News of the Week
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MANY makes and types of goods vehicle and certain special models will he included in the production programme arranged for 1945. Additions may be made during the year if the war situation permits.'
All these vehicles will be allocated by means of licences to acquire, which are granted on the recommendation of R.T.C.s.
PETROL AND OIL-ENCINED VEHICLES 8-1O.ewt.—"Austin, Bedford, •Commer (B•mst.), Ford, "Morns.
15-30-owt.--Coramei 15-25-cwt., Morris-Commercial 30 cwt.
2.340n.—Austin 2-ton, Commer 2-ton (chassis and cab), Barrier Bantam 2-ton (chassis and cab).
3-44on.--Goy 3-4 ton. Morris-Commercial ton, Scammell M.1L3 (3-tool, Scomlnell M-11-6/3 (3-ton with 15• h.p. engine), Thornycroft NipPY 3-ton. 4.5-ton.—Au2tin 4-5-ton, Bedford 5-tou, Cornnor 4-5-ton, Dennis 5-ten, Dodge 5-ton. Ford 4-5-ton.
5-6-ton.—Albion .5.6-ton, Foster and Seddon 6-ton, Ford industrial tractor, Guy 6-ton tractor emit, Barrier Bantam 5-ton tractor, Scamroell M.11.6 (6-tout, Thornycroft Sturdy 5-6-ton, Wean 6-ton (oil or petrol).
r.s.ton.—Denabi71/2-ton, E.R.F. VA•ton, Maildshiy Mogul 71,e-toe.
840-tom—Bedford flcammell articulated, "Commer-Hands articulated, Ford-British trailer asticulated.
12-15-ton.--Atkinson 15-ton (8-wheeler), 'E.R.F. 12-15-ton tractor, • E.R.F. 12.15 ton articulated, Foden 15-ton (8-wheeler), Scammell 15-ton truck (8-wheeler),
HEAVY' MOTIVE UNITS 15.ton and over.---Scammell 15-ton, Scammell 20-ton, Scammell 45-ton
Bedford 5-ton, Templer 4-5•toa, Ford 4-5-ton, Guy 3-ton (chassis and cab).
ELECTRIC VEHICLES • 10.14-owt.—•Bruah 10-14-cwt., Midland 12-15cwt. Morrison 10-met 1S-25-ovat,—"Brush 18-22-cwt., Midland 20-25cwt. MrITTiSOft 20 cwt. 25130-oCwt.—'Bruslt 25-30•cwt.
50.60.ovat.—"Brush 50-cwt., Morrison 50-cwt., *Victor 50-60-cwt.
Diarrond (Graiseley) pram, Holes pram.
Austin-Lomas ambulance, Dennis 10 cubic-yd. refuse collector, Dennis gully and cesspool emptier, Barrier 7-cubic-yd. refuse collector, Scammell 12.cubic-yd. refuse collector. Notesl—The weights given are carrying capacity.
" Additions to former programme.
As regards these vehicles, there are. certain points of interest, For example, all the tippers are on short-wheel-base chassis. As far as battery eiectrics are concerned, the demand ,is most irregular; there may be none one month and 100 in another, the chief buyers being co-operative societies and dairies.Incidentally., the delivery of electric p. `rams has been expedited.
The normal period for delivery after receipt of -a licence to acquire is three months. If it be likely to be longer than this, the applicant is told to call again," although he need not make a fresh application through the R.T.C. If he still requires the vehicle he can be reinstated in his proper place in the roster. For special types of vehicle and some of those in the heavy class, the delivery period will often be six months.
As regards buses, those available will he Guy, Bristol, Daimler (A.E.C. engine) double-deckers, and Bedford 32seater single-deckers, The inclusion Of other makes is not likely for at least nine months after January --I, and operators will not obtain vehicles any .snore rapidly by holding off_ buying because of the possibility of such further makes being' in-chided.
I N the year ended July 31 last, John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., made a profit of £191,610, which is £25,351. higher than for the previous year. The net balance, at £123,685, is, however, lower by £24,649, due to an allocation of £50,000 for deferred repairs. The following final dividends are to be paid:---3 per cent, on the cumulative preference shares, 5i per cent, on the participating preferred ordinary shares. and 8 per cent. (making 13 per cent., -less tax, for the year) on the ordinary shares. The sum of £50,000 is transferred to general reserve, bringing it up to £450,000. The amount carried forward is £110,718, compared with £105,533' brought into the accounts.
nISTRIBUTORS of, and dealers in,
the products of Vulcan Motors, Ltd., recently attended a sales conference at the manufacturer's works at Maidstoue. Approximately 40 members of the Vulcan distributing organization were present.
