NEWS of the WEEK
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THE suggestion has been made that the authorities might consider granting an extra petrol ration to Concerns which have had some of their lorries requisitioned to enable them to make greater use of their remaining vehicles and thereby to minimize the present inequality of sacrifice as between individual concerns.
The Ministry of Transport's point of view is that extra petrol, in addition to the basic ration, is available for necessary work. Therefore a concern which has had part of its fleet of lorries requisitioned is likely to have more of such work for those remaining, and, accordingly, to receive additional fuel.
New Gas Producer from Scotland. IT is learnt that a Scottish concern/. the Eastern Manufacturing Co., of Arbroath—is putting on the market a gas-producer plant for vans and cars, enabling any standard petrol engine to be adapted to run on anthracite or similar fuel, with little modification.
Petrol is used for starting up, and restarting after a prolonged stop, but it is claimed that one gallon will suffice for 500 miles.
Licensees' Position After The War.
WHAT will be the postion, when the war is over, of licence holders who have had no alternative but to surrender their licences, through their vehicles being requisitioned or purchased outright, is a question which has been under consideration in the Yorkshire Area of A.R.O. Suggestions have been sent to A.R.O. headquarters on the lines that when hostilities cease and pre-war licensing again becomes operative, an applicant shall be treated as though he still operates the same tonnage as he did on September 3, 1939.
Punctuality Pays in Fuel Application.
A'PLICATIONS by operators for supplementary rations of fuel should be in the hands of their group organizers not later than the Monday previous to the week for which the extra fuel is needed, emphasizes a statement issued by the Yorkshire Area of A.R.O. Failure to meet this requirement, it is pointed out,, means that . the group organizer is not in a position to include such applications in his return, with the result that it will not be possible for the operators concerned to receive any supplementary rations for the period in question.
Threat to tlauliers' Livelihoods?
THAT the interests and livelihoods of the road. hauliers throughout the. country were being threatened, as a result of the proposals which had been, put forward by the railways to divert their normal traffic, was represented in the House of Commons
to the Minister of Transport by Mr. De la Bere.
" I cannot accept that implication," said Captain Wallace. " On the contrary, I hope that the rationing of petrol may be mitigated by co-operation between the hauliers and the railway companies."
" Is it not a fact," persisted Mr. De Ia. Bere, " that the president of the executive of one of the main-line railways and the general manager of another are actively engaged in every endeavour to destroy the livelihood of the. road hauliers? "
" No, sir," replied Captain Wallace. " I most emphatically repudiate that suggestion."
That he should look into the matter and " really find out whether that was not the case " was Mr. De is Bere's final point, which the Minister ignored.
Sugar-beet Dumping Banned.
WHEN Boston (Lines) Rural Dis
trict Council met recently, members of the Press were asked to give publicity to the fact that it is no longer permitted for farmers to dump sugar beet by the roadside. It was emphasized that in these days of stringent lighting regulations, it was imperative that the roads and road-sides should he free from obstruction.
Operators' Maintenance Problems . Overlooked.
THE original Control of Iron and Steel Order, 1939, has been cancelled and replaced by The Control of Iron. and Steel (No. 2) Order, 1939. Chiefly of interest to the motor, industry are those clauses in Direction No. 1, expanding and elaborating purposes listed in the original order and relating to cases where iron and steel may be used without a licence being necessary to acquire the material. As regards road vehicles, specific reference is made only to vehicles employed by. public utility undeStakings. This presumably also concerns public service vehicles; no mention is made of the needs of the haulier or other private operator.
Helpful Book on Road-Transport Under Present Conditions. DESCRIBED as " an explanation of the emergency organization of road transport, with special reference to the group system, fuel rationing, and the relevant compulsory records now required," a booklet entitled "Road Transport in War-Time," by L. G. White, has just been published by Jordan and Sons, Ltd., 116, Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2. The price is sixpence.
In 16 pages it deals fully with the subject from the angles of operators, group organizers and others engaged in the vital business of transport, and should be of great value in solving the problems arising under the present difficult conditions in our industry, C.M.U.A. FIGHTING FOR CONCES SIONS FOR THE INDUSTRY.
