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Haulage Pay Increases Proposed by . Wages Council

7th October 1960, Page 50
7th October 1960
Page 50
Page 50, 7th October 1960 — Haulage Pay Increases Proposed by . Wages Council
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D ISES of from 7s. to Ils. 9d, a week IX in the basic rates for A and B licensed general haulage workers were proposed this week in RH(69), issued by the Road Haulage Wages Council. The objection period expires a week today. Larger rises are proposed for workers on abnormal indivisible or indivisible-load vehicles.

The unions (The Commercial Motor, July 1) asked for £1 a week.

For vehicles of 1 ton or less carrying capacity, rises varying from 7s. to 10s. a week are proposed, according to age. Where the vehicle is over 1 ton carrying capacity, the proposals are for increases varying from 10s. to I Is. 9d. a week in all areas, depending on the payload.

The proposed wage increases for workers in the furniture, warehousing and removing industry are from 9s. 9d. to 10s. a week, in all areas. If RI-1(69) is approved, wages for other haulage workers would rise by 4s. to 9s. 9d. a week, depending upon age.

Where the employees w o rk on a bno r ma 1 indivisible-load vehicles, increases varying between 9s. 9d. to 14s. 3d. a week are proposed, based upon the man's job (that is, driver, mate, brakesman or steersman) and the vehicle's carrying capacity.

The new weekly wages for vehicles over 1 ton capacity, if RH(69) is confirmed, would be: (in London) between 183s, and 2I3s. 9d.; (Grade 1 areas) 1785. to 208s. 9d.; and (Grade 2 areas) 174s, to 204s. 9d.

RH(69) also proposes an 18s subsistence allowance. Other provisions relate to customary holidays and payment for working on those days.