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The wheets of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arisitO, as a carriage is by
the roughness of the roads over which it run."—John Beattie Crozier.
Albion Report.
The report of the directors of the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd.-, for the year •ended December 31st last shows that., after making provision for depreciation, corporation*pisffits tax, income tax, ex., there remains a profit on the year's working of 246,157, from which aum there-,falls to be deducted £8,601 in respect, of interest on debenture stock; If thisdeduction be made, and the balance brought forward from -last. yOar, viz.., -2707 added, the sum of L38263 remains.
Of this sum the directors have iransferred -L10,000 to the -reserve fund, whilst a dividend alrea4 paid on the preference sharesfor the, half-year at the rate of"6 per cent, has absorbed 24,016; lo that a balance of £24,247 remains. As. stated hi a recent issue. a further preference dividend at the same rate for the latter part of the-year will absorb a like sum, and this, added to the payment of a dividend on the ordinary shares for the year at the rate of 5 per cent. -per. annum, less tax,' which amounts to £18,400, totals £22416, leaving to be carried forward £1,8-31.
American Exports.
Exports of commercial vehicles and buses (electrics excepted) from the United States in the month of January totalled 2,845, valued at 1,855,033 dol lars, of which Japan took 1,254 vehicles.; Australia 317, Uruguay 229, Cuba 102, British Isles 93, Canada 56, and 'British Africa 51.
• Merthyr's Road and Bridge Schemes. Schemes of importance in relation to the development of traffic communications are to be put in hand by the Merthyr Tydfil Borough Council. One of the chief of these enterprises will be the widening and reconstruction, in
reinforced concrete, of Pontythim Bridge, Troedyrhiw. The bridge which spans the River Taff will be made to a .width of 34 .ft., at a cost of L11,000.
Aiknew roadway ,is also to be con
structed from Penybryn to Tyriewyddar-y--Bryn, to • connect:. with the road• to Pontsarn. Several other mid improveMents are projected.
New Bus Regulations for Loudon. We have been in possesSion for some time of a copy of the new regulations relating to Metropolitan • St-age (Moror) Carriages issued by. the Public Carriage Office of New Scotland Yard. These regulations were dated March 14th, and have already been published in some c-,uariers. 'We, however, did not comment on them as we were given to understand that certain amendments were to " be made. The revised regulations have only just been issued, arid a copy of them can now be obtained from the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis at New Scotland Yard, Landon, S.W.I.
The Lincoln City Council has confirmed the recommendation of its tramways and motors committee to purchase two new one-Man-controlled motorbuses.
The C.M.U.A. Parade.
We wish to remind our readers that the .18th annual parade of commercial motor vehicles organized by the Commercial Motor Users Association will take place in Lincoln's Inn Fields on Saturday next, April 121-h; commencing at 2.30 p.m., although the .vehicles be -arriving during the course of the morning.
The entrants this year number 135, comprising -114 petrol. and 21 steam. Last year's figure was .1.50, and this included several electric vehicle, which -will he absent this year. .
The chief exhibitors are the AngloAmerican Oil Co.,Ltd. ; British Petroleum Co., Ltd.; Charrington, Dale and Col, Ltd. ; Gas Light and Coke Co., Ltd.; Shell-Mex, Ltd. ; Thomas Tilling, Ltd., and T. Wethered and Sous, Ltd.
The biggest fleet will be that, shown by the British Petroleum Co., which comprises 15 vehicles-12 petrol and three steam. Other exhibits of particular interest will be the Scammell tractor. lorries paraded by the company already referred to and by Shell--Mex, Ltd. Thomas Tilling, Ltd. have entered 12 vehicles in ail, but these are in use by the various firms to . whom they are hired.
It is rather unfortunate that notntries have been received in the section which it was proposed to devote to advertising bodywork. We certainly thought that this would have appealed to many users.
The -parade is under the patronage of H.M, the King, and the chief guest at the luncheon following the parade, and at which The Commercial Motor challenge cup and other prizes will be awarded, will be the Minister of Transport, Mr. Harry Gosling.
lf.A.E. Officers.
