Service and Garage Equipment AT THE MOTOR SHOW
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There will be a special section devoted to service and garage equipment at this year's Motor Show, which is being held at Olympia from October 13-22. Much of the equipment to be displayed has a definite interest to those engaged in the operation, upkeep, maintenance and servicing of commercial vehicles, and this review of the stands in this section is intended to serve as
a guide to the chief lines of interest to them.
Arrel Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 108
On this stand the two lines that will appeal most to commercial-vehicle owners will be a wheel-alignment gauge and a wheel puller. So far as the former is concerned a definite reading for any van or lorry can be given in two minutes. The Arrel wheel remover can also be used as a miniature press for bearings, timing wheels, etc. A timeshying tool to be shown by the company will be a universal spanner set.
Autoear Electrical Equipment, Ltd. 121 This company will display electrical testing equipment, including a quickaction puller press and plates, a new condenser tester, a re-magnetizer which is suitable for use with a 12-volt battery, as well as with the D.C. mains, an armature trouble finder, magneto armature and winding testers, and the Weidenhoff service test bench.
Avery-Hardoll, Ltd. 99 The new Avery-Ilartioll petrol-metering unit will be featured on this stand. It is a motor-driven appliance, and the meter itself is an entirely new conception in that it avoids the use of either a distributing valve or piston leathers. The main claims made for the pump are greater measuring accuracy under widely varying conditions, improved nozzle control, better indication of flow due to the novel sight-glass spinner and increased all-round reliability.
C56 E. P. Barrus, Ltd. 68 Amongst the wide range of equipment to be shown by this company, those with commercial-vehicle interests will find the Van Norman automatic eylinder-boring bar, the Porter Oompact nut-splitting and bolt-clipping tool, and The Stanley Unishear electric shear for sheet-metal cutting of chief interest. The last-named can be used for cutting sheet materials up to 18 gauge.
Other equipment on the stand will include Blackhuwk lifting jacks and Van Norman valve refacers and reseaters.
Beck and Co., Ltd. 83
The exhibit of this company will cora'prise the Beckmeter positive electric petrol pump of the flowmeter type. Four pumps will be on view, and one, stripped of panels, will be available for demonstration. The meter consists of five cylinders, fitted with vertical pistons controlled by a spherieal valve and seat. It is free from clip leathers, springs and similar devices.
Bendix-Perrot Brakes, Ltd. 100 Certain types of the Bendix-Cowdrey brake tester to be exhibited are suitable for use with commercial vehicles, and will deal with up to a gross weight of eight tons. The tester is an electric motor-driven transmission dynamometer for measuring the braking effort at each wheel, its reading being expressed in terms of lb. of road pull. Different types are available for mounting on the floor or over a pit.
B.E.N. Patents, Ltd. 94
Marketed by this company is a wide range of equipment of value to garage owners dealing with commercial vehicles and to the users of such machines. The B.E.N. F16-model compressor is representative of the company's range of automatic units. , A new piece of equipment is a high-pressure vehicle washer. The motors of the two-gun and three-gun units are accommodated on an adjustable platform, whilst the other models are mounted, together with their driving motors, on a steel sub-base arranged for floor fixing. Other equipment to be shown includes spray-painting plant, tyre-repair equipment, and the ingenious sparking-plug cleaner recently described in these columns.
Black and Decker, Ltd. 124 This company is making a special feature of its electric polisher and electric
wing straightener. The latter is an appliance which should be much appreciated in garages and service stations where pressing out wings and reshaping bends and flanges is undertaken. Two frames are provided for use with the outfit, one having a 7-in, reach and the other a 12-in. reach. In addition, the company will exhibit a range of its portable electric tools, including drills, screwdrivers, hammers, saws, grinders, etc.
S. F. Bowser and Co., Inc. 101 A full range of piston-type selfmeasuring pumps is to be displayed by this company, the fuel-dispensing units of which are well known. The company will also be demonstrating its selfcontained electrically operated metering columns, models being available for both the service station and the large commercial garage. Another interesting feature will he the Xacto, which is a measuring device with a guaranteed accuracy of 1-10 of 1 per cent.
