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How a Single Item of Equipment is Well repaid
May Spoil Performance. The Leading Types and Makes of Auxiliary for Petrol and Oil Engines Reviewed
TFIH number of component parts included in a complete internalcombustion engine is surprisingly high, and each item plays an important part. It is, indeed, quite possible for the performance of an efficient engine to be seriously affected throuh to fault of one ge
small unit of its make-up.
Although this is, of course, an extreme case, it terves well to direct attention to the accessories and auxiliaries incidental to the power unit, whether they be of first importance 7--such as pistons and rings—or of trifling moment, as, for example, sparking-plug terminals.
The carburetter, one feels instinctively, should take pride of place when considering engine auxiliaries. (Elec-_ trical equipment is dealt with elsewhere in this issue.) The Amal is extremely popular for engines in the smallest classes. A novel feature of the Claudel Robson is the "power jet." The Solex incorporates an easy-starting device recently described in full in The GoatInercial Motor. Other leading makes are the S.U., well known for its "controllable jet," and the Zenith.
Compression-ignition engines, _creating no vacuum, like the petrol engine, cannot supply power for vacuum-servo brake systems. To overcome this difficulty, exhausters or air compressors are often included as auxiliaries. A wellknown example of the former is the Reavell; Williams and James, Ltd, manufactures both, and the Westing
house is one of the best-known compressors, the company manufacturing also the brake-applying gear.
Fans, many dynamos,. and occasionally other items, are belt driven, The belt need no longer be regarded as a potential source of trouble, for correctly fitted modern belting is COW
pletely reliable. Among the leading makers of belting and fasteners are National Belting Co., Thomas Whittle and Sons, Ltd., and Automotive Products Co., whilst William Clark (Spare Parts), Ltd., handles the Dayton fan belt, Electric starters are described in the
article in this issue devoted to electrical equipment. The Bendix drive, however, being a purely mechanical device, merits mention here. It is marketed by Continental Electrical Equipments, from which concern spares may be obtained, In this connection starter rings come to mind. The Shrunk-on gearing is made by G. H. Rodway, whilst William Clark (Spare Parts), Ltd., markets the Double Diamond starter gear.
Chains have long been used for camshaft and auxiliary drives ; one of the principal makers is Ronolds and Coventry Chain CO, Ltd. Its products in elude Duplex and inverted-tooth chains, chain tensioners, and an ingenious coupling.
Among minor items of engine equipment, but details that mean much to users and maintenance engineers, are pipe clips of various types, examples of which are the Jubilee, the Pertite and those made by Teealemit, Ltd.; carburetter and magneto controls, a novel joint in this connection being the Amal; joint and gland packing,s obtain+ able from Small and Parkes, Ltd., Cooper's Mechanical Joints, Ltd., Messrs. Hall and Hall, Chilcotts, Ltd.; petrol, oil and drain taps, unions, and simiIm4 fittings, greases, and so forth, produced by Rotherham and Sons, Ltd., Benton and Stone, Ltd., Tecalemit, Ltcl., and Ewarts, Ltd., also makers of standard petrol pipes ; flexible petrol piping such as Petrofiex; pipe couplings as supplied by Automotive Eng. Co., Ltd., and valve springs and cotters, etc., such as are manufactured by Herbert Terry, Ltd.
Filters for air, oil, petrol and fueldevices that do a vast amount in afford lug reliable and enduring service from engines—are instanced by the A.C., the Amal, the Ant° Klean, the Autovac, the 13osch, the Cooper-Stewart, the Purolator, the Tecalemit, the Vokes, the Vortex, and the Zenith.
Oil gauges, petrol gauges, temperature indicators, revolution counters, and similar instruments of various types are marketed by Benton and Stone, Ltd., Cooper-Stewart Engineering Co., Ltd., Et M. Hobson, ,Ltd., J. W. Pickavent and Co., Rotherham and Sons, Ltd., S. Smith and Sons (Motor Accessories), Ltd., EL Terry and Sons, Ltd., etc.
Mechanisms for lifting fuel from a low-level tank to the carburetter or fuel-pump are the Autovac, the S.W. (Cooper-Stewart), the S.15., the Amal, the A.C., and the Autopulse supplied by R. M. Papelian, Ltd.
A erolite pistons and Cygnet rings and gudgeon pins are manufactured by the Light Production Co., Ltd. The Aero C.,ontroil ring is a product of the Aero Piston Ring Co., Ltd. The Automotive Engineering Co., Ltd., markets the B.11.13. ring. The Brico and Maxigroove rings are made by the British Piston Ring Co., Ltd. The Clupet ring, which completely encircles the piston twice, is a speciality of the Clews Petersen Piston Ring and Engineering Co., Ltd. Inalium ;Special pistons are sold by Inalium Pistons, Ltd. Hepworth and Grandage, Ltd., manufactures rings, cast-iron and aluminium-alloy pistons and gudgeon pins. Specialloid pistons are well-known products of the concern of the same name. Einally, Wellworthy and Simplex pistons and piston rings are made by Wellworthy, Ltd.
Reverting, for the moment, exclusively to compression-ignition engines, the most important auxiliaries of these are fuel pumps. Among the principal makes are the Alder, of the type in which the plunger works on a rotatable sleeve ; the Benes, also of the rotatingsleeve type ; the C.A.V.-Bosch, perhaps the most generally favoured for roadtransport purposes ; the EH., in which eccentrics supply reciprocating motion to the plunger and sleeve ; and the Verus two-plunger pump.
Probably the most widely used injector is the C.A.V.-Bosch.