At. the annual general meeting of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, held a few days ago, Dr. W. R. Orman dy, F.I.C., F.C. R., was elected president of the Institution for the session 1924-25. It was also announced that Messrs. L. H. Hounsfield, B. W. Shilson, H. Kerr Thomas and Charles Wheeler had -been elected vice-presidents, white the ballot to-fill the vacancies on the council resulted in the election of the following :—Mr. F. A. S. Acres; Mr. C. • R. Charles; •Mr.• W. Chater-Lea, Mr. A. J. Hancock, Mr.
H. Hingston. Mr. W. J. Iden, Dr, F. W. Lanchester, Prof. W. Morgan, Mr. H. F. L. Orcutt, Mr.-P. A. Poppe, and Mr. F. G. Woollard.
Berliet's New Branch. •
A -wenk hene.e Automobiles M. Reyhet, whose works, sitnated at Lyons, France, cover over • 500acres, are to open a new branch at Toulouse. The address is 4, Boulevard Carnot, and the branch will be under the management 'of.SI. Paul Lajay, who for a long time has been on the sales staff at Lyons. This is the 15th branch opened by the company, others being so far afield as Constantinople, Algiers and Lisbon. The London offices are at 40, Sackville Street, W,1, " Cardiff Bus Acquisition.
The Cardiff Tramways Committee has decided to acquire the bus enterprise of Messrs. Jones, who run the Cardiffto-Newport service in so far as it. applies to that route, and is to establish a municipal service between the two towns, which are separated by 12 miles. The sum of £2,250 will be paid to the present. proprietors by the committee, subject to the assent of the full council—a purely formal proviso.
At the special meeting of the committee held to confirm the negotiations with the private owners, some protest was made against the council embarking on this long-distance enterprise. One Member feared that, whereas a Cardiff-to-St. Melions service (half the journey from Cardiff to Newport) would certainly pay, the service over the whole distance could only be run at a loss. In support of the agreement to acquire and run the service, the Lord Mayor intimated that further long-dis= tance services . would probably be .run by the city council in due course.
A service from Cardiff to Penarth is projected by the city council, and is now awaiting inauguration subject to negotiations with the Penartis Urban Dis trict Council. The council has also planned a tentative service from Cardiff to Barry.
Proposed Bridge over the Severn.
The long-discussed question of constructing a bridge over the River Severn at Highley, to connect by direct route the two counties of Shropahire and Worcestershire, appea.rs to have been advanced a stage farther. The Cleobury Mortimer Rural District Council has been informed that the Ministry of Transport would contribute 50 per cent. of the cost of the scheme. The next move rests with the two county councils concerned, and it is hard to understand the apparent apathy of these bodies in the matter, considering the importance of the scheme and the great boon that would result from the erection of such a bridge. The Kidderminster Chamber of Commerce is urging a conference between the two bodies, and snaking re• presentations to Worcestershire authorities commending the Highley bridge structure.
I.A.E. Meetings.
The next meeting of the Institution of Automobile Engineers will be held at the Institution of Civil Engineers, Great George Street, Westminster, S.W.1, on April 9th, at E30 p.m., when Mr. L. A. Legro.s will deliver a lecture entitled " Traction Across Rough. and Roadless Country." The lecture will be illustrated by a number of cinematograph films. Cards of invitation to admit visitors may be obtained on application to the secretary., The Institution of Automobile Engineers, Watergate House, York Buildtags, .Adelphi, London, W.C.2.
At an informal meeting to be held at the Royal Society of Arts, John Street, Adelphi, London, W.C.2, on April 29th, at 6.30 p.m., a discussion will take place on the respective merits of the coil and magneto systems of ignition: The next meeting of the London graduates of the Institution will be held on April 10th, at Watergate Honse, Adelphi, London, W.C.2, when Mr. T.
P. Whitcomb will read a paper entitled 'The Principles and Practice of Automobile Insurance."
Carlisle and Dumfries Linked UP.
An interesting and especially useful addition has just been made to the Farraulder bus services, operated by Messrs. Ferrer and Faulder, which radiate in all clineotions from the busy city of Carlisle. This new development provides a connecting link between Carlisle and Dumfries over the Scottish Border, and gives access to such celebrated and historic places as Annan and Gretna.
Haulage Costs by Electrics.
