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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever paints arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
43 Commercial Exhibitors at Paris Show.
There are 43 exhibitors at the important commercial-vehicle show which opened yesterday in Paris, on the Esplanade des Invalides. This is a remarkably fine effort, ia view of the fact that the scheme was proposed only a little over a fortnight ago.
The Salon de L'Automobile, which opened simultaneously, is visited by agents and buyers from all over the world, and a good proportion of these will undoubtedly visit the commercial show, which remains open until October 16.
The following is a full list of exhibitors:—
CHASSIS AND COMPLETE VEHICLES. Berliet, Bernard, Ohenard and Walcker, Citroen, De Dien, Delabaye, Delauney-BeIleville, Donnet, Ford, Laffly, La Licorne, tatil, Loon Bo116e. Mathis, Panhard-Levassor, Rochet Schneider, Peugeot, Pierce-Arrow, Renault,
Saurer, Save), Unic, Wil'erne.
Basset, Corms, Floriet, Henri Labourdette, Paquetti and Bretati (new amalgamated), Ste. Parisienno de Carrosserie.
Fernand Centre, Hardy and Co., Mayrel, Pinot.
Coder, Lagache and Glazman, La Remarque, Industrielle, Titan, Sta. Francais des Applications Me,cainique.
Dunlop, Michelin.
Lectures on Oil-engine Traction.
We have received from the Royal Society of Arts a useful pamphlet containing a series of lectures on Oil Engine Traction by Mr. A. E. L. Chorlton, C.B.E., M.P., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E. These lectures were delivered before the Royal Society of Arts In March, 1932, and were commented upon at the time in the columns of The Commercial Motor.
The lectures constitute a very interesting review of the subject, but much of the matter deals with Diesel engines as applied to locomotives, although road transport is not altogether neglected.
The brochure is sold at the price of 3s. and comprises 77 pages of reading matter.
B.S.A.T.A. Half-yearly Meeting.
There was a good attendance at the half-yearly meeting of the Ballast, Sand and Allied Trades Association, which was held at the Conference Hall, Olympia, a few days ago, Mr. A. 3. Arnold, of Messrs. Joseph Arnold and Sons, occupying the chair in the absence of the chairman.
The half-yearly report contains a reference to the success of the loadingline and delivery-ticket system, which has created added confidence between buyer and seller. Some indication of its use amongst members can be gathered from the fact that 3,780 loading-line plates and 523,000 pink delivery tickets have been issued.
Attention was drawn to the efforts of the Association to get the sale of materials by measurement standardized by the Government. In this connection, C20 the Board of Trade has appointed a representative to investigate the conditions under which sand and ballast are measured, loaded and carried. The British Standards Institution has also been approached to set up standards in the industry and, with this object in view, a committee is being formed.
Diesel and Faraday Honoured in Munich.
Celebrations in honour of Herr Diesel, the inventor of the Diesel engine, and Michael Faraday, the British genius who did so much for electricity, were held recently in the German Museum at Munich, where plaques of these two great men were unveiled in the Hall of Honour.
Herr Diesel himself helped to install the entire section for power engines at this Museum and left to it his diaries.
The illustration which we include is of particular interest, as it represents the first Diesel engine, and the group standing in front of it are the widow and daughter of the inventor and two of his sons, Herr Rudolph Diesel and Dr. Eugen Diesel.
The British Road Federation Provisional Committee.
Last week we referred to the first public meeting ' of the newly constituted British Road Federation. 'This is to be a permanent institution having as its main objects the creation of a common liaison between interests concerned in the operation of road traffic and in the improvement and maintenance of roads, with a view to presenting a united front upon present and future basic problems affecting transport, in the interests of the public and of the trade and industry of the country.
The immediate aim is a co-ordination Of such interests, so as to make representations in all material directions, to speak with one voice on their behalf and, in particular, to undertake a progressive campaign for educating political and public opinion.
The provisional committee consists of the following, who are identified with the associations, companies or papers set against their names:— Mr. N. A. Hardie (chairman, Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders); Sir Maxwell Hicks, C.B.E. (McNamara and Co., Ltd.); Brig.-Gen. A. C. Critchley, C.M.G., D.S.O. (Cement Makers Federation); Colonel D. C. McLagan, DAD. (S.M.M. and T.); Colonel A. Hacking (S.M.M. and T.); Major J. B. Elliott (Motor Hirers and coach Services Association); Messrs. W. H. Birch (MU, and C.S.A.); P. M. Bond (Asphalt Roads Association); F. a Bristow (Commercial Motor Users Association); R. G. (Marry, M.P. (British Road Tar Association); W. H. Hixson (National Road Transport Employers Federation); W. Rees Jeffreys tRoads Improvement Association); J. M. Johnston (Road Machinery Manufacturers); J. S. Killick (Asphalt Roads Association); J. D. Marks (Whittington Trust, Ltd.); J. S. Nichol]. (Road Haulage Association); E. W. Rudd (C.M.1.1.A.); R. W. Sewill (Road Haulage Association); G. Shave (CM.U,A.); F. C. Skinner (Furniture Warehousemen and R,emovers Association); G. N. Wilson (National Petrol Distributing Companies); G. Mackenzie Junner (The Commercial Motor); E. W. Willie (World's Carriers, Roads and Road Construction); H. Wyatt (Motor Transport); H. Miller (Roads and Road Construction). •
Out of this full committee, a small sub-committee has been formed which has in hand the work of framing the constitution and dealing with details in a more expeditious manner than can be done by the larger committee.
To be effective this Federation must receive substantial financial support, and the Society of Motor Manufacturers has already promised to consider the provision of a material sum, making the proviso that the Federation should be established on a broad national basis and an equivalent measure of financial support should be obtained from other interests.