Joseph Bradbury and Sons, Ltd.. '75 G.E. apparatus which is likely to be of most interest to our readers falls under the headings of brake service equipment and jacks. The new G.E. brake service machine is an air-operated appliance. It is equipped with a 1 h.p. motor, and has a grinding band 7 Ins, wide, capable of dealing with the widest type of brake shoe. Apart from its Hereulift jacks and long-reach jacks, the company has produced a unit jack for dealing with crankcases, back axle. transmission units, etc.
Bristol Pneumatic Tools, Ltd. 74 Several new lines will figure in the exhibit of this company, which manufactures a wide range of compressors, some of them being air-cooled and others water-cooled. A new air service tower will be shown.
British Weaver Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 122 This company has arranged for the manufacture of its products in England, and although the complete British-built range will not be available until next c..pring,, it will be able to effect delivery of its new jacks immediately after the Show. On the stand will be the Lo-HiDranlic 3-ton garage jack and the 9-ton all-purpose hydraulic jack. In addition, there will be breakdown salvage equipment. A range of general tools will be demonstrated.
British Oxygen Co., Ltd. 81
In these days of all-metal equipment, a welding plant is/a great asset to a garage. This company's exhibit will include general-purpose blowpipe sets for all classes of manufacture and repair. Tyre-inflating equipment for use with compressed air or nitrogen will also be given prominence.
Brown Brothers, Ltd. 97 Whilst the items on this stand will be of chief interest to the trader, there
will be much equipment to attract the• notice of the commercial-vehicle opertor. There will be a comprehensive range of labour and time-saving devices, amongst which can be mentioned cylinder grinders and hones, decarbonizing tools, electric drills, lubricating outfits, paint-spraying plants, presses, engine
stands, valve refacing equipment, welding plant, wheel-alignment tools, etc.
Bums Engineering Co. 119 Equipment sold under the trade name of Barna will be well arrayed on this stand. Maintenance engineers will be attracted by such tools as the connecting-rod aligner and the cylinder-boring and honing machines. Amongst other lines to which attention will be drawn are valve-truing tools, wheel and hub drawers, electric valve refacers, chassisframe straighteners, bearing moulding outfits, crankpin truing tools, etc.
R. Cadiseh and Sons. 76 A representative exhibit, comprising leading makes of servicing and garage equipment, precision tools and workshop sundries, :As regularly stocked and supplied by this company as wholesale distributors; will be made. All exhibits will be available for demonstration, including the new Hammond Airmeter, whilst practical tests of alternative methods of cylinder reconditioning will be given.
V. L. Churchill and Co., Ltd. 102 We are not, at the moment, in a position to indicate the nature of the equipment to be displayed by this company, as it has only recently been formed by Charles Churchill and Co. in conjunction with Messrs. V. Lowener, of Copenhagen. The latter manufactures a range of garage equipment, and the former has acted as its sole agent in this country. We understand that, under the new arrangements, V. L. Churchill and Co., Ltd., will make in Great Britain the entire line previously imported from Denmark.
William Clark (Spare Parts), Ltd. 118 Nobby tools will be represented on this stand by decarbonizing brushes, reconditioning appliances for Fords, and a display turntable, in which the weight of the vehicle is carried by four jack screws beneath the frame, the springs being held in their natural positions by four clamps and chains.
R. IL Cook and Co., Ltd. 87 The jack-cranes marketed by this company are indispensable to bus operators running vehicles in which the body canopies overhang the engines, as they enable power units to be removed without difficulty; the lifting capacity of the jack is 25 cwt. Apart from salvage equipment, presses. gantries, compressors, switchboards, and a host of tools will also be on view.
A. J. Dew and Co., Lttl. 112 Covering all the requirements of the up-to-date service station, this wellknown company will display a comprehensive range of modern eqiiipment, as well as a selection of garage and workshop tools. In addition, there will be a good display of accessories, replacement parts and repair materials.
Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd: , 95 On the Dunlop stand the most important exhibit will be the tyre-repair plant ; but, in addition, there will be a new automatic air tower, this having a 6-ft. metal air-pipe projecting from the top; enabling the tyres to be inflated from two leads at any distance up to 17 ft. Three types of air compressor will also be on view, alongside a range of hydraulic and garage-type jacks, etc.