The last report of the Sutton Goldfield Town Council States that both electric vehicles have hauled house refuse continuously during the past month; the G.V. electric transporting 101 tons 4 cwt. 2 qrs. at a cost of £59 16s. or Us 10d. per ton, and the Edison wagon carrying 94 tons 13 cwt. at a cost of 12s. 8d. per ton.• Personal Par.
The hire-purchase system as applied to the purchase of commercial. motor vehicles is now an established method of modern trading, and the growth of this class of business has had something to do with the constantly growing number of vehicles in service. It calls for a specialized knowledge, and we are not altogether surprised to learn that another well-known trade personality has decided to devote his entire energies to fostering this class of business. We refer to Mr. G. J. Williams, whose portrait is reproduced herewith.
During the war Mr. Williams served on the technical staff of the Royal Air Force, and saw service in France and • Egypt. On demobilization in 1920, he formed Tower Carriers, Ltd., and was managing director from the initiation of the company until his resignation a few weeks ago.
In partnership with the other directors of the above company he founded the hire-purchase house of Barclay, Monro, Williams and Co., in 1921, which grew very rapidly, and became widely known for the facilities provided the trade.
He has been more interested with hirepurchase business in the last year than in the motor trade, and is now associated with the British Railway Traffic and Electric Co., Ltd., of 25, Victoria Street, Westminster, London, .8.W.1, one of the eldest companies providing hire-purchase facilities. From our-personal knowledge of the abilities of Mr. Williams we feel sure he will be successful in his new sphere of activities.
A Huge Municipal Repair Shop.
The Board of Estimate and Apportionment of New York City has approved an appropriation of 3,500,000 dollars .1 or the construction of a large central motor repair shop. This building will be erected in an accessible part Of bhe city, and will be ten storeys high. It will take the place of the 28 repair shops now scattered throughout the city, and will he concerned with the care of the 3,184 vehicles which comprise the New York municipal motor fleet.
The New Tyne Bridge.
Representatives of tho Royal Automobile Club and the North of England committee of the Commercial Motor Users Association met at Newcastle a few days ago to discuss the proposed, new High Level Bridge over the River Tyne.
The Lord Mayor of the city (Cbun. S. Ea.sten) attended and explained the nature of the scheme, which is to cost about one million pounds, and pointed out that he had it on good authority that there was a likelihood of opposition being encountered. Should motor vehicle users desire tho new structure it was up to them to see that nothing stood in the way of its erection, end he impressed upon the representatives of both bodies present to do their best to get their respective headquarters to bring influence to bear on members of Parliament to assist the passage of -the Bill now being prepared in connection with the new bridge.
Mr. F. Nicholson, the chairman of the meeting, assured the Lord Mayor that road users were all in favour of the bridge, which will free the existing bridge of the tramway system, and leave it open for ordinary road traffic..
Annual Meeting of Warrington Users.
The Warrington Committee of the Liverpool area of the Commercial Motor Users Association held its fourth annual meeting at Warrington a few days ago under the chairmanship of Colonel B. Fairclough, who, in reviewing the year's work, congratulated the committee on having secured 35 members' in Warrington. Be pointed out that the time was coming when Warrington would be the centre of an area, and he wanted to are that area the best represented part of the county. Referring to the scheme which has been adopted for the supply of water to steam wagons i (which is n use at Liverpool), Ire said that the Warrington interests had helped to further it.
The committee's .efforts to get the swing bridges at Siitton Weaver and Weaverham altered were, it was said, likely to be rewarded with success before the end of the present year. The committee, it is recorded, has taken up the question of the provision of parking grounds in the borough for heavy vehicles, and it is continuing to exert pressure on the town council, as it is thought that the provision of such facilities would be appreciated by local motor users as well as by outside owners.
Colonel Fairclough was re-elected chairman of the local organization, with Mr. D. E. 'Watson, of Messrs. Greenall, Whitley and* Co..' Ltd., as vice-chairman. Mr. A. C. Bloomer will continue to act as hon. secretary. The committee is composed of Messrs. J. E. Cross, H. Milling, A. Sirnkin, S. Payne, R. Schofield, C. W. Carter, S. Carter, J.
Muskett and Mr. J. Dolan. •
340,000 Miles a Year.
The Derby Co-operative Society has 39 motor vehicles, which cover an annual mileage of 340,000 in the course of ordinary transport activities associated With deliveries to and journeys from, its Various branches.
Standard Ball Joints.
