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"The wheels of wealth will be stowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which!!t rans."—John Beattie Crozier.
Further to the paragraph published in last week's issue of The Comnaercia,1 Motor, copies of the Traffic .greas (Provisions on Variation) Order, 1933. dated November 23, are now available from H.M. Stationery Office, or from any bookseller, price Id. These regulations have been made under Section 27 of the Road and Rail Traffic Act, and relate to the abolition of the Southern Area on December 31 next.
Every road service licence granted by the Southern Commissioners before January 1, 1934, shall, during its currency, be deemed to have been granted by the Commissioners for the area to which the service concerned is to be transferred.
Every application to the Southern Commissioners for the renewal of a road service licence which expired on November 80, shall have effect on and after December 4 as if made to the new Commissioners. The new Commissioners (those in the areas to which the Southern Area is to be transferred) may, as from December 4, hold sittings to hear such applications in any part of their areas as these will be constitlited on and after January 1.
Every application for any class of licence shall, if not determined by January 1, have effect as if made to the new Commissioners. In the event of an appeal under Sections 81, 82 and 102 of the Road Traffic Act, against a decision of the Southern Commissioners, not being determined before January 1, any Order made shall be binding on the new Commissioners.
Commercial Section at Swiss Show.
A commercial-vehicle section will be included in the eleventh annual Swiss International Motor Exhibition, which is to be held in Geneva from March 16-25 next
Road Fund Revised Estimates
A revised statement of the Road Fund estimated commitments and pay Ments during 1933-34 has just been issued by the Stationery Office, priceand it shows a net reduction of £40,000 in the estimated cash payments.
Further grants amounting to £900,000 will, it is estimated, be required for new commitments in respect of the completion of suspended schemes, whilst a further provision of £100,000 is required for urgent new works, whilst major works of special importance, to which it is anticipated grants will be made in the near future, require a provision of £1,150,000. These include the reconstruction of Waterloo and Chelsea Bridges, as well as bridges in the London dock area, and a further section of the South Circular Road. The provision of £100,000 for the installation of traffic signals at road junctions has already been-allocated, and a further £150,000 is required.
The revised estimate for commitments is £38,368,009, including £16,336,000 outstanding on March 31, 1933, the total estimated payments brine £22,532,000, leaving £15,836,000 outstanding in estimated commitments on March 31, 1934.
Canadian Conference to Consider Road and Rail Competition.
A message from Ottawa states that, in accordance with recommendations of the Royal Commission :in Transportation, a conference of representatives of the provinces and the Dominion will be held at Ottawa, on December 14.
The Commission drew attention to the fact that the control of road transport taxation for the upkeep of highways and kindred subjects come under the jurisdiction of the provincial Government. The Commission could not, therefore, make any specific recommendation with regard to the problem of road competition, but suggested that it be thrashed out at a conference.
Motor Exhibits at British Industries Fairs.
In our issue dated August 18 we referred to arrangements concluded between the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Trillion; and the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, relating to the limited approval of the Birmingham section of the British Industries Fair for the display of motor accessories, components, etc.
We are now advised that a similar arrangement has been entered into with the Department of Overseas Trade, so far as the London section is concerned, by which, in consideration of the Department excluding motor vehicles and tractors, the Society will offer no.objecton to the exhibit of other descriptions of motor goods in that section, provided they do not represent the main product of a manufacturer. The object is to preclude any exhibit by a vehicle maker of components peculiar to the vehicle made by his company, but not to exclude motor-vehicle components as such. Death of Mr. D. E. Batty.
We much regret to record the death of Mr. Dudley E. Batty, A.M.I.E.E., M.I.A.E.' who occupied the post of electrical engineer to the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd. Mr. Batty has been connected with the company since January, 1917, and was responsible for much of the pioneer work dealing with the trolley-buses which the company is now manufacturing in conjunction with the English Electric Co., as well as with the A.E.C. oil engine.
U.S. Exports on the Up-grade.
Further evidence of "the turn of the tide" as regards the overseas trade in American commercial vehicles is afforded by the returns of exports during the nine months ended September last. In that period, 28,313 vans, lorries; buses and chassis, alued (at five dollars to the £) at £2,513,850, were shipped from the United States, as compared with 18,726 and £1,710,340 respectively a year ago.
