Our Campaign Comforts Fund.
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The Stores Are Nearly Empty in Many Sections. Replenishment Now Depends Upon New Support.
The Official Fund for the Mechanical Transport Columns and Units of the Army Service Corps.
President: H.R.H. Princess Arthur of Connaught.
Ladies Committee : Mrs. A. R. Crofton Atkins, Mrs. Shraptielt-Smith, Mrs. R. K. Bagnall-Wild, Mrs. H. E. Blain. Mrs. W. E. Donohue, Mrs. H. N. Foster.
Remittances to the Hon. Sec. and Treasurer, E. S. Shrapnell-Smith, 7-15. Rosebery Avenue, London, E.C.
£120 (October to March ) : Albion: Associated Equipment ; Belsize; Car and General Insurance; Clayton (Huddersfield); Commercars ; Crossley ; Daimler; Dennis ; Hoyt Metal ; Leyland; Thornycroft ; Wolseley. £60 (October to March): Alley and MacLellan; Ferodo ; Halley; Hans Renold; Scottish Commercial Cats. £10 Monthly: Foden ; Four-Wheel-Drive Auto Co. ; Hanford; Pratt's and Taxibus Spirits. £5 Monthly: Lucas; Macintosh; Maudslay ; Spencer-Moulton; St. Helens Cable and Rubber; Shrewsbury-Challiner ; Wolf (Solex); Wood-Milne. Lump Sums: A.S.C. (Corps) Fund, £710 three grants); Dunlop, £100; Gaston, Williams and Wigmore, £100; Holt (Caterpillar), £l00; M.T. Sergeants' Mess, Bulford Depot, £40.
Revenue was materially assisted, during the week ended the 3rd inst. Particulars will be found below.
We record with the utmost satisfaction that our stores are practically depleted in many of their sections. That is as it should be. The comforts are wanted at the Front, not in stock. We none the less feel, as we look over the empty bins, that it would be an advantage to see many of them filling up again—a process which calls for strength in the exchequer of the Fund. We have kept pace, we are pleased to say, with requisitions from the officers in command of the 400 odd overseas columns, companies, and other units of the M.T., A.S.C., but their requisitions still come rolling in. Are we to be able to satisfy them without difficulty, or are we to be obliged to return the answer that fulfilment must await new cash receipts? Handsome support has been given to us from representative mernbe,rs of the industry, as the names at the top of this page testify week by week. We venture to think that other names will soon appear there, if consideration be given to the work of the Fund, for no fund can have a closer claim upon the industry than the one which undertakes the duty of looking after "their own" for them, with the advantage of having official recognition and official cooperation. We know full well, of course, that individual manufacturers additionally do a great deal for i he men who have left their works, but we should like to see the names of everybody connected with the motor industry also identified with THE COMIERCIAL Moron Campaign Comforts Fund. May it be so.
We also publish a, list of gifts in kind which have reached us since the occasion of our last making similar acknowledgment. This list, except for a few unidentified parcels, is complete to Saturday last. More hand-knitted socks are wanted.
From wool supplied by the Fund (347 scarves, 36 prs. of
mittens, 6 helmets, and 4 prs. socks).
Mrs. W. Smith, Pen:bury (2 scarves).
Mrs. R. Thin, Birkenhead (8 scarves).
Mrs. Black, Forres (3 scarves).
Mrs. Boulton, Alton (1 scarf and 1 pr, mittens). Mrs. Donohue, Harrington Gardens, W. (6 prs. of socks).
Mrs. Ray, Lockeriey (1 tcarf).
Mrs. Franks, Kensington, W. (12 tennis balls and 4 scarves).
The Offices of "John Bull," Long Acre, W.C. (bundle of
Regimental Agency, Tothill Street, S.W. (bundle of papers).