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8th April 2010, Page 16
8th April 2010
Page 16
Page 16, 8th April 2010 — SERVICE PLEASE
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

Unexpected vehide down-time is damaging enough at the best of times, but it can really hurt a haulage business during a recession.

Fully 69% of Trucking Britain respondents use third-party maintenance, so we asked them if they are satisfied with the service they receive from their provider:

• Very satisfied — 28% • Fairly satisfied — 60% • Not very satisfied — 9% • Not at all satisfied — 3% We'll admit that we're pleasantly surprised by that outcome.

We asked respondents to tell us more about

the quality of service they receive; here's a selection of answers from across the spectrum of satisfaction: • "Always fit the vehicle in to suit us, and provide a first class service to us!"

• "Expensive, but quite good, especially at short notice."

• "Superb service and attention to detail, although cost is quite expensive."

• "All vehicles are now on R&M and generally get good service levels. Parts price increases and R&M increases are a cause for concern."

• "Generally OK, need to keep them on their toes. They seem to avoid doing jobs properly." • "All trailer servicing and repairs are carried out by a single third party. The response time for servicing and the down-time for defects is poor. The administration of the fleet is chaotic, resulting in a lot of time spent by a lot of individuals in our network checking and confirming servicing results" • 'We have all our vehicles on main dealer R&M contracts, but we are increasingly finding harder to get all jobs done, they would rather let a component fail than repair earlier. It's the little things— oiling door hinges, keeping the cab clean which make you question their commitment or abilities."