The bulk of the exported vehicles '(21,470) are for 1-11-ton loads, as against 3,256 carrying up to 1 ton, 2,689 between 11 ton and 21 tons, and the remainder over 21 tons.
East Kent Report.
The report of the East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd.' for the year ended September 30, 1933, shows that revenue was maintained during the past year, although working profits are substantially less, owing to the increased price of petrol, which, during the past 12 months, cost the company approximately £17,000 more than in the previous year. The actual profit was £26,168, to which has to be added £7,830 brought in from the previous year. The profit is arrilyed at after contributing £75,000 to depreciation reserves. The general reserve receives an allotment of £1,000, and, after taking into account the dividend on the preference shares, amounting to £13,000, and the 4 per cent, dividend on the ordinary shares, which absorbs 114,000, there remains a balance of £5,998 to be carried forward.
Dennis Progress and Prospects.
The annual general meeting of Dennis Brothers, Ltd., was held a few days ago, when Mr. N. P. Andrew, the chairman of the company, presided. At the outset he referred to certain aspects of the 'London Passenger Transport Act and the Road and Rail Traffic Act. He pointed out that the action of Parliament had seriously encroached upon the freedom of a large section of the company's customers and, consequently, had interfered with the free course of its business.
He made a reference to the new engine-building plant which has lately been installed at Guildford, where the company is now manufacturing the engines formerly made at Coventry by White and Popne, Ltd.
Sir Raymond Dennis, after referring to legislative stability as being the crying need of the industry, said that the uncertainty of the past few years and the indication of forthcoming changes had naturally deterred buyers, whilst fleet renewals had been postponed. During the past two years, the company's principal activities }Hive been concerned with the production of a '.-i2-36-seater bus, known as the Lancet, and with goods models to carry pay by petrol engines, the company is fully alive to the development of the oil Dower unit, and all its models are available with engines of this class. He said that the company's overseas trade showed signs of improvement.
Leeds Buyer of Conners.
Francis E. Cox and Co., 119-121, Albion Street, Leeds, advises us that it has received an order for six Commer 20-25-cwt. forward-control chassis from Jackson's Stores, Ltd., Woodhouse Street, Leeds. The company acts as a distributor and service specialist for Comrner vehicles.
Closing Date for Royal Show Entries.
Applications for space in the implement section of the Royal Agricultural Show, which takes place at Ipswich from July 3-7, 1934, must be made not later than March 20.
The Royal Show of 1935 will, for the sixth time, be held at Newcastle-uponTyne, whilst negotiations are still in progress, with the object of securing a site at Bristol for the show of 1936.
Personal Pars.
Mr. F. W. Delve has been appointed chief officer of the Croydon Fire Brigade. Ile is at present with the Brighton Fire Brigade.
Three presentations were made at Preston and Blackburn, last week, to Mr. It. T. Ebrey, on the occasion of his departure from the office of secretary of Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., to become general manager of East Yorkshire Motor Services, Ltd., Hull. Major Hickmott, managing director, made the presentation on behalf of the management, officials and staff.
Amplifying the paragraph appearing in our issue for last week, in connection with Sunbeam sales, we should make it clear that Mr. Edward Genna is in charge only of the car sales of the Sunbeam Motor Car Co., Ltd. The sales manager of the commercial-vehicle department of the company is still Mr. H. L. Brodie, who is responsible for sales matters appertaining to the company's trolley-buses and petrol buses.
Petrol from Sawdust and Peat.
A message from Ifelsingfors states that exhaustive experiments with a new process of producing petrol from sawdust and peat a-re being undertaken by the Swedish Government, according to Professor Konmpa, the well-known Finnish chemist, who invented the process,
Latest Evans Helper Springs for Fords.
Helper springs for Ford 12-cwt. chassis and Fordson 2-tonners can now be supplied by P. J. Evans, Ltd., Helston Works, Grange Road, London, N.W.10. They are made to supplement the existing springs, and come into operation only when the vehicle is overloaded.
The two types are designated No. 32 and No. 77 respectively, the former being claimed to increase the carrying capacity of the vehicleby 10 cwt. and the latter by 2 tons.
A feature of Evans helper springs is that they can be fitted without any drilling being necessary. In the case of the type 77 the springs are clamped at their centres to the axle casing, whilst their ends work in guides similarly se cured to the frame-members. In the case of type 32 the spring is bolted to a bracket clamped to the frame, whilst the ends bear on pads fixed to the axle.