Various thermostats, which are coming rapidly into more general use, are made by Benjamin Whittaker, Ltd. and S. Smith and SODS 'Motor Accessories), Ltd., Delco-Remy and Hyatt, Ltd., and others. Good compression is the life and soul of any engine, and, in this respect, provided that the right piston rings are fitted, valves and valve guides play a prominent part. Amongst the principal
makers of these iteins are Standard Valves, Ltd., W. G. James, Ltd., Hepworth and Grandage, Ltd., Hadfields, Ltd., and Sheepbridge Stokes Centrifugal Castings Co., Ltd.
Aero Piston Ring Co., Ltd., St. Peter's Place, York Street, Leeds. Anal, Ltd., Holford Works, ' Perry Barr, Birmingham. Automotive Engineering Co., Ltd., 104, The Green, Twickenham. A.C. Sphinx Sparking Plug Co., Ltd., Bradford Street, Birmingham, Automotive Products Co., Brock House, Lanham Street, London, W.I. Auto-Klean Strainers, Ltd., 40, Trinity Square, London. E.C.3. Autormo Mani? texturing Co., Ltd., Heaton Norris, Stockport. Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., Melkshaan. S. Alder, 3, Westeliff Road South, Raker, Sunder land. G. Angus and Co., Ltd., St. John's Works, Newoastle-on-Tyne. Benton and Stone, Ltd., Bracehridge Street, Birmingham. Boma Engineering Co., Boyd Street, Newcastle-on.ryne. British Piston Ring Co., Ltd., Holbrook Lane, Coventry. Bentley and Draper, Ltd., 4, Fenchurch Avenue, London E.C.3. Birmingham Aluminium Castings Co.; Ltd., Dartmouth Road, Smethwick, Birmingham. Denes, Ltd., 24, Holborn, London, E.0.1, William Clark (Spare Parts), Ltd., 5, Marshalsea Road, London, 5.E.1. Continental Electrio Equipments (0. Desiderio), 143, Whitfield Street, London, WA.. Cooper's Mechanical Joints, Lower Kennington Lane, London, S.E.11. Ghilleotts, Ltd., 240, Blackfriars Road, London, 8.E.1. Cooper-Stewart Engineering Co., Ltd., 136, Long Acre, London, W.C.2. R. W. Coon, Ltd., Coan House, Duncan Street, Islington, London, N.1. Clews, Petersen Piston Ring and Engineering Co., Ltd., Mill. Lane, West Hainpstead, London, N.W.6. C.A.V.Bosch, Ltd., Acton, London, W.3. Clancey and Brown, New Street, West Bromwich. Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Fort Dunlop, Birmingham. Delco-Remy and Hyatt, Ltd., 111, Grosvenor Road, London, S.W.1.
EH. Engineering, Ltd., Bush House, Aldwycb, London, W.0.2. Ewarts, Ltd., Burnt Tree Works, Dudley.
Ga.11ay Radiator Co., Ltd., 105, &nibs Lane, Willesden, London, N.W.11. Gandy Belt Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Seacombe, Cheshire. Goodyear Tyre and Rubber' Co. (Great Britain, 1927), Ltd., Wolverhampton.
Hall and Hall, 47, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C.5. Ilobdell, Way and Co., Ltd., 20, St. Clare Street, bfinories, London, E.1. Hepworth and Gnandage, Ltd., St. John's Works; Bradford. Haduelds, Ltd., East Heels Works, Sheffield. H. M. Hobson, Ltd., 47, The Vale, Acton, London. W.3, Inalium Pistons, Ltd., 170, Great Portland Street, London, W.1.
W. G. James, Ltd., 14, Mortimer Street, Loa. don, y.1.
Light Light 'Production Co., Ltd., 60, Rochester Row, London, S.W.I.
National Belting Co„ Rainhatn, Essex.
J. Payen, Ltd., Church Wharf, Chiswick, London, W.4. Pickavant and Co., Ltd., Quikko Works, Granville Street, Birmingham, R. M. Papelian, Ltd., Trico Home, Edgware Road, London, N.W.2. Pertite Motor Accessory Co., Ltd., 1-5, New North Road, London, NJ. Raven end Co., Ltd., Ranelagh Works, Ipswich. G. H. Rodway, Suffolk Street, Birmuigham. Rencrid and Coventry Chain Co., Ltd., Renold Works, Didsbury, Manchester, L. Robinson and Co., London Chambers, Gillingham, Kent. Rotherham and Sons, Ltd. Coventry.
Boles, Ltd., 223, Marylebone Road, London, N.W.1. SAL Co., Ltd., East Works, Bordesley Road, ArMerley Park, Birmingham. Simms Motor Units, Ltd., Gresse Street, London, W.1. Small and Parkes, Ltd., Hendham Vale Works, Manchester. S. Smith and Sons (Motor Accessories), Ltd„ ()Halewood Works, London, N.W.2. Specialloid, Ltd., Friern Park, London, N.12. Standard Valves, Ltd., Bahnoral Road, Northampton. Sheepbridge Stokes Centrifugal Cast-, ings Co., Ltd., Sheepbridge Works, Chesterfield. Tecalemit, Ltd., Great West Road, Brentford. Herbert Terry and Sons, Ltd., Redditch. C. G. Vokes and Co., 95, Lower Richmond Road, Putney, London, 5.W.15. Williams and James, Chequers Bridge, Gloucester, Westinghonse Brake and Saxby Signal Co., Ltd., 82, York Road, London, N.1. Thomas Whittle and Sons, Ltd., Rose and Crown Street, Warrington. Benjamin Whittaker, Ltd., Victoria House, Vernon Place, Southampton Row, London, W.C.1. Wellnrorthy, Ltd., Lymington. Alfred Wiseman. Ltd., 89, Glover Street, Birmingham.