Consistent with the maker's policy of close co-operation with its distributors, many aspects of sales were freely discussed with the object of ensuring that efficient service can be offered to operators of Vulcan vehicles. During the conference, the company announced a reduction of £18 in the price of its oileng-ined chassis.
THE signing of the amalgamation agreement between the majority of the associations concerned with road transport will take place on December 12.
On the following day an extraordinary general meeting of the National Road Transport Employers' Federation will be held to consider and, if thought fit, to pasg a resolution to wind up. The stage will then be set for the new organization to commence to function on January 1, 1945.
,THE-Road Haulage Central Wages 1 Board has had submitted to it by the workers in the haulage side of the industry an application for an increase of 6s. per week for adults and 4s. per week for juniors. The Board adjourned until yesterday to enable the employers to consult the areas.
WHEN a special ,meeting of Liverpool Passenger Transport Committee was held recently,a report on post-war reconstruction and development of passenger-transporrt services in the city and adjacent. districts, prepared by Mr. W. G. Marks, general manager of the transport undertaking, was considered. Although no definite decision was reached, it appears that members favour, as a long-term policy, the abolition of trains and their replacement by a dual system of buses and fast electric coaches running on light railways in reserved tracks.
The committee has asked the general manager to provide facts and figures regarding the relative capital and maintenance costs of trolleybuses, petrol and oil-engined buses and trams, TIMPSON'S SHARES ACQUIRED BY BIG INTERESTS
nWING to the death of Mr. A. .—/Timpson, shareholders in A. Timpson and Sons, Ltd., unanimously decided to dispose of their holdings in that company. These have been acquired by the British Electric Traction Co.. Ltd., Thomas Tilling, Ltd., and certain companies in which 'both are interested. The present directors of the Timpson company are: Colonel H. I. Robinson (chairman), Messrs. G. Cardwell, F. P. Arnold, A. E. Cannon and R. W, Birch.
Mr. W. A. Timpson has consented to become general manager, and the. head office of the company is at Coastal Chambers, 172, Buckingham Palace Road, London, S.W.1.
Operations will be carried on as hitherto, and it is intended to develop the pre-war activities, such as seasonal express services, tours, excursions and private hire. Co-operation with. the services using the Victoria Coach Station will improve facilities to the public. The present fleet of 50-60 vehicles is fully employed on Government contracts. New vehicles to bring it back to pre-war lever and allow for expansion have been ordered. ROAD ACCIDENT STATISTICS FOR OCTOBER
ROAD ACCIDENT casualties in Great Britain during the month of October totalled 987 deaths and 10,467 injured; these figures compare with 488
and 10,708, respectively, in October, 1943.
The following table is an analysis of the number of deaths according to the type of vehicle primarily involved:— SIR C. J. BARTLETT, OF VAUXHALL, TO BROADCAST
nNE of the seven speakers on NJ December 9 (8.30-9 p.m. Home Service) in No. 4 of the eight discussions " Jobs for All," to be broadcast by the &B.C., will be Sir. Charles J. Bartlett, managing director of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd.
poration to the M.O.W.T. for permission to substitute buses for trams on the Preston New Road route has been granted. It has not yet transpired whether facilities will be given for the purchase of the requisite buses to meet the new service. If these be not forthcoming, trains will be retained until after the war.
THE President of the S.M.M.T., Mr. C B. Nixon, points out, in an official communication from that body, that p.s. vehicle malZers have for long suffered under the handicap that vehicles built to comply with U.K. regulations are generally unacceptable overseas. They know that to compete successfully a design must suffice both for home and export markets.
As a result, and having agreed with the operators' associations as to the general features appropriate to both markets, they made a joint approach to the Minister in November, 1943, requesting him to review the Construction and Use Regulations and to bring It into line with these agreed requirements.
The requests were moderate, calling for no radical departures from what is accepted practice in many countries.
Despite repeated assurances from Government spokesmen that exporters are to be given every possible assistance, these requests, after over a year's delay, have been rejected without con sultation. Consequently, the makers are disheartened and feel that it is a waste of time to continue export preparations until the Government has ensured that everything has been done which will assist the export drive. Operators concur in this view, being loth to place post-war orders for new fleets of what, in their opinion, are
obsolete designs and which fail to provide the travelling public with the comfort which it is entitled to enjoy. _ The main dimensions asked for were: A maximum length of SO ft. for buses with only two axles, and a width of 8 ft. Mr. Nixon also points out that the ifEw Tyre and Rim International Standards forecast larger sections and wider rims, and for this purpose the increased width is essential.
