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Next year, the Temporary Agency Workers Directive becomes law in

8th April 2010, Page 28
8th April 2010
Page 28
Page 28, 8th April 2010 — Next year, the Temporary Agency Workers Directive becomes law in
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the UK, which gives new rights to agency workers, including drivers.

The EU legislation, due to be implemented in all member states by December 2011, will entitle agency drivers to the same pay as permanent workers after spending 12 weeks in a job.

The regulation, however, is not expected to entitle agency drivers to the same sick pay or pension rights as permanent workers.

Sam Strange, director of business support at the REC's academy for business, says: As we shift into 'implementation mode', our priority is to help recruiters plan ahead and engage with their clients and workers.

"Implementing equal treatment measures will be a challenge.

"It is also a huge opportunity for recruiters to demonstrate their professionalism, awareness and ability to add real value to employers."