News and Comment.
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This journal is exclusively read by the principals or many wealthy commercial houses, and by the heads of important Government and Colonial Departments.
Shall We See Taximeter Vans ?
The suggestion has been made by Mr. Percy Lamb, and we discuss, on page ioo, a few difficulties which would attend their operation.
To Fight Airships.
The Ehrhardt road motor, with quick-firing equipment for highangle discharges, which has been thoroughly tested by the German military authorities, was illustrated and described in our issue of the 5th November last—an appropriate occasion !
To Control Speed.
Audible warning, in a degree that will be "loud and continuous," is to be required by the London police in respect of motorcabs and motorbuses. The official letter on this subject, which reached us just after last week's issue had gone to press, will be found on page 105, and we have something to say by way of comment on page 91.
"Harrier" Cars.
A two-ton Karrier car, supplied by Clayton and Company, Limited, of Union Works, Huddersfield, a little more than three months ago, to Messrs. Walshaw Drake and Company, dyers, of Brighouse, Yorkshire, is illustrated herewith. This vehicle is effectively doing the work of five or six horses per day, in a hilly district, and over bad roads. The short wheel base and large steering lock allow the driver easily to handle the machine in awkward yards, and many readers will know that facile manceuvring is an important feature for any vehicle which has to go in and out of West Riding mills. We may recall the fact that, at the recent Manchester Show, a second vehicle for the same purchasers was exhibited. The transference of the baggage of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of \Vales, from the Royal yacht "Alexandra," to the railway station, at Portsmouth, was recently effected by a motor lorry, this mode of conveyance being preferred to that of a horse-drawn vehicle.
Renard Train Meeting.
The annual general meeting of the Renard Road and Rail Transport Corporation, Limited, was held, on the 2nd instant, at die Westminster Palace Hotel, where Lord Ribblesdale presided. The chairman, in moving the adoption of the report and accounts, which showed a debit of ‘2,389, entered at considerable length into details of the company's preliminary operations, and explained the negotiations for important sales which are either in progress or corn pitted. Mr. Philip Dawson, Mr. Henry S. Foster, and Colonel R. E. Crompton also addressed the meeting, and the motion for the adoption of the report was unanimously carried.
Sundry Advertisements.
We would ask our readers to note the various announcements in our "Sundry Advertisement" pages. Vehicles for sale, situations vacant and wanted, consulting engineers, business premises, miscellaneous, small repairs, etc., are among the sub-divisions.
Morris Fire-engines.
The Bury Town Council has decided to acquire a motor fire-engine and has, in consequence, placed an order with John Morris and Sons, Limited, of the Salford Fire-Engine Works, Manchester. This machine will be the first motor-driven firepump built by that company, although it has already turned out from its works a large number of motordriven first-aid engines, tenders, and fire-escapes.
Manchester Show, 1910.
We learn that the Manchester and District Motor Trades Association, Limited, has recently completed negotiations for a valuable site at Old Trafford, with a view to the erection of a permanent exhibition building. This important step has been taken after mature deliberation, and largely in order to render it possible to allot the requisite amount of space in the commercial section. We are personally sorry to see this apparent abandonment of Belle Vue, but we presume there are sound reasons for the severance.
Institution of Automobile Engineers.
Mr. L. A. Legros' paper on "The transmission of power from the engine to the road wheels in motor vehicles," before the members of the Institution of Automobile Engineers on the 7th instant, in the lecture theatre of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Storey's Gate, Westminster, deals with many interesting points in the design and construction of transmission gearing, and includes a table showing the ascertained efficiency of transmission of a three-speed-and-reverse gearbox under varying condi
tions of load. In conclusion, the author draws attention to the desirability of obtaining information in detail on the losses which occur in transmission, as follow :—Ball bearings for axial and radial loads; friction of wheel teeth ; losses in chain, bevel, and worm gears; and tire contact with the road.
The Westminster City Council has ordered a set of Polack tires for the driving wheels of one of its heavy sanitary motor wagons.
The French Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Company has declared interim dividends of six per cent, per annum on the preference shares and of ten per cent. per annum on the ordinary shares, for the six months ended the 3ist January last.
Unprotected Trailer Bars.
Yet another case of a man's falling between a motor wagon and its trailer, in the course of an attempt to gain his place on the latter vehicle by means of the drawbar, has come under our notice. How long will it be before owners introduce more generally the excellent sheath protection which has been used, for many years, by Mr. J. A. Brodie, M.Inst.C.E., the City Engineer of Liverpool?
Scottish A.C.
The sound work of the Scottish Automobile Club, whose secretary, Mr. Robert J. Smith, has his offices at 163, %Vest George Street, Glasgow, continues to have its effect in the consolidation of Scotch motoring interests. A concise yet considerable report is ready, as we go to press, for presentation to the members, at the annual general meeting, on Wednesslay of this week (7th instant) at the North British Station Hotel, Edinburgh, at 5.30 p.m. We note that, in a total of 10,907 motorcars in Scotland, at the 3oth September last, no less than r ,194 were returned as" business cars." It is a pity that it was not possible to state how many of these are "heavy motorcars," the words quoted, of course, not possessing the same signifleance. Reference is made, inter alia, to the cluh's work in connection with the legal defence of members, the passing of tramway cars, various road matters, the services rendered by its commercial-vehicle section, and a scheme for the registration of cars for emergency military purposes.
The Caledonian Motor Company, Limited, of Aberdeen, has taken a splendid new motor depot at 16, Shandwick Place, Edinburgh.
Military Transport.