East London Rubber Co. 80 Special attention will be given to cylinder honing and boring equipment, but vehicle washers of well-known makes will be given prominence. Then there will be the new Rotas valve refacer, as well as a good range of greasing plant, including the Tecalemit and LW outfits. Coach painters will be interested in the paint-spraying guns, regulators and complete spraying plant, whilst small tools will make an appeal to the garage engineer.
F. H. Eve, Ltd. 107 Several models of this company's well-known geared engine stand will be on view, one pattern being particularly suitable for dealing with commercialvehicle units. Fecolite Engineering Works, Ltd. SO Fuel and oil-replenishing apparatus, in the form of the Bennett commercial. type pump (giving one gallon of fuel per stroke), a range of Bennett oil pumps (shown with and without tank), giving deliveries of one quart of lubricant, also Bennett gear-oil buckets and oil sprayers, will be a feature on this stand. There will also be Eco electric air compressors, compressed-air delivery columns, and electric pumps.
Fredk. J. Gordon and Co., Ltd. 100 All the items to be displayed by this company are suitable for use with commercial vehicles, and they include Hobart ' battery chargers, paint-spray equipment and air compressors, sold under the same name, and the Hobart electrical test bench for dynamos, magnetos and starters.
Grimston Electric Tools, Ltd. 98 This company's exhibits will consist almost entirely of electric tools, particular items of interest being combination drills, grinders and valve refacers.
Harvey Frost and Co., Ltd. 71 A comprehensive selection of new and standard HIP equipment, covering the fields of vehicle testing, maintenance, servicing and reconditioning, will comprise this well-known concern'sexhibit. Apart from salvage equipment, the company will display brake-testers, cylinder grinders and the Hydroforce vehicle. washing plant. In connection with the company's lubrication equipments, a new idea is being introduced in highpressure lubricating guns. The HP range of British electric tools will be well to the fore.
George Hatch, Ltd. 72 A number of widely used specialities, such as pumps, compressors and jacks, sold under well-established trade names, will be shown on this stand, in conjunction with the company's pillar drilling machines, bench vices and hand tools.
T. P. Headland. 114 Here, again, the exhibits will consist of a number of well-known appliances, including Buma, KB., and J. and S. valve re-seaters, Apkoway split rim tools and wheel-pullers, Tecalemit greasing apparatus, Bristol and B.E.N. air compressors, Rotax, Micox, Black and Decker, Grimston, Vidal and Wolf elec trie drills, in addition to an assortment of fire-extinguishers, skid chains, sparking pings, horns, lamps, mirrors, etc.
A. A. Jones and Shipman, Ltd. 120 J. and S. re-seating tools, from simple-type, single appliances for valves or seats, to the comprehensive garage sets for the largest repair depots, will be well to the fore on this stand, which will house the company's new type 12-in. by 6-in. -tool cutter and valve grinder.
c58 Ernest Lake, Ltd. 109 All classes of vehicle up to 2-tons weight can. be lifted and manoeuvred by the new Ern-Lake trolleyjack, the special crutch ensuring that all types of axle are properly engaged. The frame is low, thus allowing it to pass under a wheel when it is lifted but 2i ins.
Layeock Engineering Co. 73 A'. full range of the well-known L.S.D. washing plants will be shown, from one to six-guns capacity, including a new Niagara one-gun model. This plant is totally enclosed, automatically lubricated, and all rotating parts are carried on ball bearings. There will be the usual range of Laycock-Brunner air compressors, in conjunction with cylinder grinders, a new-type connecting-rod aligner, electric drills, and a range of brake re-lining equipment, including a bench-model riveter. The new L.S.D. pressure cleansing tank will interest maintenance engineers, the improvements embodied increasing its efhciency.
Leo Air Compressors, Ltd. 93 This company intends to exhibit air compressors with capacities from 1 to 23 cubic ft. per minute, both of the portable and stationary types. There will also be on view air and water posts with and without overhead swing arms, highpressure greasing equipment and grease guns..
C. Lindley and Co., Ltd. 84 Various types of machine tool will be displayed by this company, which is to make a special feature of its 45-50-ton heat-treated high-tensile bolts. For use in connection with commercial vehicles, the company will show a bus jack in. two lengths, air-compressor plants (covering a good range of various makes), battery-charging plants and power washers. Engineers' small tools will also have a place on the stand.
