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8th August 1918, Page 16
8th August 1918
Page 16
Page 16, 8th August 1918 — THE "NEW WAY FARM ENGINE.
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Most farm and portable engines are What is known as hopper cooled, id., the water for cooling is contained'in a bok or IMPper, forming part of the engine. casting and open to the atmosphere at the top. Air cooling on small engines is quite successful when used on motorcycles and aeroplanes, both of which pass rapidly through the air, and air cooling has also been employed successfully on motorcars in conjunction with a system of powerful fans. Hitherto, however, but little success has attended the efforts at air cooling for stationary work, or, rather, I should say, few attempts have been made to attain it, because, with a stationary engine, it is easy to provide an ample water supply. The portable engine has not this advantage, so the air cooling is quite a desirable feature in connection with its construction, and this desirability appears to have been attained in the. "New-Way" engine which is made in Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A. The "New-Way" is a single-cylinder vertical engine, and is made in six sizes, of '4,_:31fj, 4, 4;t2-, 6 an if h.p. respectively, One twin-cylinder horizontalopposed type being also built. They are designed especially for all light power farm work. The 4 h.p.

engine has in. by 4*in. cylinder, with 18 in. fly wheel, in, crankshaft running at 800 r.p.ra., and

having a weight of 488 lb. In general clesign, so far, as operating parts are concerned, it reS'embles other engines of the type, and. has magneto ignition and float feed carburetter...It is a petrol engine, with a throttle control ; the speed varies from 800 to A•special feature of the design is a hinged crankcase, giving easy accessibility to piston, aonnecting rod and operating parts,' which are enclosed. Liners are furnishedbetween the upper and lower parts of the ease for taking up wear, and the crankcase breather and carburetter air intake, are provided with long pipe connections, which cause the air to be taken front a point well above the engine, thus lesseninx the chance of dust, dirt, or chaff being sticked.into the working parts. The especial feature of the engine is the cooling system, the construction of which is shown in the anneXed illustrations, from. which it will be seen that the cylinder is. Cast with a series of horiZontal flanges, Very much after the style of a motorcycle engine, but that they are somewhat wider and are joined together by two Imes of junction bars and also perforated with holes, so that there is a free air access in all directions.' The entire construction is enclosed in a case which is open to the

13:36 • atmosphere on one side, and furnished with a fan on the other, driven by a belt off the flywheel. It may be added that cage valves are Used, the crankshaft is carefully balanced, arid the engine speed controlled by a centrifugal governor. The European representative of the manufacturer is Theodore Butler, Ltd., 149, Queen Victoria Street, E.0, who will be pleased to give any further information.