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The wheels of wealth will be stowed by an difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the rogghness of the roads over which it rtins."—John Beattie Crozier.
Bus Progress in London.
London's Underground group made considerable progress in 1928 in connection with its various passengertransport undertakings. So far as the buses are concerned several noteworthy developments occurred during the year. A new type of bus was put Into service in January on the route through Blackwell Tunnel, whilst a new class of " General" coach was brought into use in April, a month which als,o witnessed -the introduction of pneumatie-tyred buses by the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd. The past year wag also outstanding by reason of the fact that a number of six-wheeled buses was put into senice.
So far as the present year is concerned, it is interesting to learn that over 1,000 more buses will be equipped with pneumatic tyres, whilst new and up-to-date vehicles will be introduced for private-hire services. Early in the year the new garage, . which is being erected at Elmer's End, will be cornDieted, whilst a further two new garages will he constructed in north and west 1;ondon respectively.
Amendments to 'WM. Specification No. 30A.
On pages One and two of the cover, for specification No. 80A, specification
• No. 30B should be substituted. On Page four, item six, Petrol System, there is an alteration in constructional detail, viz., sub-paragraph (a) should now
read as follows cases of vehicles bought by the War Department, the tank must be constructed of non-ferrous metal, for capacity see snb-paragraph /ill. Vehicles sold commercially under the W.D. Subsidy scheme may, however, be provided with a lead-coated ferrous tank, if desired.
Midland Red Bus Activities.
The Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., recently showed a party of Visitors over the new garage which the company has erected at Digbeth. The atea now covered by the Midland "Red" buses is over 10,000 square miles and the route mileage amounts to. over 6,650; nearly 1,000 separate services are in eperation throughout the Midland counties. The company's fleet consists of over 600 single-deck salooe buses and about 60 Motor coaches, all on pneumatic tyres and with seating capacities for from 30 to 37 passengers. As recently as December 31st, the remaining double-deckers of the company's fleet were equipped with pneumatic tyres.
An Offer to Purchase a Municipal Bus Undertaking.
Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., offered to pay the Lancaster Corporation -1500 a year for 20 years, or a total of /10,000, for its passenger-transport undertaking. The engineer estimates that the tramway equipment, if discarded, should bring in 19,500 and there would still be the six motorbuses to take into account.
" The tramways committee of the Lancaster Corporation, after obtaining advice from Mr. J. Barnard: of Bolton, and Mr, A. R. Fearnley, of Sheffield, representing the Municipal Tramways Association, on the Ribble offer to purchase the Corporation tramways and motorbits 'undertaking, recommended the council not to sell its holdings.
Mr. Hoclkinson ,sMd that at a meeting of the council there was an over Wheiming, Majority against • any idea of yielding the transport services to the Ribble or any other company.
Dr. Mannix said the authority had Paid 180,000 out of the rates to meet the losses on the trams in 25 years and 180,000 since 1920. He thought the trams should be abandoned at once.
The tramways committee was called upon to submit a reorganization scheme to the February meeting of the Lancaster Town Council.
Desires a Sales Position.
We know a man who has had a long experience in the commercial-vehicle trade and who desires a position F.S sales trumager or factory representative. He would be wining to undertake special duties, such as pioneer or propaganda work. Any letters addressed to " Factory Representative," care of the Editor of this journal, will be forwarded to the
proper quarter. _
Just befOre the Christmas holidays. the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., received a substantial order from the War Office for rigid-frame six-wheeled vehicles.
We regret to learn of the death, in his fifty-ninth year, of Mr. W. E. Martin, 'who was managing director of Martin's Cultivator Co., Ltd.
Railway Road Services.
Its another part of this issue we deal with the arrangements made by the Great Western RailWay Co. and the National Omnibus and Transport CO., Ltd., to form a new company for the co-ordination of their passenger services in the West of England, and it would appear that other developments of a similar character will shortly be annourreecl. South Wales, for example, has been the scene of ranch speculation in this respect and from a statement made by Sir Felix Pole, the general manager of the Geent Western Railway Co., it would appear that a most imPortant step will shortly be .taken in this area.
Then, again, it is stated that the Southern Railway Co. hope to inaugurate certain road services during the present year and, in this connection, it is significant to recall that, as announced in our issue dated December 4th last, Sir John E. Thornycroft has joined the directorate of the company.