Liquid Measurements, Ltd. 79 Amongst the range of new petrol pumps and service appliances to be exhibited this year by the Hammond Pump and Equipment Co., Ltd., which is the marketing organization of Liquid Measurements, Ltd., is an attractive tyre-filling unit, known as the Airmeter ; it is completely self-contained. Other noteworthy Hammond innovations are an automatic electric petrol pump, a new type of piston pump, and dual and triple pumps. The well-known model M low-pressure metering unit, as used by the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., and other big bus undertakings, is to be shown, with a new self-contained unit.
Mann Egerton and Co., Ltd. 85 Supplemented by several new lines, this company is staging a comprehensive range of its well-known British-made garage equipment. The new lines include a petrol unloading tank, which has a capacity up to 50 gallons, a focusing screen which enables headlights to be properly focused, air and water towers, a portable inspection lamp and an oil filter.
Mansions Motor Co., Ltd. 103
In addition to the well-know-n range of K.B. tools, two new appliances will be on view, one being the K.B. connecting-rod aligning tool, and the other the KB. piston-ring slotting tool.
Metro Bureau Equipment, Ltd. 77 As sole concessionnaire for Anker cash registers, this company will display different models of register for garages and filling stations, their chief object being to provide a complete check on the amount of petrol and oil sold from each pump.
Micox Electrical Equipment. 117 This company will show a range of electric drills and grinders. Further, there will be centrifugal blowers and exhausters. The Micox hone will be an important exhibit, and another will be a brake-shoe grinding machine.
Henry Miller and Co. 09 This company specializes in hydraulic appliances for all classes of motor vehicle. On the stand will be a representative selection, including a single-ram, 3-ton car lift operated by compressed air ; this is made also for 5, 7 and 9-ton loads, the larger models
being hydraulic. The company's 21 and 5-ton garage jacks, lorry jacks for 4, 8, 10 and 12 tons, load-measuring jacks for 4, 6 and 15 tons, cylinder presses for 4, 8 and 30 tons pressure, and the well-known hydraulic brake tester will be other important items.
Morris and Ingram. 89
In connection with commercial vehicles, this company will have in actual operation on its stand the Hall boring bar, whilst the Titan hydraulic wheel-puller is another appliance that willinterest commercial users, especially fleet owners.
National Cash Register Co., Ltd. 92 Registers that enable an accurate check on takings to be kept by garage owners and service-station proprietors will be exhibited by this concern. Newton Bros. 88 Specializing in the supply of equipment for the quick refitting of big-end bearings and main bearings, this firm also markets the Newton Safeguard— an automatic device designed to operate an electric switch that is opened and closed with power obtained from oil pressure. In the event of a burst oil pipe or other serious breakdown in the lubrication system, the contact becomes separated and the engine stopped before serious damage results.
Newtons of Taunton, Ltd. 128 For the first time this company is to exhibit its new service-model constantpotential battery charger—a self-contained outfit selling at a low figure. Another new appliance is the MultiCircuit motor generator, whilst there will be a complete range of highpressure washers. The company' has recently entered into a co-operative arrangement with Reavell and Co., of Ipswich, and will be marketing a range of new air compressors. An attractive exhibit will be completed by electric drills, grinders, valve refacers, engine kits, decarbonizing outfits and the Newton-Hartridge cylinder grinder.
Partridge, Wilson and Co. 116 Davenset accumulator-charging plants will be featured by this concern, type S.C.4D. being of special interest to commercial users. The Davenset auto charger is for the charging of a starter battery without the need for its removal from the chassis. Placed beneath the radiator it prevents the cooling water freezing in cold weather.
J. W. Pickavant and Co., Ltd. , 91 Several new specialities have been added to the range of this company's products since the 1931 Show, these including a brake-lining stretcher, the use of which facilitates the correct fixing of new linings, a valve-refacing tool, a brake lining and riveting machine, and an automatic sparking plug cleaner, which is worked by an air-line.
G. T. Riches and Co., Ltd. 78 Accessories for all classes of vehicle, in the shape of spot and fog lamps and radiator muffs, will be accompanied on this stand by a wide range of garage equipment, including vehicle washers, paint sprayers, battery chargers, air compressors, jacks and different small tools.