Liverpool Transport Co-ordination Move.
Liverpool Chamber of Commerce has circularized Merseyside transport associations, inviting them to nominate representatives to attend a meeting to be held to consider the subject of co-ordination of transport services.
Mr. H. H. Nuttall, who is connected with the Road Haulage Association, mentioned that, under Section 3 of the Road and Rail Traffic Act, there was a clause which dealt with the setting up of a Transport Advisory Council. Ile considered the matter was one of such importance that the Chamber of Commerce should make representations, so that a nominee from the Merseyside area could serve on that council. The provisions of the Act would seriously 'affect Liverpool, which had incurred heavy commitments in connection with facilitating the quick flow of truffle. Gruelling Trial of Producergas Vehicle.
In spite of the rapid development of oil engines on the Continent, producergas, obtained from charcoal and other fuels, still has its adherents in certain countries, such as France and Italy. In the latter country, petrol costs about 4s. per gallon, whilst Diesel oils are proportionately expensive.
Professor Ferraguti, who obtained remarkable results from a producer-gas car in the Italian 1,000-Mile Race, is now about to attempt the journey from Rome to Budapest and back, a distance of 2,700 kiloms., without refuelling, on a gas-driven commercial vehicle. The vehicle in question has a cruising range of 1,500 kiloms. on a charge Report of J. Brockhou.se and Co.
The report of J. Brockhouse and Co., Ltd., which concern makes trailers and certain components for motor vehicles, shovis a profit of £18,992 for the year ended September 30, as against £6,569 for the previous 15Months. A dividend of 7 per cent. is recommended for payment on the ordinary shares, and it is proposed to transfer £2,500 to reserve, leaving £8,468 to be carried forward, as compared with £7,794 brought into the accounts.
Armstrong-Saurer Works Busy.
The names of a number of important companies figure in the list of those concerns which have recently confirmed contracts for Armstrong-Saurer oilengined lorries. Amongst them may be mentioned the Southern Transport Co., Ltd., Brighton ; Risdon. Semper and Co., Ltd., London ; Lap Transport, Ltd., Goole; Samuel Allsop and Sons, Ltd., Burton-on-Trent ; Smith, Parkinson and Cole, Ltd., Bradford ; Messrs. ' Whitworth Brothers, Wellingborough ; and the Irwell Springs Printing Co., Bacup.
Armstrong Saurer Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., advises us that its works at Newcastle are working full time, and in excess of their normal output, and the company has on its books orders amounting to between £150,000 and £200,000.
" Too Much Trust in Politicians."
That the goods-haulage industry should be more articulate and shout with a voice that could be heard at Westminster was the plea made by Mr. E. F. Topham, at a social function held under the auspices of the Manchester Area of the Commercial Motor Users Association at Manchester last Friday. The two principal speakers were Mr. F. G. Bristow (general secretary) and Mr. R. C. Reynolds (Bleachers' Association), both of whom referred to the anxious times ahead in connection with the enforcement of the Road and Rail Traffic Act.
The road-transport industry, said Mr. Topham, had erred in the past by putting too much trust in the promises of politicians. If motor users were fully organized, they would be able to bring the pressure cif something like 3,000,000 votes to bear on them, which no Government could withstand.
Mr. R. C. Reynolds said the industry would have to go through a painful weeding-out process, hut the final result would probably be to the advantage of the industry as a whole.
Mr. F. G. Bristow was of the opinion that many vehicle owners had not appreciated the importance of some of the provisions of the Act. The really critical time would come when operators applied for the renewal of their licences.
Dividend Announcement..
The Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., announces a final dividend of 3 per cent., subject to income tax, making a total distribution of 5 per cent., subject to tax, for the nine months ended September 30 last.
In future the accounts of the company will be made up for the year commencing October 1.
New Lancashire Association.
At a meeting, recently held at Morecambe and Heysham, of concerns engaged in the road-haulage industry in the North Lancashire area, it was resolved to form an association under the title of the North West Lancashire Hauliers' Association. Mr. Norrison Stansfield addressed the meeting on the various effects of the Road and Rail Traffic Act.
The following appointments were made : Mr. J. Battersby (Morecambe and Heysham), chairman ; Mr. Hartley (Carnforth Transport Co.), vice-chairman ; executive committee : Messrs. Sharpies (Lancaster), Helm (Warton), Hudson (Sandside), Gilbert, Birkett, Harrison and Atkinson (Morecambe and Heysham). The secretary is Mr. Norrison Stansfield, 100, Balmoral Road, Morecambe and Heysham.
