News and Comment.
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This journal is admitted to possess the influence, the men, the standing and the leading circulation. It is exclusively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses throughout the World.
The Westminster City Council requires its tenders for the supply of four petrol motor tip-wagons to be lodged not later than noon on the 28th inst.
This month's meeting of the General Committee of the C.M.U.A. will not take place until Wednesday, the 20th inst., at three o'clock in the afternoon, at 89, Pall Mall, S.W. The Chairman is at present in Italy.
Steel-rubber Tires.
There will be found, on page .1, synopsis of constructional and other points in connection with the remarkable tires which are now being sold by Wood-Milne, Ltd., of Preston, together with a reproduction from a micro-photograph of a transverse section of a heavy tire of the kind.
Topical Subjects.
The wish of the L.C.0 to obtain the sanction of the Board of Trade to the use of trailers behind eketric tramcars in London is not of interest only to motorbus proprietors, but to every Metropolitan owner and driver. We, therefore, ask the support of all readers for the case which we seek to show against the proposal, on the first page of this new volume—our fourteenth. and which we feel deserves keen support in all Quarters where the public interest is respected. We comment, in our second leading article on the case of a driver who was heavily fined, at a Derbyshire police court, for being asleep in charge of his vehicle. The circumstances according to the reports which have been furnished to us, show that. an unduly-heavy fine was imposed. In fact, we are not all sure that the conviction of this man cannot be quashed. As soon as we are in possession of replies to certain inquiries which we are making, It is our intention to lay the case before the general committee of the C,M.U.A.
Our other leading articles, this week, are entitled : "Large or small passenger units," and " Amateur road carrying." We shall be particularly ready to make room for " Opinions from others " upon the last-named article.
The London-Bristol Mail.
It was our privilege to be invited, on Friday night last, to travel down the Bristol Road, in Mr. A. V. Willmott's 18 h.p. Dennis car, with Mr. Ken Willmott at the wheel, to witness the inauguration of the London-Bristol motor parcel-mail. A punctual start was made from the Paddington district office, at 9 p.m., and there was every opportunity to note the satisfactory manner in which the service was performed. McNamara's organization for motor-contracting work is a subject to which we expect shortly to return, but we cannot defer brief reference to the revival of the Bath (Bristol) Road as a mail route. Less than Hi years ago, to be precise in April, 1900, the writer was driven
thraugh to Bristol, in Mr. A.
Holder's Daimler car, on the first day of the 1,000-mile motorcar trial. Comparisons and memories did indeed come to mind, on Friday night last, and it was a tempting prospect to go the whole way again. There were, however, reasons for abstention, but readers may look for an early account in these pages of a typical night's run. It must suffice to state that the journey is scheduled for completion at an average speed of 13 m.p.h., and that this proved well within the capacity of the IS h.p. Dennis with its 18-cwt. load. The down journey each night is performed by a sister vehicle, whilst a third remains in reserve at Castle Street, Finsbury. Prior to the official taking-up of the mail-carrying, each driver had made several practice runs along the road, from end to end and back again, in order to familiarize himself with the corners, hills and other features.
New Registrations. London and County Motor Co Ltd., with an authorized capital of E4,000 in El shares, by Kenneth,
Brown, Baker, Baker and Co., Lennox House, Norfolk Street, 1,47..C., to carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in motorcars, etc.
Sorbinia Engineering Co., Ltd.. with an authorized capital of 26,500 (6,000 preferred ordinary shares of El each and 10,000 deferred shares of 1s. each), to carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in motorcars, cabs, omnibuses and other vehicles, etc.
First directors: O. Lewisolm, W. S. Ladenburg ; L. V. Rothschild ; and Alick King.
Vernon Engineering and Carrying Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of £5,000 in 11 shares, by Jordan and Sons, Ltd., to take over the business of engineers, mechanics, and carriers now car, ried on by the Vernon Engineering and Carrying Company, Ltd. (in liquidation), at Mount Vernon Works, Longsight, Manchester. First directors : J. A. Hardie and F. M. Birtill.
Newcornen Syndicate, Ltd., with an authorized capital of E3,000 (2,900 ordinary shares of Li each and 2,000 deferred shares of ls, each) by T. E. A. Baker, 88-90, Chancery Lane, W.C., to carry on the business of manufacturers of and proprietors of and dealers in motorcars, etc., and to acquire from J. Douglas . the benefit of a certain existing invention relating to internal-combustion motors,
The Health Committee of Sal• ford Town Council has decided to make application to the Local Government Board for sanction to borrow £1,400, the amount required to cover the cost of providing two motor ambulances and a motor bedding van.
The word " Lease° " is registered as the trademark of Messrs. Leo Swain and Co., of 237, Deansgate, Manchester, whose Northern representations include the following ; Bleriot Ltd. ; Parsons NonSkid Co., Ltd. ; Polack Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd.; A. T. Speedometer Co. ; H. F. vulcanisers ; " Autoloc " levers and controls ; Aster plugs; etc.