The British En gineering Standards Association report on ball joints for automobiles (No. 5020-1924) which has recently been issued, should be of interest to designers. By using the standard ball joint on carburetter and mag veto controls the irritating slackness which prevents fine adjustment • due to the old method of jctining the control rods is entirely eliminated. This might appear at first sight to be of minor importance, but, when consideration is given to the high efficiency and the sensitive adjustment of the carburetter of to-day, it will be appreciated. Automobile ball joint No. 1 is of simple and inexpensive design, whilst ball joint No. 2 is designed for heavier work. Tha material used in the manufacture of these fittings is not specified, but is left to the discretion of the manufacturer. The dimensions of the standard ball joints will ensure interchangeability.
For 'Bulky Loads of •Refuse.
The cleansing department of the Rochdale Corporation has recently been supplied with the 2-ton Vulcan three-way tipping wagon which we illustrate on this page. The particularly high sides of the body enable bulky loads to be accommodated with ease, while another point of interest is the fact that the lower half of each side is divided into two horizontal panels, the top one of which opens upwards, while the lower one opens downwards and forms a guide so that. refuse can be tipped clear of the• vehicle: . The' operation of 'these sides is controlled by levers. The body can be tipped to either side or to the rear,--and is thus particularly useful for 'dealing with refuse.. • . Spring Seats for Passenger Vehicles.
In our last issue we made certain references to spring seats in an article dealing with body details and essential fittings on motorbuses and motor coaches, and we briefly referred to the Bowden and Lamplugh seats of this kind. The Bowden Brake Co., Ltd. of Tvseley, Birmingham, inform us that these are one and the same seat, the seat patented -Under the name " Lamplugh " being simply a modification of tha BowrIen.
Liverpool Bus Enterprise.
It is now possible to travel from Aigburth, Liverpool, round Queen's Drive, to Bootle Station for 7d., a cost of less than id. per m14o. The service is maintained by the Liverpool Corporation with double-decker buses. The new service will be of special convenience to workers in the docks who live at Walton, and in the rush hours there is a bus every 15 minutes and in the quieter times every 20 minutes.
A service of non-stop motorbuses between the centre of the city and certain of the suburbs is being inaugurated by the Manchester Corporation. The growth of population on the outskirts of the city is held to necessitate 'a, quicker method of transit than is available by the electric tramcars.
The experience of Liverpool in the -matter of motorbuses hardly encourages the adoption of a similar scheme in this city, although the suburban housing position has altered considerably since certain bus 'services were abandoned, and there are traffic experts in Liverpool who maintain that the only effective way of catering for the outer 'districts is by way of express motorbus.
Tractors Becoming Popular in Australia.
That the use of tractors in Australia is rapidly increasing is proved by the fact that in New South. Wales alone nearly 1,200 tractors have been sold during the last 18 months. Of these 450 found buyers during the last quarter of 1923. It is estimated that 80 per cent. of these machines are of American manufacture, the balance being chiefly made up of Peterborough, Wallis, Austin, Fiat and Renault tractors. There are now over 3,000 tractors in use in New South Wales, 600 being British. The cheapest American tractor sells for £225, the Austin is quoted at £450, and the Fiat at £680. Most of these machines are either of 10-20 h.p. or 20-30 b.p. One agent for American tractors states that sales on the instalment plan are only limited by the ability to finance them, and that it is almost impossible to sell tractors unless 12 months or two years is allowed for payment. Another American firm has found 400 Australian buyers in two years, and this must be accounted as remarkable, seeing that, only a short time ago, the Australian attitude towards tractors was one of open suspicion. Indeed, there are signs that the opposite view is likely to become universal, in the Antipodes. The opinion is rapidly growing that Australia's future depends almost entirely in, the development of its primary induStries, and this can only be realized by utilizing the most modern laboursaving machinery.
A Co-operative Society's Motor Fleet. The Royal Arsenal Co-operative Society secured an income of £3,701 from its motor coaches in the last half year, making a profit of £158, just over 10d. in the pound on the turnover. The expenses of running the vehicles, etc.,
were £2,513 and The amount of purchases, etc. amounted to £1,087.
The socie,ty has expended £39,798 on its motor vehicles used in the course of trade, and these now 'stand in its books at £7,000, the remainder having beeit written off at rates varying from 20 per cent. to 331 per cent.