REPRESENTATIONS have bee, made by theC.M.U.A. to th. Minister of Transport and the Chancello of the Exchequer for immediate consider ation to be given to the question of re bates in respect of Road Fund licence surrendered by owners of commercia vehicles impressed, acquired or requisi tioned. At present repayments can b. obtained only for unexpired period involving complete months, wherea owners should be entitled to refunds fo an incomplete month,
It has also urged that the fuel-ration ing scheme for commercial vehicles now on a weekly basis, should be place< on a monthly one. As a result, th Minister of Transport has stated that after experience, it may be found desir able to make adjustments, and he doe not exclude the possibility, later, of .; fortnightly basis.
By the latest Construction and Us Regulations, the use of vehicles on soli tyres (with certain exceptions) is pro hibited after January. I, and the Asso elation has asked that this regulatioi should be suspended during the war.
Rail Unjustly Favoured?
AMEETING of hauliers in Leicester last week, protested against th inadequacy of the petrol ration are passed unanimously a vote of no confidence in the Road and Rai Central Conference, which agreed to : scheme whereby hauliers should tak goods to railheads only. The meetin. comprised members of the Leiceste Subarea of A.R.O. and the Midland Area of the Coach Owners Associatio. and it was presided over by Mr, L. Shipman, chairman of the latter body
Mr. J. A. Kirby said that if haulier had not been allowed an extra ratio for the first week, industry and corn meree, would have been reduced walking pace. The present basic rat was not a workable proposition.
Brush-Koela Gas Producer.
AN interesting development in con nection with the production of ga producers is that the Brush Electricz Engineering Co., I td., Loughborough has, by arrangement with the Koel Producer-Gas Plant Co., Ltd., take over its patents and will ma.nufactur and sell the Koela producer.
The apparatus is applicable to a types of internal-combustion engin( and has been especially developed fc use on all classes of motor vehicle.
The Brush concern is now engage upon the appointment of distributos and dealers throughout the countryt handle sales, service and installatior Mr. Bosworth Monek, the chairman < the Koela Company, is joining th Brush concern, and will have char! of this side of the business, thus ensul ing continuity of contact with potenth users, Government Departments, etc. EXEMPTIONS FROM STORAGETANK CLEANSING.
'▪ XEMPTION from the requirements
-Aof sub-section (4) of section 31 of ae Factories Act, 1937, as to the clean* and examination of the internal surices of any oil-storage tank forming art of a multiple-head oil fountain, as been conferred by the Chief Inspecpr of Factories, subject to the follow* conditions:—(1) The tank or comressecl-air inlet pipe must have a suitble safety valve to permit air to escape s soon as the safe working pressure is xceeded; (2) the tank must he tested o twice its safe working pressure at ..ast once every 26 months, using oil or Lydrautic means, the pressure being aaintained for at least 20 minutes, the ank must be examined externally by a ompetent person while this pressure is aaintained, and he shall make such ;augings of the deflection as may be onsidered necessary; (3) a report made a accordance in condition two must he ubmitted upon Form 59.
This exemption shall not apply to any ank having a maximum ivorking presure greater than 25 lb. per sq. in Fix All Rates Now?
THE present time is opportune for I the :fixing of national rates for all ypes of transport, suggest5 a resciluion which the Yorkshire Area of 1/4..R.O. has forwarded to headquarters. +lationally controlled rates, with every )perator depending on the service he an give, will result in an understandng long overdue, it is urged.
Nemi Mask for Head Lamps. THE A.R.P. Department has devised a motor-vehicle head-lamp mask to :upersede the temporary screening nethods at present in use, and to corn4y with the new order affecting head amps which. will come into force in a 'ew weeks.
it comprises a circular metal plate tarrying a metal cylinder. The rear md of the latter is closed by an opaque naterial having three horizontal semi:ransparent slits. The end which faces :o the front contains three horizontal, looded, open slits which allow a diffused beam to be thrown.
The mask replaces the head lamp ;lass at the off side, and the bulb at the near side will be removed. When 5ufficient quantities are available, their Ise will he made compulsory.
• Care Called For in Raising Rates.
OPERATORS were warned against any precipitate raising of their rates, by Mr. Tom Worsley, Scottish irganizer of the C.M.U.A., at a meetrig in Glasgow on Sunday last. There gas, without any consideration of arages or other matters, a definite 7.ause, at the present time, for raising transport charges, said Mr. Worsley, but there were factors which called for hesitation and care.
