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Before taking a driver on. does the agency supplying them:

8th April 2010, Page 29
8th April 2010
Page 29
Page 29, 8th April 2010 — Before taking a driver on. does the agency supplying them:
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

a Have a competency assessment, and interview all candidates in person?

• Take at least two work-related references?

• Physically check licences and digital tachograph cards every three months?

• Comply with road transport regulations? Can they prove it and do you check?

• ctively manage and oversee tachograph returns and ave a computer-based tachograph management system hat has a 96% return rate?

• aye software monitoring road transport regulations or compliance?

• old membership of the Recruitment and Employment bonfederation (REC), RHA and FTA?

• ave ISO 9001 and Investor In People status?

• ave relevant insurance, especially for professional liability 1

d driver negligence? • Conduct on-site health and safety surveys? Add value by: • Training drivers in fuel efficiency and home delivery? For example do they operate a Safe and Fuel Efficient Driving programme?