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Questions still linger over why Suffolk Council commissioned consultants to

8th April 2010, Page 20
8th April 2010
Page 20
Page 20, 8th April 2010 — Questions still linger over why Suffolk Council commissioned consultants to
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investigate the possibility of a trans-shipment area for containers without speaking to the port first.

In an email last November. the council's strategic commissioner for transport raised concerns with its lorry management engineer about taking the findings to the haulage industry. "behind the back of Hutchison [Ports", Felixstowe's owner.

Later, the commissioner writes: "...the shuttle arrangement would be at a charge to the hauliers, as it would be a commercial operation. That might be one of the key acceptability issues."

In response, the port says it was aware of the idea, but doesn't say exactly when it found out.

However, McGregor says it was finally mentioned to them on 25 February during a stakeholder meeting.

Asked if it came as a surprise to the container terminal, he says: "Maybe so, but Hutchison is a foreign-owned company. and we have to look after the interests of the people of Suffolk."