The Aberdeen to. London Service„
Inter-City Motorways is, we understand, the title to be given to a firm which, according to recent announcements iu the Press, will be formed to inaugurate, amongst other passenger transport acilities, certain . long-distance services by nectar vehicles. One of its projects is said to be the running of a sleeper-coach service between Aberdeen and London and, in this cot'erection, it is possible that Dieselengined vehicles will be employed. It will be recalled that we .drew attention to the inauguration of a passenger read service between Aberdeenand London some weeks ago.
Leeds and Bus-licence Applications.
At a meeting of the Leeds Watch Committee, the chief constable submitted further_ informationwith•respect to the application-of the West Riding Automobile Co., Lta., for hiceile for. inororbuses to ply for hire within the city in C031nection with a proposed service between Leeds -and Doncaster, via Castleford and Pontefract, and_ the committee grouted licences for a Reriod of three months.
The committee has, however, refogei to grant the following application for lieenees for buses :—Bradford Corporation, for 's. service between Bradford and Leeds, via Stanningley ; West Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd., in connection with the Bradford and Leeds route, via Stanningley ; the Ovington Motors, Ltd. (a) for a service between London and Scarborough, via Leeds and York,. and (b) on the York and Blackpool route, via. Leeds.
A Fleet of Dyson Trailers.
B. A. Dyson and Co., Ltd., the wellknown maker of a range of trailers, largely used in the commercial-vehicle industry, has recently dispatched to the Union Cartage Co„ Ltd., of London, fivb 5-ton trailer chassis, equipped with detachable steel disc .wheels and 36-in. by S-in, pneumatic tyres.
Official Orders for November.
Amongst the contracts given out by Government departments during November last were the following :— By the War Office one for four-wheeled vehicles placed with Guy Motors, Ltd., another for steam tipping wagons placed with the Sentinel Waggon Works, Ltd., and a third for six-wheeled chassis divided between Crossley Motors, Ltd., John I. Thornycroft and CO., Ltd., and Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd. The Crown ...Agents for the Colonies also placed an order for lorries with the last-named concern and one for chassis with the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd.
"General" Buses on Thames Valley Routes.
As from the beginning of the year the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., has taken over the operation of four services which have hitherto been worked on its behalf by the Thames Valley Traction Co., Ltd. The service numbers are 501, 502, 503 and 504, and they run from Uxbridge to Hounslow, West Wycombe, Windsor and Amersham Station respectively. The services will continue to be worked over the same routes altd, in each case, the same headway will be maintained. • Commercial Motor Vehicle Insurance by Instalments.
The incidence of the cost of insurance is a heavy burden in many cases, particularly to the vehicle owner in a small way of business. Unfortunately, insurance companies do not, in the ordinary way, permit payment by instalments.
In this connection we have no doubt that the scheme for quarterly payments brought out some time ago by Stuartson, Ltd., 101, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C.3, and now being extended, will be of valuable assistance.
The owner effects the insurance with a reputable company through this concern and instead of paying the -full annual premium immediately he pays it in four equal quarterly instalments without any additional cost, Stuartson,
Ltd., financing the premium to the insurance company and retaining the policy as security until the full premium has been paid.
The bulk of the business is done with the Middlesex Insurance Co-., Ltd., the policies of which are underwritten and guaranteed by the Dominion of Canada Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co.
The tariff which we have received is for policies covering goods-carrying vehicle and private-hire cars.
A Handbook on Electrical Equipment. The fourth edition of " The Motor Electrical Manual" has just been intro duced by Temple Press Ltd. It has long been recognized as the most popular handbook on the subject of electrical equipment and its applications to the modern car. Every motorist will find it useful, and it is written in simple, non-technical language. It has been thoroughly revised and brought upto-date, and includes many new and instructive illustrations:
Personal Pars.
Mr. T. Smalley, general manager of the Leigh Corporation bus department, has been appointed general manager of the Barrow tramways and motorbus undertakings.
