on condition that one-third of the unskilled men to be employed shall be drawn from the Administrative County of London.
Appointing Area Commissioners.
Under the provisions of Part IV of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, one of the Area Commissioners for Yorkshire is to be appointed from a panel of persons nominated by the councils of the county boroughs and urban districts in the area. Sheffield Corporation has nominated Alderman Frank Thraves for appointment.
Descriptive of Bean Products.
Bean Cars, Ltd., Tipton, has just issued a new catalogue giving particulars of its 40-45-cwt. and 4-ton forwardcontrol models. Brief specification details are given for each model and outstanding features are illustrated, whilst plan and elevation drawings, hearing chassis dimensions, should be found of particular interest by bodybuilders.
Personal Pars.
A few days ago Mr. E. S. ShrapnelSmith, C.B.E., sailed for the United States to attend the International Road Congress, which started in Washington yesterday (Monday) and continues until October 11th. He is expected to return, via Canada, early in November.
Mr. A. F. Kellett, A.M.I.Mech.E., who a year ago resigned his position with the Equipment and Engineering Co., Ltd., of London, is now established at 24, York Place, Leeds. He is attached to the sales staff of Siddall and Hilton, Ltd., a well-known bus-seat manufacturing concern, of Sowerby Bridge. Mr. Kellett was trained as a civil engineer in the city engineer's department, Bradford, and, later, was for four years permanent-way engineer to Sheffield Corporation.
Preserving a Country Road.
Isle of Wight County Council has now arrenged to purchase from the War Department the military road between Chale and Freshwater, and will have it reconditioned. A stipulation has been made that no disfiguring advertisements shall be allowed on the road and everything possible shall be done to preserve the beauty of the neighbourhood.
A Portable Vacuum Cleaner.
The Lamson portable vacuum cleaner, which is marketed by Brown Brothers, Ltd., Great Eastern Street, London, E.C.2, is a good example of what can, be obtained in the way of efficient dust-removing apparatus for quite a moderate outlay. The outfit should interest operators of
passenger-carrying vehicles, as it enables the interiors of coaches and buses to be kept clean and smart. It is supplied with a series of cleaning tools, brushes and extension arms and is mounted on rubbercushioned -wheels. It is equipped with It
h.p. motor, directly coupled to a Lamson multi-stage air turbine. Carpets, cushions, upholstery and similar equipment can be effectively cleaned by its use.
A New Stewart Three-tormer.
The Stewart Motor Corporation, of Buffalo, New York, which is represented in this country by Morgan Hastings, Ltd., 42, Sussex Place, London, S.W.7, has recently announced the introduction of a new 3-ton chassis. Features of the design are a sixcylindered engine, having a bore of 31 ins, and a stroke of 41 ins., a multipledisc dry-plate clutch and a four-speed gearbox. The rear axle is of the spiral-gear fully floating type. The standard wheelbase in which the model is available is 13 ft. 9 ins.
New Features in a Lowloading Tanker.
l'ollowing the success of the A.E.C. low-loading tank wagon, which, at the beginning of this year, was placed in service by the Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., we learn that the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., has just supplied to the company to more 1,500-gallon triple-compartment fuel tankers, in which the A.E.C. 95 lop. Regent chassis is employed. This particular model has, of course, made its mark in the passenger field The very appearance of the new type of tanker is suggestive of speed, especially the totally enclosed driver's cab, 'which is of an entirely new design, being staggered on three sides from the waist rail to the roof. As compared with the first model supplied, the filler equipment has been simplified and, as It is now enclosed in square covers, the top of the tank is given a clean appearance. A short ladder behind the cab gives access to the fillers. The tank is supported on welded brackets and is of unusually low build.
Leicester's New Fassenger-transport Powers.
By Leicester Corporation's Act, which has received the Royal Assent, powers base been secured :— (1) Enabling the corporation to convert any part of the existing tramway routes to trolley-vehicle working, and (with the consent of the Minister of Transport) to establish further trolleyvehicle routes within the city, certain provisions of the Tramways Act, 1870, and of the Leicester Corporation Act, 1902, being applied.
(2) To discontinue tramways where trolley-vehicle or bus services are substituted, the charge on the tramways revenue in' respect of the maintenance of part of the route, in that event, to eease, except to such extent as the corporation may determine. (3) To run buses along any route within the city and to provide and maintain (hut not to makej buses.
There is also a provision restricting the running of buses in competition with the tramways, trolley-vehicle and bus services of the corporation.
Registrations of New Vehicles.
According to a return recently issued by the Ministry of Transport, the number of motor vehicles registered for the first time under the Roads Act, 1920, during the month of July last was 29,018, as compared with 34,332 in the same month of the previous year. Included in this year's total are 4,555 goods vehicles and 1,111 hackneys.
Timken Service Catalogue.