HOME GUARD MEDWAY HAULIERS TAKE IT EASY nrE 2,092 General Transport Compay of the Home Guard (Medway Towns) held a social evening at Rochester, a few days ago, when over 200 people were present. The company is mainly formed of personnel from Medway Transport, Ltd.; Gamman and Dicker, Ltd.; H. J. Arthrell and Sons, Ltd., and R. Swain and Son, Ltd. —all well-known Medway towns haulage concerns.
Major H. R. Swain, 0,C. Co., presided, and was supported by Capt. W. J. Atkinson (Medway Transport, Ltd.) and Lt. M. Bowles (Gammen and Dicker, Ltd.).
WE regret that in the back-cover advertisement of the Laycock Engineering Co„ Ltd., in our issue dated December 1, we gave the address as Victoria Works, Millhouses, Liverpool, 8. This should, of course, have been Sheffield, 8,
T the adjourned a.g.m. of the .riC.M.U.A., held on November 30, with Major R. A. B. Smith, M.C., M.Inst.T., in the chair, a resolution was unanimously passed expressing the warmest appreciation of the members for the services rendered to road transport in general, and to the Association in particular, by Major Smith during his further occupancy of the presidential chair in 1949-44. He had also greatly contributed to the successful outcome of the work of unification in representation of the industry, which would shortly be an accomplished fact.
The National Council has given instructions to convene an extraordinary generalmeeting of members to pass a resolution to wind up the Association, with a view to the amalgamation.
Appreciative references were also made to the services of the general secretary, Mr. Frederick G, Bristow, C.B.E., M.Inst,T., during the past 38 years.
Incidentally, the accounts show a most satisfactory excess of income over expenditure.
We have been asked by Stan hay, Ltd., to point out that Joseph C. Mount and Co. is not the sole agent for England for the Stanhay pneumatic crane. The error was not ours, BLACKPOOL PLANS ITS OWN ACCIDENT INSURANCE
BLACKPOOL Transport Department proposes to meet third-party claims, arising from injury and accidents, from its own funds. A reserve fund is to be established and built up so that it will not be necessary to insure against these risks. At present the department meets all claims up to the first £6,000 annually, and insures against claims beyond that figure.
PERSONAL PARS MR. G. W. THOMPSON, a Barnsley haulage contractor, has been appointed Barnsley sub-district manager for commercial-vehicle fuel rationing,
MR. JAMES EDWARDS was recently thd recipient of a cheque to mark 21 years' service with Messrs. J. W. Castle and Son, haulage contractors of Clayton-le-Moors.
Mu, C. F. HENSLEY hag just retired after 25 years as electrical storekeeper at Morris Motors, Ltd., Cowley, Oxford. His association with the company dates back to 1917. Upon leaving he received a presentation subscribed for by his fellow-workers.
MR. F. S. MARTIN, a director of Gilbert-Lodge and Co. (Pty.), Ltd., of Australia and New Zealand, is expected to arrive soon in England. This overseas company is one of the largest and oldest in the territories concerned. Whilst concentrating on, and holding important agencies for, electrical and mechanical engineering pro. ducts, it handles many other and varied lines. Mr. Martin hopes to contact reputable concerns wishing to extend their business, either by selling their products there or in arranging manufacture locally. His address will he: Chamies, Gilbert-Lodge and Co., Aldwych House, London, W.C.2.
MR. J. S. WILLS, an executive director of the British Electric Traction Co., Ltd., was, at a meeting of the National Council for the Omnibus Industry, elected its chairman for the ensuing year. He replaces Ma. F. COYLE, national officer, Passenger Services Group, Transport and General Workers' Union. Mr, T. WittiastsoN, J.P., National Union of General and Municipal Workers, was elected vicechairman of the Council. BIG RISE IN PROFIT OF SHELVOKE AND DREWRY, LTD.
PROF1TS of Sheivoke and Drewry, Ltd., in the year ended July 31 last amounted to £189,416, which is £98,264 higher than for the previous year, the net balance coming out at £176,894. Provision for taxation takes £170,500,. leaving a net profit of £6,394 against £9,174 in the previous year. A dividend of 10 per cent., less tax, is being paid on the ordinary shares, and the amount carried forward is £7,141, compared with £6,997 brought in.