As from January 1st, the date of the retirement of Sir Henry Maybury, .G.B.E., K.C.M.G., from the position of Director-General of Roads, the Minister of Transport has appoVed the chief engiheer, Lieut.-Col. C. H. Bressey, C.B.E., F.S.I., to be the principal technical officer in the Roads Department of the Ministry of Transport. The Portrait of Lieut.-Col. Bressey, which appears on this page, was taken at the Ministry of Transport offices a few days ago.
Mr. John Duffy, who has been permanent-way superintendent of the transport department of the Wolverhampton Corporation for 26 years, retired on December 31st last. Mr. Duffy has always been looked upon as the " father" of the corporation's transport department and a token of the esteem in which he was held was manifested in the presentation made on behalf of the staff by the general malinger, Mr. C. Owen Silvers, of . a case of cutlery and a barometer.
The retirement after 30 years' service of Mr. J. Aldworth from his position as manager of the Nottingham Corporation tram and bus undertakings, was marked recently by the presentation to . him, by his fellow officials in municipal wok, of a handsome silver epergne suitably inscribed, the gift being handed to him by the town clerk (Mr. W. J. Board) a a complimentary dinner. Mr. Aldworth has consented to serve in an advisory capacity, much to the satisfaction of the council, it being during his managerial regime that the services have been greatly developed, to the advantage and profit of the ratepayers.
The Cardiff Tramways Committee has appointed Mr. William Forbes, general manager and engineer to the Aberdeen Corporation tramways department, to be general manager of the Cardiff City Council's bus and tram undertaking, at a salary of £1,150 per annum.
Mr. Forbes has held the Aberdeen post since 1918. He inaugurated the Aberdeen Corporation's bus services in 1920, and in the financial year ended May, 1928, they were operated at a net profit of over £11,000 and the vehicles carried more than
13,000,000 passengers. The working expenses of the buses were the lowest in the country, viz., 7.4341. per bus-mile. This filet was mentioned in our analysis of the report of the tramways department which appeared some time ago.
Mr. Forbes is an experienced designer and is also particularly wellknown as a consultant on municipal bus services and their establishment.
British Vans of Distinction.
Three distinctly attractive vans form the subject of the accompanying group of illustrations. One of them is an Albion :is-tonner, mounted on pneumatic tyres, which has been supplied to the proprietors of Wright's coal tar soap for high-speed service. The body has a large capacity and, apart from the doors at the rear, the interior can be reached via a door in the driver's cab, the latter b,elping to secure the quick. delivery of small packages. This is the third Albion vehicle purchased by this company, which bought a 30cwt. model in 1920, subsequently exchanging it for an up-to-date 30-cwt. subsidy-type in 1.927. The order for the 3-tonner forming the subject of the picture was the result of the re
liable service given by the previous .Albion models run by the company.
In the second picture is to be seen
Guy 25-cwt. van supplied by Messrs. Caves, of Birmingham, to a paint and varnish maker in the city. The van_.• Was painted and varnished by the user's own staff and has a specially strengthened body to enable weighty barrels of varnish to be carried. The din ensions of the body are as follow :— Length behind. driver, 7 ft. 10 ins.; width; 5 ft. 4 ins.; height at sides, 5 ft. 4 ins.
The Thornyeroft van, which is the subject of the third picture, is a 4termer, and its basis is the maker's type-PB chassis with forward control and a full-width cab. The interior dimensions of the body are as follow :— Length, 16 ft.; width, 6 ft. 6 ins.; height, 6 ft. There is a well at the rear of the body which, apart from providing easy loading and unloading, affords additional space for the accommodation of goods, and it brings the
full capacity of the van up to 680 cub. ft. Mounting steps are fitted at the rear. The toof is specially strengthened to enable light, bulky articles to be carried at this point and the edge boards are binged so as to permit the articles to be readily unloaded. The van is in the service of a company of Chelmsford house furnishers and
removers. ' Managing a Railway's Bus Fleet.
Mr. J. Mackie, formerly chief engineer of Mr. H. M. S. Catherwood's services, has been appointed manager of the buses to be operated by the Great Northern Railway of Ireland. The policy of the railway company will be to use the bases as feeders for their rail services. We understand that advantage will be taken of existing private services, and the company intends to co-operate with, rather than to oppose, the existing bus concerns. By means of a combined rail and road service it is hoped to win back traffic lost to the road transport concerns.
U.A.S. Acquisitions.