A Morris-Commercial Record.
An indication of the upward trend of trade is afforded by the experience of Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., which reports that, during the past three months, it has received a substantial increase of orders, as compared with the same period of the three preceding years.
In a recent week orders reached a figure which is a record in the history of the company, whilst the total orders for September, October and November reveal an increase of 80 per cent. over those for the corresponding period of 1032.
A Popular Heater Plug for Oil Engines.
The K.L.G. heater plug, which is made by K.L.G. Sparking Plugs, Ltd.. Putney Vale, London, S.W.15, is enjoying a considerable vogue on compreqsion-ignitirm engines, Indeed, we understand that over TO per cent. of the oil units displayed at the recent Commercial Motor Show were provided with this equipment.
Under a special system employed by the K.L.G. concern the sheet mica, after having been wrapped around the central electrode, is compressed uniformly and to such a degree that, whilst its insulating properties are retained, gas
leakage is prevented. Additional security is provided by forming two compressed joints—one at the outer and one at the inner end of the heater plug.
The central electrode is of two-piece construction, the outer end being of brass, whilst the inner part is of coppe:•. In the end of the latter is an axial hole, into which the heater coil is brazed. The steel gland nut; which secures the plug, is rust-resisting. The current consumption of the plug under normal conditions is 30 amp.-hours and the price of the standard model is 15s.
Worcester Branch of R.H.A. Formed.
A few days ago, a meeting, convened under the auspices of the Road Litulag.e Association, was held at Worcester, when Mr. F. H. Winwood presided. The meeting attracted many haulage contractors from Pershore and Malvern, to whom the objects of the Association were outlined by Mr. W. E. Aston, chairman of the West Midland Regional Area, Mr. G. Oglesby, the London divisional organizer, and Mr. I. Foley Egginton, secretary of the West Midland Area.
In his address, Mr. Aston emphasized the need for a strong organization for the benefit of commercial-vehicle users, so that their views could be adequately placed before Parliament.
It was unanimously decided to form a district committee of the Association, and the following were elected to serve : Messrs. A. F. Tansell, A. C. Morgan, L. H. Creed, G. F. Summers, V. Neal, J. Bayliss and C. Hughes.
Knock-down Steel Van Bodies Required.
An important maker of commercial vehicles wishes to get into contact immediately with a reputable manufactnrer capable of furnishing quotations for the supply of steel van bodies which can be knocked down and packed complete for shipment. Letters addressed Steel Body, care of the Editor, will be forwarded to the proper quarter.
R.H.A. Southern Regional Meeting.
A well-attended meeting of the Southern Regional Area (Met.) of the Road Haulage Association was held at the Amersham Hotel, New Cross, London, S.E.14, a few days ago, under the chairmanship of Mr. A. E. Drain.
Mr. J. F. E. Pye, of the National Council, and chairman of the Metro
politan Area of the Association, addressed the gathering on the work and activities of the National Council, whilst Mr. F. F. Fowler spoke on the "Road and Rail Traffic Act and the Haulage Industry," referring particularly to useful amendments carried through in committee by the Road Haulage Association.
Guy Wolf Instruction Book.
Guy Motors, Ltd., Fallings Park, Wolverhampton, has recently issued an instruction book for its Guy Wolf 2-ton and 20-seater chassis. The book is divided into 13 sections dealing with specific components or systems, and opens with a brief specification of the chassis, followed by a list of recommended lubricants for the various parts. In each section the correct maintenance procedure is outlined in a lucid manner.
Soviet Production Exceeds Schedule.
During the nine months ended September last, 17,009 vehicles were produced in the Stalin works, Moscow, Russia, 16,791—including 6,140 cars— at the Molotov works at Gorki, and 1,527 at the works at Jaroslav, giving a total of 35,327, as against a planned output of 34,585 vehicles. Furthermore, 30,452 tractors were manufactured at Moscow, 23,510 at Kharkov, and 662 at Cheliabinsk. In this case, the total of 54,624 tractors compares with a scheduled production of 54,050 units. '
The works at Jaroslav are to be eteadily extended until they have a capacity of 50,000 5-ton lorries per year, as well as a number of 8-ton vehicles. Arrangements for the manufacture of the latter are now in progress.