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COLLINGWOOD MOTORS, LTD., • of Liverpool, who were the pioneers of daily coach services from the city, have now determined their programme for the forthcoming season. It inchides daily services to (1) Blackpool; (2) Buxton, Macclesfield and Knutsford; and (3) Southport. In addition there wilt be runs three times each week to Corwen and Llangollen. A skeleton service to Blackpool is now being run, and coaches leave Liverpool at 10 a.m. each Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday; but frOm April 17th until September 30th there will be daily burners. The coaches return from Blackpool at 6 p.m.
With regard to the Buxton, Maccles • field and Knutsford service, this is suspended until April 19th. From th-at date until May 30th, however, there will be tours to these destinations each Saturday andSunclay, and from done 1st until September 30th the full daily service will he maintained. The service to Southport was inaugurated on April 2nd. Coaches will leave Liverpool at 2.30 p.m.: each Monday, Wednesday and Saturday until May 31st, after which date this tour will become a daily one.
From Easter until May 31st the out, ings to Corwen and Llangollen are only arranged for Sundays, but, from that date theywill be undertaken each Satin-day, SundaY and Wednesday. The fares are as follow, and are practically the cams as those in force last year :—
Blackpool Bus Results.
The municipal motor omnibus fleet Of the -Blackpool Corporation is carrying 'over 100,000 passengers a month, During the four -weeksended March 13th 04,675 passengers, who paid £387 in fares, were carried on the buses rumung on Ideal services -from Adelaide Place to DeVonShire Road, and Talbot Road to
the Oa-rm. The receipts per ens-mile were 11d. From, April let of last year to the date mentioned above, 496,293 passengers were carried. on the buses, and the receipts were L2,226, averaging a
.Iittle over 10d, per bus-mile, •
Included in the figures are the returns from the North Shore bus service—which only commenced running this year, .durfog the reconstruction of the Warbre,ck Road tram trackDuring the ten weeks ended March 13th, the buses on the North Shore service carried no fewer than 184,765 passengers, and the receipts totalled £724, an avesage of is. 2d. for each of the 12,410 miles run.
The passengers carried during the month on the buses on the ThorntonCleverevs route numbered 11,150 and reteipts b125 ; the 5gures for the year to date being 210,740 passengers and _432,465 in receipts—both increases on the previous year. Thereceipts per bus-mile for the whole period were is. 00., and for the past month The estimated income froth the sex-vices at the commencement of the. municipal year was put at £4,000, and expenditure, including interest and sinking fund, at £5000, leaving £1,000 deficit. The approximate income is 25.000, but the expenses are put at, £6.200, representing a net deficit of £1,200. Mr. -H. Furness, manager of the tramways motorbus department, estimates that during the coming year the receipts from the buses will -he £8.000. Expenses (including interest and sinking fund, 22,400) he puts. at £9,500, leaving a net deficit of .£1,5120.
Sucassful Devon Passenger Undertaking.
The fourth annual meeting of the shareholders of Grey Cars, Ltd., was held at Torquay a few days ago, Mr. II. H. Grist, chairman of directors, pi siding. In moving the adoption of the 'report the chairman said that the increased profits of the company glaring the 'past year were mainly attributable to_econorrsies•-vs-hich had been effected in expenses generally, and he remarked that. the outlook for the coming year was distinctly good. The report and accounts were adopted arid a voteof thanks passed-to the directors and staff for their services.