Lacre Deliveries.
The output of the Lacre model factory at Letchworth is going strongly. Messrs Meeson and Son, wholesale confectioners, of Pendleton, Manchester, have recently placed a repeat order for an 18 h.p. 25-cwt. Lacre van, owing to the excellent. results yielded with its twoton, 30 h.p. Lacre delivered in February last, and which vehicle has averaged 70 miles per day to date, whilst one of the latest Lacre deliveries in London is that of a 12-15 h.p. 10-cwt. box van, a repeat sale, to Messrs. Garrould, of Edgware Road, W., this repeat order having been placed in consequence of the owner's satisfaction with the running of a Lacre van purchased and delivered in June of last year.
London's "Village Blacksmiths."
In country districts, every user of machinery invokes the aid of the " Village Blacksmith " as soon as anything goes wrong and his machines or implements require to be overhauled or repaired. In London, however, where machinery is used to an enormous extent, the number of its "Village Blacksmiths " is but a relatively-small proportion as compared with those
in rural districts. For well-conducted general engineering and repair shops, there is a tremendous field in London and district, and we are always glad to hear of new concerns which are well equipped for the undertaking of ail kinds of repair work. As we go to press, we learn that a new company has just commenced operations in the West End. We refer to the Norma Motor and Engineering Co., Ltd., of Ravenscourt Square, Hammersmith, W., the managing director of which company is Mr. George K. Field, Although primarily established for the manufacture of highclass motor vehicles, the Norma Co.'s works is fully equipped, and capable of dealing with almost all classes of engineering work. The works of this company are conveniently situated just off the Goldhawk Road ; the telephone number is 1048 Chiswick.
Tharnyc r aft Sales.
One of the smartest 16 h.p., twocylinder, 24-cwt. delivery vans, of recent delivery, is illustrated herewith. This Thornycroft vehicle has been supplied to Messrs. Corneille David and Co., who are the distributing agents for Oxo " and other meat-extract specialities. Amongst the Thornycroft Co.'s recent orders, for vehicles of goodscarrying types, we may mention the following : a 16 h.p. chassis for the Bombay Baroda and Central India Railway(repeat sale); a 16 hp. 24-cwt. box van for a native prince in the West of India ; a 16 h.p. chassis for Messrs. Curnick and Co., butchers, of Smithfield ;
16 h.p. lorry for the Mansfield and Sutton Co-operative and Industrial Society, Ltd. ; a 16 h.p. lorry for Kendall Bros., Ltd. ; a 30 h.p. lorry for Tuekwood's Stores ; a 30 h.p. lorry for
John Walsh, Ltd. ; a 10 h.p. van for Perrott's, Ltd. The last-mentioned five orders came through Mr. C. Pemberton Wooler, of 2, Park Place, Leeds, the company's agent for the North of England. In the Midlands, where Mr. T. C. Aveling, of 01, New Canal Street, Birmingham, is the Thornycroft agent, the latest order is for a 16 h.p. lorry for Clement Dailey and Co., Ltd.
Time Recorders.
The International Time Recording Co., of 151-155, City Road, E.C., transacts a steady business with both new and old customers, in its Bundy and other recorders, and its Lime-card system including timestamping devices. Booked orders, within a few days of one another, have been received from the following concerns : Messrs. Waterlow Bros. and Layton ; Gramophone Co. ; London General Omnibus Co. ; Messrs. Gale and Polden ; Rolls-Royce, Ltd. ; British Thomson-Houston Co. ; Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd. ; and :Messrs. Reuben Gaunt. and Sons.
Institution of Automobile Engineers.
The Secretary and Council of the institution of Automobile Engineers have recently been collecting and classifying information regarding the system of apprenticeship in operation at various automobile factories, and desire it to be known that the information collected is at the service of parents and guardians who wish to apprentice their sons or wards in the industry with which the association is so intimately connected. We may mention, however, that this information is not in such a form that it can be circulated to the public generally, as appears to be the impression gained in certain quarters. It is, therefore, desirable that parents and others should call at the offices of the institution by appointment, in order to avaiCthemselves of the information, but, if that is not convenient, advice, wherever possible, will be given by letter.
The Late Mr. Edwin Foden.
Mr. Edwin Foden, who passed away on Thursday morning last, the 31st ult., happily lived to enjoy for several years the fruits of his early labours in the steam-wagon industry, and to know that his company had completed a " round thousand" of these modern road engines. Cheshire and SouthLancashire papers, as the extensive cuttings which have reached us prove, have joined with all persons in the locality of Sandbach and Crewe in acknowledging Mr. Foden's forceful personality, his kindness of heart and his engineering ability. We might ourselves particularly mention Mr. Foden's invention of the three-way valve for compound steam engines, by the use of which fitting high-pressure steam can at will be admitted direct to both cylinders, and for which invention Mr. Foden was responsible some 40 odd years ago. It was the writer's privilege, in the year 1002, to help to secure for the extending Foden company the
support of Mr. Cecil Brunner as chairman, and we are able to state that Mr. Brunner has never regretted his decision. He, however, in
common with everybody who knew Mr. Foden, whose photographj. we reproduce on this page, now has every cause of regret, in that Mr. Foden is not left to continue his active interest in the business. At the same time, it is only fair to the company to mention that its organization and production are on the most-thorough lines, and that its reputation will be surely maintained by Mr. Foden's sons and their associates in the undertaking.