Reports from numerous parts of the country tend to show that military transport by motors, both heavy and light, has received a distinct " fillip " from recent happenings. The orga niseT of the test run from Warley Barracks to Shoeburyness and back, and the trials at Aldershot (Captain R. K. Bagnall-Wild, R.E.), and the Automobile Association, whose " push " and patriotism rendered the Hastings experiment possible, should be well pleased by these signs of activity. They, however, are disjointed and unbacked by the Government. With the Country so absorbed in the Naval disclosures, it is probably too much to expect that " million sterling per annum " for which we appealed weeks ago, but there is no sound reason, either economically or politically, why system should not now take the place of spasm. Hungary and Agricultural Motors.
Growing interest appears to be taken in the intended trial of agricultural motors, by the National Agricultural Society of Hungary-, which is to take place next August, near Arad, which has a good railway connection with Budapest. The secretary of the society named, whose headquarters are at Budapest, must receive entries on or before the ist proximo, and the
entry fee is per machine. Steam plough tests are to be held earlier.
Water-Ballast Rollers.
Messrs. Barford and Perkins, of Queen Street Iron Works, Peterborough, will exhibit at the Building Trades' Exhibition at Olympia, from the t7th instant to the 1st proximo. These motor rollers, which were introduced five years ago, have proved' themselves admirably adapted for all classes of road, street, and estate work, such as the laying of tar macadam, asphalting, granite repairs, lawn, meadow and land rolling, etc.,. etc. The manufacturers are prepared,. at all times, to give demonstrations, at Peterborough, to intending buyers.
A Hard-worked Yorkshire.
The illustration below is of one of the Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Company's latest type of six-ton steam wagons, with vertical engine and chain drive. An example of this model, but with hauling arrangement for supplementary bodies, was exhibited at Manchester, in February last. The vehicle for the Rhondda Valley Breweries, as illustrated, has given, we learn, "perfect satisfaction "to its purchasers; it is running with great regularity, and its qualities as a hill-climber have unquestionably aroused considerable interest in the district. One result has been the placing of several additional orders for Yorkshire wagons from the neighbourhood. There are now 29 entries for the German Club's heavy vehicle trials.
The Munich authorities have declined to license any more petrol cabs.
The Continental Tyre Company (Hanover) has paid a 4o per cent. dividend for 1908.
Herr Wilhelm Maybach has been given the Order of the Red Eagle (fourth class) by the Kaiser.
Tractors in the Highlands.
Blairgowrie District Committee is discussing the purchase of a tractor with roller gear and two spring. tipping-wagons. The road surveyor estimates a saving in haulage of over .126 per annum for the tractor over horse haulage. The surveyor of the Highland district said that the tractor would pay for itself in two years, whilst the eastern district surveyor estimated that it would do so in four years without adding to the present road rate. It was stated that the tractor in use at Aberfeldv was making a great profit, and the question was finally held over for further discussion at the next meeting.
Late M. 0. World.
The three new motorbuses for the Scottish Motor Traction Company, Limited, are well under way in the shops of the Maudslay Motor Company, Parkside, Coventry. When these new machines are delivered the Edinburgh Company will have lb Maudslays, with whose running every satisfaction is assured.
To Widnes.
From Camden Town on Sunday last, three " Commer Car" doubledeckers set out for Widnes. They had some difficulty to " escape " from Dodson's works : it reminded us of the way the "Great Eastern " was built up inside Milford Docks. Walls had to be broken, and great dexterity in driving shown. With a fourth sister vehicle from Luton, the service of the Widnes Corporation should be in full swing immediately after Easter. The greatest local interest is now evinced in the undertaking, and we hope it will be well managed.
Trolley Omnibus Costs.
The question of trolley omnibuses is at present engaging the attention of the Edinburgh authorities, and Mr. J. Walker Smith, the city engineer, has prepared a lengthy report on the subject. The proposal, of course, only applies to outlying routes. The distance to be covered is five miles, and the following figures are given in the report for the cost of installation : Overhead equipment is estimated at £1,500 per mile, or £7,500 for the distance mentioned ; 14 cars would be required, for a five-minute service, within the city and a tominute service without, and these, at Zip apiece, would cost Zto,5oo ; buildings, sheds and sundries are put down at £2,000.
With the services mentioned, the total car-mileage would be 248,820,
which would represent a standing charge per car-mile (with a basis of 7 per cent, interest on capital) of fid., compared with tifd. for the cable cars, and 5id. for an overhead electric tramway with single track. &Lancashire Liquidation.
Mr. James Henry Lord, incorporated accountant of Bank Buildings, Bacup, Lancs., has been appointed liquidator of the Whitworth Motor Omnibus Company, Limited. There are 450 shareholders in this company ; 75 of them have not paid calls.
Electrobus Shares.
" Truth " has drawn attention to an offer of Soo ordinary shares in the Lordon Electrobus Company, Limited, at 135. 9d. each. The circular letter on the subject, from a firm of outside brokers, is stated to read : "These electric omnibuses have been running past the stores in accordance with an arrangement with the society, and have been well patronised and much appreciated by the members and shareholders." The issue of a circular, in these terms, to shareholders in the Army and Navy Stores calls forth drastic comment by cur contemporary, which directs attention to the present market price.
Darracq-Serpollet Omnibuses.
Mr. F. A. Bonsor, of the Darracq-Serpollet Omnibus Company, Limited, has been in Brussels, in connection with the organisation of a service of Darracq-Serpollet omnibuses. Seven are already in use, two, with Dodson bodies, being the well-known demonstration machines which have been made so familiar in this country. The other vehicles are of the singledeck type, accommodating 16 inside, and another six (standing) behind.
It may be mentioned that the new 20-25h.p. Darracq-Serpollet chassis is likely to be "pushed " under the new 3i-ton regulation.