Chief among these factors was that the main competitors of road transport, the railway companies, had now become state departments. It might be pos
sible, he commented, for the State to go on losing money by not raising transport rates on the railways, and it might be possible for such an organization as the C.M.U.A. to approach the Government and ask that the rates should rise, but it was a matter which called for careful treatment.
That there was a cause for increased rates could not be denied, and the occasion seemed one when each contractor should deal individually with his Own customers.
A.R.O. Impressment Claims Department.
As a result of the great dissatisfaction and.hardship being experienced in connection with the impressment of vehicles, the A.R.O. is setting up a special claims department to deal with compensation and such matters. It will be under the control of Mr. H. Norman Letts.
WITH the suspension of public VII licensing inquiries, the main purpose of the Manchester Area C,1VI.U.A. scheme for legal representation has ceased to exist. Consequently, it has been decided to suspend the main scheme for the duration of the war and to provide a skeleton scheme for the purpose of servicing members in respect of licence inquiries such as in the case of variations, substitutions, etc. Those members who have paid their subscriptions will be credited with the unexpired portion of the year as from August 31, when the scheme is restarted.
Lewin Sweeper Works Transferred
THE business of Lewin Road Sweepers, Ltd., has lately been transferred to larger works in Shakespeare Street, Southport, Lancs.
PROTESTS concerning the position in which road transport finds itself, under war-time conditions, were vigorously voiced by Sir Granville Gibson, president of Leeds Chamber of Commerce, and Mr. A. H. Butterwiek, chairman of the Chamber's Transport Section and of the Yorkshire Area of A.R.0„ at a meeting of the Council of the Chamber, last week. Mr. Butterwick said road-transport operatOrs were apparently faced with the edict that, except for a severely restricted radius, all movement of goods must be by rail.
A case in point was the arrangement which he understood had been made, whereby domestic coal could not go by road for more than two miles from the pit-head. Even now the railway system seemed overburdened, and there were complaints of congestion and delay all over the country. Under the fuel-rationing scheme, road haulage contractors had so far been dealt with fairly reasonably, by way of the issue of supplementary rations, hut if the scheme ever did involve the virtual suspension of long-distance goods transport by road, then he could foresee a state of chaotic congestion on the railways.
Road operators contended that a reversal of the Ministry of Transport's policy as to war-time transport was necessary for three reasons—to maintain the road-haulage industry in such a condition that its vital services were unimpaired; to ensure the quick movement of general goods; and to prevent the industry's valuable vehicles from being laid up, and its personnel dispersed to pursuits much less useful to the nation.
Chassis and Components for Uganda.
WE have received a letter from Abdul Rehman, Imperial Motor Works (Uganda), Ltd., P.O. Box 274, Kampala, Uganda, asking for names of British manufacturers who can supply commercial vehicles and their component parts. In the case of the latter he is particularly interested in those specializing in the supply of engines, gearboxes, front and rear axles, frames, brakes, springs and wheels, also in those siipplying electrical equipment, accessories and radiator cores. „
He desires to assemble complete chassis with wheels but -without tyres, body and fenders. The engines are to be between 20 h.p. and 30 h.p., and the capacity up to 5 tons.
Preventing Petrol Pilfering.
RATIONING of fuel has greatly ....increased the risk of theft from the tanks of standing vehicles. To afford a protection against inserting a tube into a filler pipe, of the type commonly employed, and syphoning out the liquid, Weathershields, Ltd„ 48, Moor Street, Birmingham, 4, has introduced a device of great simplicity but considerable effectiveness.
It offers no obstruction at all to the flow of petrol or oil fuel into the tank, but definitely prevents the insertion of Al?
a tube. Offered at only 2s. 6d., the device consists of a coil of stiff rod, approximately the shape of an inverted cone. It is permanently attached at the upper end and cannot readily be
iemoved or forced to one side. The accompanying sketch clearly shows an application of the scheme, for which a patent has been applied for. EXTENDED VALIDITY, PERIOD FOR PETROL COUPONS, A USEFUL concession to comma; cial-vehicle operators is that th validity of the petrol-ration cotipoll has been extended to 28 days.