British Timken, Ltd., Cheston Road, Aston, Birmingham, has just issued a new service catalogue which should be of interest to all garage proprietors,
fleet owners and repairers.. It has been published to assist in the identification of the particular replacement of Timken bearings which May be required and it clearly indicates the position and number of bearings used in the popular makes of British, American and Continental vehicle. The information -is arranged in concise tabular form and is most comprehensive. A copy of the catalogue can be obtained by writing to the company at the address we have given.
Albions for South Africa.
For several years a fleet of Albion buses has been operated in the Cape Town district by the Cape Electric Tramways. The low running costs and maintenance of these vehicles., coupled with their reliability, has resulted in the company placing an order with the
Albion Motor Car td., of Scotstoun, Glasgow, for a Co.,ðer six buses for use in connection with the tramways system at Port Elizabeth. Edinburgh Profits by Automatic Traffic Signals.
In a report submitted by Chief Constable Ross, Edinburgh, to the town council, it is pointed out that the introduction of automatic traffic signals at 17 crossings in the city has proved a definite factor in the prevention of accidents, Between June 1st and December 31st, 1928, prior to the installation of the signals, there were 202-collisions, whilst for the corresponding period of 1929, when signals were in operation, there were 124 collisions. The report also shows that the signals have been a means for saving approximately £4,410 per annum. In Glasgow there are only two of these traffic robots in operation, and it is estimated that £30,000 is spent annually on the control of the city's traffic. So soon as the assent of the , Ministry of Transport is received more signals will be installed, as the existing ones are proving highly efficient.
An Overseas Representative Available.
We have heard from a man well known in the commercial-motor industry, with more than20 years of valuable all-round experience, including design, manufacture and sales, who is now open for engagement at home or overseas, and is particularly interested to undertake the representation abroad of a prominent British make of chassis. With his long practical engineering experience, combined with a reputation for sales organization, he should be useful to any manufacturing concern, which contemplates establishing itself in South America or other promising markets, where the question of service is of such great importance. Letters, addressed to the Editor and marked "Overseas," will be promptly forwarded.
Registration Figures for Northern Ireland.
According to figures issued by the Miniatry of Rome Affairs the• approximate number of goods vehicles in Northern Ireland with motor licences current on August 31st, 1930, was 6,145. At the same date there were 745 motor hackneys licensed to carry over six passengers and 796 hackneys licensed to carry six passengers and under. There were 23 motor tractors. During October 53 goods vehicles and seven motor hackneys were registered for the first time.
Official Orders in August.
Relatively few orders for motor vehicles were given out during August last by Government departments. The Air 111inistry placed, one for Crossley six-wheelers. The Crown Agents for the Colonies gave orders for .Albion chassis and Eagle trailers, and one for road rollers to Agricultural and General Engineers, Ltd.. The War Department placed orders for F.W.D. tractors and Crossley six-wheeled chassis.
An Inexpensive Plug for Popular Engines.
To-day there are many delivery vans of Morris make with four-cylindered engines of 11.9 h.p. and 13.9 h.p. Lissen, Ltd., Lissenium Works, Worple Road, Isleworth, Middlesex, has produced a special typo of sparking plug for such vehicles; it is priced at 2s. 6d. and is known as type B82. Its novel construction can be seen in an accompanying illustration. It is guaranteed for one year. One-piece construction is adopted, but the mica insulation is easily reached for cleaning purposes. The electrodes are unusually thick and are, therefore, able to withstand very high flame temperatures, whilst the stepped insulation of the central electrode enables the plug to resist the action of oil in the combustion chamber.
Tractors in New Zealand.
According to a recent report from Wellington the tractor trade in New Zealand is in a satisfactory condition. The past two years have seen a big increase in sales, and it is estimated that the number of tractors in use has in-. creased from 4,000 in 1928 to 6,000 at the present time. The wheeled type of machine predominates to a marked degree, but the track-laying tyPe:is making progress, particularly ia hilly country and in extensive road-building operations. The questionof service is still regarded as one of the racist important factors in tractor sales in New Zealand. Practically all tractor dealers have trained engineers prepared to assist their customers when mechanical difficulties are encountered.
P.O. Drivers and Freedom from Accidents.
By an arrangement with the National "Safety First" Association the Postmaster-General has agreed that every one of the Post Office motorvan drivers throughout the country shall be allowed to enter for the current year's competition of the Association. A driver who completes 12 months' continuous driving without blameworthy accident receives a certificate, after five years' consecutive driving a silver medal and after 10 years a gold medallion. Between 30,000 and 40,000 drivers have already enrolled for the current year's competition, full particulars of which can be obtained from the general secretary of the Association at 119, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1.
By-passing Maidstone.
Maidstone Town Council has now arrived at a decision on the question of a route to by-pass the town. Of three suggestions which were considered, it favours the route of which two-thirds of the length is within the boundaries of Maidstone, although well away from the centre of it.