A New Light Railway.
The Ministry of Transport has made an inquiry into the proposal to construct a light railway to commence in the CiV of Worcester and end with L.M.S. Junction at Broom (Warwickshire), the object being to serve an agricultural area. The whole district is in great need of better transport facilities. The L.M.S. and G.W.R. have both raised opposition to the laying down of another railway, but one would certainly have thought that a regular and efficient service by road transport vehicles would have served the purpose of the district in question.
Addition to a Large Bus Fleet.
Several recent enterprising developments stand to the credit of the NorthWestern Road Car Co., Ltd., of Macclesfield, one of the companies connected with the British Automobile Traction co., Led. A new omnibus service ha a been opened in the Oldham district.
In addition, practically the whole of Cheshire is now covered by the company's buses, as well as parts of Lancashire, Derbyshire and Staffordshire. Their fleet is being extended to 79 vehicles by the addition of 26 of the newest-pattern Tilling-Stevens petrolelectric buses, each capable of seating 38 passengers on one deck. The buses are the last. word in comfort.
The Round the World Flight.
An interesting item was included in the equipment taken on board "The Vulture" amphibian flying boat by Squadron-Leader Maclaren preparatory to his send-off on the round-the-world flight, which shows what care has been taken to ensure that the expedition shall be as independent as possible in the matter of repairs. This was a miniature brazing and soldering set., fitted up in a neat leather case, containing blow-pipes and the necessary small cylinder of dissolved acetylene for light brazing and soldering work. In case of further acetylene being needed, Squadron-Leader Maclaren has a list of nearly 50 places on the route which he intends to follow where the cylinder can be re'charged ; in fact, a continuous chain of dissolved acetylene works throughout the entire route.. The set Was supplied by Allen-Liversidge, Ltd., through Messrs. Vickers.
Controlling Bus Services.
The Penybont Rural District Council has successfully applied for powers to enforce the provisions of the Hackney Carriages Order, and is to formulate regulations to govern the bus services plying in the area with a special view to the control of times of running.
Local Proceedings,
Lancaster Town council has decided to secure an additional electric orrmibus.
Kendal Watch Committee has decided to obtain a motor lorry to haul the fire engine. •
Bolton Corporation haa. purchased a Garner tipping wagon for the cleansing
departnieete . . • Worcester, City Council has decided to purchase a motor fire-engine at a cost of about £1,250 •
Dudley Watch Committee recommends the purchase of an Austin motor ambu
lance at a cost of £700.
St. Helens Corporation proposes ti purchase two .low-Ioading motor vehicles for pefuse collection. •• Liverpool Watch Committee recomMends the purchase of a Leyland motor fire-engine at a cost of £1,560.
Pleshey Bridge, in the rural area of Che'rnsford, is declared to be unsafe for traffic. It was erected in 1802.
Liverpool Watch Committee recom, mends the purchase of a Daimler ambulance chassis at a cost of £690.
Manchester Corporation electrical en, gineer has prepared a report as to the provision of further transport vehicles.
Wrotham Urban District Council is considering the desirability of purchasing a motor vehicle for refuse collection.
Bolton Corporation has purchased a one-ton van from the Lancashire Motor Traders, Ltd., for the electricity department.
Wimbledon Collimation proposes the purchase of a motor wagon for the highways department at a cost not exceeding £650.
Bridlington Watch Committee is to engage an independent expert to examine motor chars-I-banes and omnibuses for which licences are sought.
Chelmsford Town Council has asked Its special purposes committee to report as to the introduction of motor vehicles for corporation work generally.
The Carnbuslang Centre of the St. Andrews Ambulance. District. has collected £900 towards £1,000 required for the . purchase of a motor ambulance. Chelmsford Corporation is to obtain fenders for the supply of a fire pump with a• capacity of 250 to 300 gallons per minute for placing on its Merced'es motor tender.
Bolton Chamber of Trades has asked the Watch Committee favourably to coneider requests from bus-operating conneres to run inter-town motorbus cervices.
Bolton Watch Committee has postponed 'consideration of an application from the Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., for permission to establish a number of new services.
The Ministry of Transport has informed the Bath City Council that it has no funds available at the present time for grants towards the purchase of a motor sweeper.