We are also advised that petrol ca now be obtained for (a) general trad plates, and (b) limited trade plates Application must be made on Form l (MS) 5, which can be obtained at an post office, and should be forwarded t the local petroleum officer. In answe to question 6, " horse-power or 11E laden weight," it iS recommended tha the word "-various" should b inserted. The quota will depend upo the information given.
Easing Livestock Transport Burden.
RECENTLY a schemefor fe.cili tating delivery of livestock by ron was outlined by Mr. Robert Bari Who is acting as Forwarding Officer to Meat and Livestock in the North. eastern Division of the Ministry c Food, at a cattle removers' meetin held under the auspices of the Cattl Removers' Section of the Yorkshir Area of A.R.O. The basis Of th scheme is the grouping of cattle re movers as one body. In each area there will be a group organizer who wil be supplied with particulars of the live stock to be removed to the variou collecting centres.
Stored 150 Gallons—Fined 110.
AGLASGOW company which store; 150 gallons of petrol vvithou having a licence, was fined £10 at Glas flow Central Police Court recently, i being ordered that the petrol be for felted. Accused was John Deas am Co., engineer, 67, Sydney Street, am the concern pleaded guilty. The Procu rator-Fiscal stated that the petrol wa stored in three 50-gallon drums.
Mr. Deas, a partner, stated that h had purchased the petrol in view of th rationing. It was not a licensed store The company had Government con tracts, and it was necessary that i should keep its lorry running.
Big A.E.C. Contracts.
A MONGST contracts recently secure( by the Associated Equipment Co. Ltd., Southall, Middlesex, there an three of outstanding importance, thee having been received from the Northen General Transport Co., Ltd., the Cit of Oxford Motor Services, Ltd., and tl; London Brick Co., Ltd.
The furst-named has ordered 37 Rega single-deckers and five Regent double deckers, and when these vehicles .are it service this operator will have take; delivery of no fewer than 164 A.E.C. within the past three years.
The latest order from the City c Oxford Motor Services, Ltd., is for 2 Regents and five Regis, which wi; bring the fleet of vehicles of this mak ordered in the past three years uj to 90.
The order from the London Brick Co. Ltd., is for a further 16 Monarch lorries and its fulfilment will bring the -Iota of A.E.C.s working for this importan undertaking to over 250.
' is learnt that Huddersfield Gas Mpartment, l'uhich has been experimting in the propulsion of vehicles coal gas carried in gas-bags on the hides, has opened a gas-filling dim] at its works in Leeds Road. ice the announcement of the experimts, the department has been indated with inquiries from vehicle i! Other gas-filling stations have en or will be opened by the municipal s undertakings at Bradford (eight ttions), Leeds and Keighley.
Traffic Safety Measures in Fog. TINTER fogs increasing the diffiV culty and danger of night driving ring the black-out are giving some ncern. The Minister of Transport :pes that the aids to movement wady provided, in the form of white tes, etc., coupled with the use of a ecially designed mask for headlamps th a dipped beam (which will shortly available), will permit of traffic pveinent in fog without more than ual difficulty.
;as Producer " Shot " in Deptford. 'HE interest shown in producer-gas plants is such that the Paramount :ople last week shot the sequence of odeedings, from the lighting of the • ke to the running of the machine on e road. It was intended that a mem. ,r of our staff should give an expIanary commentary on the spot, but it is decided that this should be done in e studio.
The plant concerned was the Koela, id the vehicle to which it was fitted as the Bedford 30-cwt. machine with hich we carried out comparative tests petrol and producer gas in July, 138.
Neglect of Requisitioned, Vehicles. 'RE9UEST was made•isi Parliament by a Socialist Member that the inister of Transport should instruct ea Traffic Commissioners to make .raging arrangements before requisiming vehicles, so as to prevent their ing left in -open fields and at roadies.
Captain Wallace replied that he had r control over the impressment of dlicks for the Armed Forces, that his ficers. had not, so far, requisitioned :hides, except at the instance of local tho ri ti e s or military units, which ereupon became responsible for the nditions under which vehicles were ken over and returned, and that, erefore, the Commissioners were not a position to take the action ggested.
The Same questioner insisted that it mild be desirable if local authorities ok care of the vehicles, especially in r raids, and, instead of allowing them be left on side roads, becoming playInes for children and accommodation
✓ casuals, proper provision should he ade.
Captain Wallace undertook to convey at suggestion to the two Ministers neerned with the action of local ithorities in this matter.