From Our Berlin Correspondent,
Page 15

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A Costly Whitsun Trip.
The German owner of a lorry, who used it on Whit-Monday as a char-ii-banes, has received from the revenue a claim for 480 marks (£24). He has also been fined 10 marks, which brings the grand total
up to £2,1 ios. The disconsolate owner pleads ignorance of the law relative to motor taxation, but I fear he will have to pay up, as the use of a• freight vehicle for occasional passenger traffic brings it under the passenger tariff. He took 35 friends for a ride.
That Blessed Word "Autonomy!"
The Swiss War Office recently applied to the Government of the Canton of Graubunden, which is notoriously motorphobe, for permission to use two of the Cantonal roads for auto-military trials, but failed to obtain it, the Government replying that the Cantonal laws prohibited such trials ! At the same time, the Government threw out a suggestion that perhaps the Federal Council could override the Graubfinden laws in this respect. It is surely carrying local autonomy to a high pitch of absurdity to prevent the War Office from taking measures to defend Switzerland against her possible enemies.
Gaggenau Changes.
The Gaggenau motor works will henceforth manufacture and trade as the " Benz-Werke Gaggenau, Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Hafting (a private company with limited liability, the shares not being negotiable on 'Change) vormale Stiddeutsche Automobilfabilk," under the business management of the following gentlemen :Engineer Georg Diehl, Factorydirect or Josef Brecht, both of Mannheim : and Felix Lolirmann, Gairgeeau. Herr Friedrich Demann, of Mannheim, has power to act pro curs. his signature together with that of any one of the business managers binding the firm. The interesting point of this arrangement is that the firm created by Herr Georg Wiss is to be worked as a private concern with limited liability, although owned by Benz. As most readers are aware, commercial vehicles constitute a Gaggenan speciality.
Getting the Russian Market.
The firm of Laurin and Klement, are bent on getting a firm foothold in Russia, and they certainly employ the best means of attaining success. They have already three branches in Russia—one in St. Petersburg, another in Moscow, and a third at Kiev, No expense is spared to bring their productions before the public. The military authorities, by the way, have been trying the Laurin and Klement transport-cum-airibulance wagon, which was illustrated by you some months hack. Although they put it over miles of vile roads, it behaved splendidly throughout. Are there any English firms pushing along in the same style in Russia ? I think not-.
8 Polack's Capital to be Raised.
The B. Polack Aktien-Gesellschaft, Waltershausen, purposes increasing the share capital to three million marks (E150,000), by an
issue of 900,000 mark shares. A group of financiers will take over the shares on condition that they offer 700,000 mark shares to the holders of old shares in the relation of three to one. This company, which was founded on 20th December, 190'7, has issued debentures to the amount of a million marks. Two dividends of 15 per cent. and 10 per cont. respectively, have been paid. German, tire makersshould do better business now that a deadset is being made against Michelin for this firm's indiscreet advertise
ments in conjunction with the Turin International Exhibition. In these advertisements, "Bibendurn" refers to Germany and the German Emperor in a surprisingly tactless way, and the motor clubs, after having waited several weeks for a disavowal from headquarters, are now agitating for a boycott of Michelin tires. Messrs. Michelin do a splendid business in Germany, and it is therefore incomprehensible that the firm should allow an advertisement manager to undermine it by remarks of the kind. Politics should be kept out of business.
Honours for Leading Germans in co the Heavy-vehicle Industry.
.Heinrich Bussing, Doctor of Engineering, and head of the Brunswick firm of H. Bussing, whose lorry and omnibus chassis have attained a pre-eminent position on the Continent and elsewhere, has received the Order of the Red Eagle, Class IV. A similar Order has also been conferred upon Herr Georg Wiss, who created the Gaggenau works, which are now owned and entirely managed by Benz and Co. Managing Director Ernst Wolff, too, of the N.A.G., obtains a like honour. All three gentlemen have deserved well of Germany in respect of the heavy class of chassis, and, in my opinion, the Order in question but inadequately symbolizes their respective services to the particular branch of industry which is supported by THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. Another gentleman to receive recognition is Herr Carl Schippert, erstwhile business manager at the Marienfelde works of the Daimler Gesellschaft. but at present a member of
directorate. He gets the Crown Order, Class IV. I question whether anybody who ever has the Pleasure of doing business with Herr Schippert will begrudge him his honour.