At the annual meeting of the ToCnes (Devon) Fire Brigade it was stated that the brigade might have to launch a -big scheme of expenditure in order to purchase an up-to-date motor fire-engine.
The garage proprietors at Liskeard (Cornwall) have been notified by the town council that they will be required to make an annual payment in respect of each kerbside petrol pump installed. E24
Southwark Council's works committee recount-tends the pure/laic of a Citrogn chassig, with, lorry body, at a cost of £287
Northampton Corporation has decided to run bus services on tramway routers on Supday mornings. The trams do not come into service until the afternoon.'
Torqeay Trades and Labour Council has p4ssed a resolution strongly protesting against the action of the corporation in restricting the number of/motorbuses running on routes in the borough.
Leeds Watch Committee has adjourned eonsideration,of. -the application of the Yorkshire (West Riding) Electric Tramways Co., Ltd., for omnibus licences for extension of services from Gilderacme, Garforth, Oulton and Tingley to certain points within the city.
Rotax Service. Agents.
Rotax (Motor Accessories), Ltd. informs us that they have appointed E. Beckwith and Co., Ltd., of 110, North Street, Barking, to act as official service agents for the district of East London and Romford. Messrs. Beckwith are in a position to carry out all necessary repairs to Rotax electric lighting
and starting equipment, and also supply new components or incidental'spare parts. They carry.stocks of Rotax electrical components, and also have skilled labour on the premises.
Newport's Assurance.
The Newport Watch Committee has assured the town council that before any permits are given to ply for hire with taxicabs or other hackney, carriages a test of driving 'efficiency is carried out.
Seeking a Road-closing Order.
The Ministry of Transport is to he requested by the Abergevenny Council to hold an inquiry, towards the end of this month, into the council's application for sanction to apply a closing order to the highway from Gilwern to elydach (formerly a disused 'tramway) in so far as vehicular traffic is concerned, • A Torquay Bus Suggestion.
Councillor Ball is asking the Torquay Corporation to direct that proprietors of motor omnibuses shalt not Stand on the Strand or at the junction of the Strand with Victoria Parade longer than is reasonably necessary to pick up and set down passengers, and that they shall park their vehicles, during any period of waiting in the town, either on Beacon Quay or near the old Post Office, To woodStreet, •
Liability for Breaking-up-Rd:ads.
Ilford Urban District Council has communicated with the local gas and water undertakings and the P.O. Telephones Department. with regard to tha laying of pipes and conduits at a depth of less than 3. ft., and stating that the council will not admit any liability for damage done to the mains by vehicular traffic•Further, the council will hold the authorities concerned responsible for any damage caused to the highway. by .the excessive number of openiegs neceSsitated by reason of the pipes being laid at an insufficient depth.
Dutch Journalists Visit Spring Works.
A representative party of Dutch journalists, accompanied bythe director of the Zeeland Steamship Co. and two prominent Dutch business men, visited the works of Herbert Terry and Sons, Ltd., at Reddirtch a few days ago. The party was entertained lunch, and then conducted through the Redditch works, where the visitors saw the various processes of manufacture of Terry springs, washers, !spring saddles, novelties of various kinds, as well as wirework, presswork, capstan lathe work, ate.
The visitors were keenly interested in the numerous departments, processes and multiplicity of Terry manufactures which they saw during their tour of inspection.
Successful Municipal Buses.
Caine Town Council, which started a motorbus service, a year ago and is able to report a profit of nearly a thousand pounds over the period which the i vehicles have been n use, has decided to purchase another motorbus at a cost of £935—making the seventh vehicle.
An experiment with weekly 'bus passes is to be abandoned because it has not in, creased receipts, whilst, in some Cases, the use of passes has been abused, Swedish Motor Taxes.
The Swedish Government has submitted to the Riksdag a, proposal to raise the taxes on motor lorries and motorcars by Kr. 32 and on motorcycles by Kr. 5. The introduction of a Customs duty of one oere and a special tax of four oere per litre on benzine is also proposed. The Customs duty and the tax will be collected simultaneously, but the revenues from the tax are to be entirely assigned to road construction funds.,
Another proposal made by the Government is for certain alleviations in the law regarding the sale of sulphite spirit in order to facilitate the use of this spirit. as a motor fuel.