The Drivers Division of the C.M.U.A.
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Official Particulars of Membership and Form of Application.
On account of the success and general interest shown in the lectures organized by this Association and by the large attendance of steam and petrol drivers, the Association is extending the sphere of its activities by the formation of a Drivers' Division.
All drivers who are in the employment of members of the Commercial Motor Users Association, whether they may be drivers of motor omnibuses, motorcabs, wagons, vans, or any other types of commercial vehicles, are eligible for enrolment if their characters and records as drivers for at least two years are considered satisfactory by the Association. The annual subscription will be 2s. 6d. each, and drivers will be eligible for re-enrolment annually by resolution of the General Committee of the C.M.U.A. and on payment of the annual subscription. The benefits of enrolment include :— 1. Enrolled drivers will be entitled to call themselves " Enrolled Drivers of the Commercial Motor Users Association," and to wear the C.M.U.A. drivers' badge. The badge, which measures in. in diameter, and is made in gilding metal, red, white and blue enamel, with either pin, buttonhole or watch chain attachment, will be issued free of charge to enrolled drivers.
2. Enrolled drivers will be entitled to free admission to all the lectures arranged by the Association for them. Lectures on such subjects (a) The care and working of steam vehicles ; (b) The care and working of petrol vehicles ; (c) Transmission gearing ; (d) Wheels and tires ; (e) The history of steam vehicles ; will be delivered by the inspecting engineer to the Association.
Others on such subjects as— (I) Topography ; (g) The Special Military Reserve of Mechanical Transport ; (70 The characteristics of fuels ;
(j) The history of the introduction of mechanically-propelled vehicles ; (k) The history of electrical vehicles and their probable future ; and on other subjects of general interest to drivers desirous of improving their engineering knowledge, will be from time to time dealt with by the Association lecturers.
It is intended that in order that all drivers may have an opportunity of hearing the coinplete course of lectures, each lecture will be repeated on more than one night, so that drivers will have the choice or nights. It is contemplated that some of these lectures can also be repeated at provincial centres.
3. Enrolled drivers will be entitled to purchase the " Night Shelter Handbook," and other publications issued by the C.M.U.A. from time to time, at reduced prices.
Other benefits may be added from time to time.. It is proposed to hold a general meeting of the Drivers' Division annually, The attached form of application should be filled up and sent, with a remittance for 2s. ed., to the Secretary of the Association, 89, Pall Mall, S.W. As soon as the application is approved, a driver's badge and official card of enrolment will be forwarded to each driver. Those. drivers who become enrolled drivers and who have already purchased drivers' badges will be required to remit only is. 6.d. for the first year's subscription instead of the usual 2s. 6d.
FREDERICK G. BRISTOW, Secretary. L-i9, Pall Mall, London, S.W.
To Mr. F. G. BRISTOW, F.C.I.S.,
Secretary, The Commercial Motor Users Association (Incorporated), S9, Pall Mall, Londe.a, S.W.
I hereby request you to admit me as an enrolled driver of the C.M.U.A. and enclose herewith remittance for 2s. 6d., 1 my subscription for the year 1914_ its. 6d. I promise to do all I can to further the progress of the Drivers' Division of the C.M.U.A. and to abide by the regulations of the General Committee of the C.M.U,A. (Incorporated) so long as I continue an enrolled driver of the C.M.U.A. 'so I undertake not to part with the driver's badge to any other person and to return it to the C.M.U.A. when I cease to be an enrolled driver of the association, or sooner at their request.
Name (in full) Address (in full) ... ..
Name and Address of Present Employer (who must be a member of the
How Long in his Employ?
Name and Address of Previous Employer How Long in his Employ? Date of Leaving and Cause Date of First Driving Licence...
Particulars of all Endorsements on Licence (if no endorsements write " Clean ").
Type of Driver's Badge Required. (a) Pin, (b) Button hole, (c) Watch chain. ...
Signature of Applicant Da te