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Q As the owner-driver of an Albion X 229 mixer, I

8th December 1972
Page 50
Page 50, 8th December 1972 — Q As the owner-driver of an Albion X 229 mixer, I
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find that Us rear lights are mounted in a vulnerable position and are regularly being hit by dumpers, etc. Could I reposition the lights within the vehicle chassis and would this require Ministry approval? If so, to which department do I apply?

AThis is governed by Part IV, section 23 of the Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations 1971 and Schedule 1 of these Regulations.

Paragraph 7 of the Schedule states that, among others, goods vehicles or goods carrying trailers other than special trailers or engineering plant should have two rear lamps. The lateral position should be one lamp on each side of a longitu dinal axis: no part of the illuminated area of one lamp is to be less than 21in.

from any part of the illuminated area of the other lamp and no part of the vehicle or its equipment is to extend laterally on the same side as the lamp more than 30in. from the nearest part of the illuminated area of lamp. Longitudinally, the rear lamp should not be more than 3ft 6in. from the extreme rear of the vehicle.

The maximum height from the ground of the highest part of the illuminated area of the lamp should be 3ft 6in. and the minimum height from the ground to the lowest part of the illuminated area 15in. The height from the ground of the highest part of the illuminated area of each lamp must be the same.

No doubt the rear lamps have been positioned by the manufacturers to comply with the Regulations. Some flexibility might be possible, however, and you should seek advice from an authorized Albion dealer, the marque is now known as Leyland Glasgow since the Albion nameplate has been discontinued.