Romac Motor Accessories, Ltd. 111 Apart from paint-spraying equipment, air-lines, tanks, etc., the chief exhibit here will be a new six-cylindered watercooled air compressor, which is available in stationary and portable types.
J. A. Ryley. 125 A new tool which this importer and exporter of motor specialities is to exhibit is for the quick detaching and replacing of brake shoes ; it is called the Coates brake-shoe extractor. There will also he bearing extractors, valve-spring compressors, electrical testing equipment, etc., on view.
Safety Storage Systems (1927), Ltd. 96 Included in this display will be oilstorage equipment, comprising single, double and triple-compartment oil cabinets, equipped with the company's Asia and Acme-type self-measuring pumps with recording meters. Then there will be a range of outdoor oil-servicing units for use with underground tanks. Simpkins' Engineering Works. 115 Given prominence here will be the company's Southwell high-pressure vehicle washers. The one-gun model has a capacity of 160 gallons per hour, at a working pressure of 300 lb. per sq. in., the capacity of the two-gun model being 340 gallons.
Tangyes, Ltd. 82 There will he working exhibits on this stand, including an hydraulic sleeving press, a one-gun washing pump, a compressor set and a vehicle lift. Other exhibits will include a range of washers, air and. water-cooled compressors, hydraulic and screw lifting jacks, and chain-lifting blocks. There will also be a 2i h.p. two-stroke vertical oil unit and an 8-10 h.p. model.
Tecalemit, Ltd. 67
in past years this company's exhibit has consisted mainly of lubricating equipment, but this year it will be more ambitious. As a pioneer of systematic valeting, it Will naturally concentrate on equipment for this work, but in addition there will be a good selection of electric and air-operated lubricating guns, air compressors, lifts, washing plants and brake-testing apparatus.
Theo and Co., Ltd. 105 This stand will house examples of the Theo hand and electrically operated multiple petrol and fuel-oil pumps, these being of the visible type and serving and registering from half a gallon to five gallons per operation. The Theo multiple eight-point oil unit will serve up to eight different grades of engine oil.
Bertram Thomas. 126 Steel storage equipment will be shown on this stand, the main lines comprising a patent system of bins and adjustable steel shelving. This equipment, supplemented by drawer cabinets, cupboards, etc., caters efficiently for, the needs of the service station, the factory and the commercial-vehicle user.
Timson Brothers. • 110 Much of the equipment supplied by this company is suitable for bug overhaul work, the Foxry degreasing tank being specially deserving of attention in this connection. Other equipment on view will be air compressors, boring bars, valve refacers and drills and washing plant.
Win. Turner and Brother, Ltd. 71A The Kismet automatic compressor plant embodies many up-to-date features and should certainly be inspected by garage owners interested in this class of apparatus.
C. C. Wakefield and Co., Ltd. 70 On its stand this company will show a full range of power and hand-operated greasing equipment, designed for use on every type of nipple. Penetrating-oil sprayers, a gearbox flusher and a range of hand grease pumps will be demonstrated on actual chassis. In addition, there will be a selection of tanks and cabinets, including the new Castrol four-point fountain.
Wayne Tank and Pump Co., Ltd. '90 Motor spirit and oil pumps will form the Wayne exhibit. Both the petrol pumps are electrically operated metering models, controlled by a trigger at the nozzle of the hose. Known as the Wayne Marvel unit is an oil-storage pump of one-quart capacity, it being attached directly to the top of a 50gallon storage tank.
Westinghouse Brake and Saxby Signal Co., Ltd. , 123 Battery-charging sets, suitable for service stations and garages and for operation from A.C. mains, will be largely in evidence on this stand, the exhibit including four multi-circuit sets, as well as two single-circuit sets. All Westinghouse chargers are flexible, and can be easily controlled to charge from the minimum of one cell up to the maximum number of cells.
Williams and James. 104 One of the chief exhibits on this stand will be the Hydraulux vehicle washer, which will be shown alongside automatic air-compressing plant for paint spraying, tyre inflation, mist washing, etc., mechanical tyre pumps and trolleytype tyre inflators.