The Widening Utility of the Commercial Car.
We have long since ceased to take any notice of the invasion of local agricultural shows by commercial motors. A 16 hp. Albion van, which attracted much attention at the last Lancashire " Royal " must be made an exception. It belongs to Mr. Charles Thelluson, of Brodsworth Hall, Doncaster.. This Albion vehicle is used for manifold purposes; it economizes time and money to a great extent. Its actual purpose at the Lancashire showground was to transport a load of beautiful poultry and pigeons, in the breeding of which Mr. Thelluson takes deep interest. That gentleman realizes the widening utility of the commercial motor, and the great field that awaits the enterprising manufacturer who studies the special needs of people with a peculiar purpose in life. " We find this special car more convenient than the train," we were told, ' and a great saving of time and trouble. Not only as you see it, do we use it, for poultry, but you will find evidence of how we utilize it for transporting cattle also. Some will be fetched in it From ---• Show on Sunday to-night, we return to Doncaster with poultry, covering about in hilly miles." It was only 11 a.m.. then, and the poultry had been conveyed over the .40 miles outward an hour or so previously. The railroad could not possibly equal that carrying feat.
"We have done Otley and back twice in a day, a total of 190 miles, added the interviewee, "in addition to loading, unloading, and tending the exhibits. A fortnight ago I went to Birkenhead and back in oue day, and, to show you the quick utility of the car, I may say that we have Leeds and Sheffield shows in one day. The use of the car avoids a lot of handling of the birds. We sent them to ' The Royal by train—and we were not pleased at the reflection. Porters have a knack of thinking that. these big baskets contain laundry, and not scores of pounds worth of valuable birds, so we avoid rough handling, and are always able to have our birds in good condition." But this is not the only purpose of the Albion, for it is used in the shooting season for game. There have been as many as 600 pheasants and a couple of hundredof hares and rabbits stacked in the capacious body, besides other trifles that had fallen to the guns. Nor is this all. It is a very fine estate-car in many ways. Beaters can be quickly taken out to begin their duties, the machine being used on the return for the bag, as aforesaid. Yet again, this pleasant-looking "turnout. " has been used in connection with picnics, as many as 40 happy children at a time having been conveyed in it to some place for al-fresco tea and joy-revels."
Without any tabulated record being available, the owner and his lieutenant are convinced that the car is far cheaper than rail transit, less irksome and bothersome, cleanly and safe and reliable, for exhibition purposes alone, and the other general utilities have made the investment one of all-round
satisfaction. For example, convincing testimony to the value of this motor was afforded on the occasion of Worsley Show (near Manchester) during the rail strike. While other exhibitors from near and far were sorely harassed, whether sending exhibits by rail, or accompanying them personally,
Mr. Thelluson's prize-winning fauna made the journey quickly, economically, and without any racking of nerves.
The London General Haulage Co., Ltd., of 39, St. James's Street, S.W., advises us that three of its five Berna lorries have complete sets of Dook-Hercules tires fitted, and that the same make of tire is fitted to its three-ton Aveling and Porter steamer.
Automobiles and Mortgages.
There is a class of well-meaning people who regard the rise in the number of automobiles as an indication that extravagance is replacing thrift, and that reckless expenditure is cutting into the foundation of prosperity. There is another equally-intelligent group which read in the sanie phenomena a proof of industrial development and the advancement of civilization. Probably there is something of the truth in both contentions. An automobile sometimes caps the pinnacle of extravagance, just as it sometimes justifies itself many times over by the added facilities it gives for business or pleasure. The ownership of an automobile, which
is used to return a profit above the interest on its first cost, depreciation, maintenance and running expenses, is a good investment. Where it returns less than these
charges, it is a liability. It may cause much pride and advertisement to the owner, and enable him to indulge in enviable deliveries far afield, but, if it be indulged in at the cost of a big mortgage, with a gnawing-away day and night at the business resources of the person under the fascination, it is an unremunerative departure.
Novel Event at a Gymkhana.
We illustrate an incident in the gymkhana which was held by the Leicester Motor Club on Saturday week last. One of the most-popular events was a parcel-collecting and delivering competition, for which six commercial vehicles were entered. A number of parcels was addressed to visitors who were known to be present on the ground, and were piled promiscuously in heaps. The competitors had to select certain parcels and deliver them as directed, and the driver who performed the task in the quickest time was adjudged the winner.