The interests of the United Automobile Services; Ltd:, have been further strengthened in the county of Northumberland by the recent acquisition by the company of the bus services of Messrs. John Lee and Sons and Messrs. Wright, both of Rothbury, which run between Rothbury and Newcastle.
An Albion Patent.
In our issue dated December 25th we published a resume of patent specification No. 300,878, dealing with a type Of bearing for double brake camshafts. We should have pointed out that the specification is in the names of the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., and Mr. James Watt.
Contracting for Bus Tyres.
For the supply and maintenance of motorbus tyres for the ensuing 12 months the tramway S authority of the Liverpool Corporation recommended the city council to confirm the following tenders:— Dunlop • Rubber Co., Ltd., 64-66, Duke Street, Liverpool. Son-skid, resilient solid tyres—.4d. per mile per set of six tyres; cushion tyres—.6d. per mile per set of six tyres ; pneumatic tyres (32-in. by 6-in.)—.57511. per mile per set of six tyres ; (36-in. by 6-in.)—.625d. per mite per set of dx tyres; (36-in. by 7-in.)—.75d. per mile For set of six tyres; (36-in. by 8-in.).97.5d. per mile per set of six tyres. Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., 287. Deansgate, Manchester. Cushion tyres—.6d. per mile per set of six tyres ; pneumatic tyres .(32-in. by 6-in.) —.575d. per mile per set of six tyres; (36-in. by 6-in.)—.625d. per mile per set of six tyres; (36-in. by "7-in.)—.75d. per mite per set of six tyres.
Growing Popularity of the ACLO Chassis.
The South American distributor for the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., i.e., Agar, Cross Paid Co., Ltd., of Paseo Colon, Buenos Aires, has recently placed a further order for 22 ACLO 35-50 h.p. Model 426 chassis and five ACLO 45 h.p. Model 506 chassis. !` ACLO " is the registered trade mark for the prreinete of the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., sold in South America and Germany. The maker's chassis of this type has, during the past three years, become widely known on the South American Continent, and its added popularity has resulted in marked incr,)ases in annual sales—a most satisfactory state of affairs.
Promoting Safer Night Driving.
Those who drive at night to any appreciable extent will be .interested to know of an anti-dazzle appliance which
has recently been marketed. It is known as the Parsolazur anti-dazzle screen, the coneessionnaires being London Motor Accessories Co., Shakespeare House, 40, Leicester Square, London.
Two aluminium brackets, which are screwed to the windscreen pillars, support an adjustable screen made of special azure-blue glass and encased in a nickelled frame.
On each windscreen upright is fitted an adjustable rack, for the adjustment of the screen to suit the height of individual drivers. Each of these racks is fitted with a spring locking device, thereby preventing the screen working loose owing to vibration.
The screen is English-made and is retailed at &t 17s. 13d.
Progress with the Charing.Cross
A meeting in connection with the proposed bridge at Charing Cross was held last week at the Ministry of Transport, Lt.-Col, Wilfrid Ashley, the Minister of Transport, presiding. Sir Percy Simmons, the chairman of the improvements committee of the London County Connell, and Sir Herbert Walker, the general manager of the Southern Railway, were present, and it is stated that progress was made with the negotiations.
Joint Bus Licensing.
At a meeting of the Hull Watch Committee Mr. W. Coulsdon and Mr. L. Bell,. representing the Hess le Urban District Council, Mr. J. F. ROhinS011 and Mr. Knowles,' representing. the Smilcoates Rural District Council, and Mr. Arhon• and .Mr. Dixon, representlug' the Cottingharn -Urban District Council, attended and stated that the three authorities had formed joint conimittee -for the purpose of conSidering all applications for Inis•licences in their respective areas and making recommendations thereon to their councils. The deputation suggested that Hull should join with them and in that way -the whole of the licensing authorities for this area would be re" presented. After considering, the question the committee recommend the appointment of representatives to serve on the joint committee.
Operating Costs for Six-wheeled Motorbuses.
In the article on six-wheeled motorbuses written by Mr. G. j. Shave, which appeared in our Passenger Travel NI1DAher, it was mentioned that the running costs of the 72-passenger vehicle were "including driver's and conductor's wages." This should have read " excluding driver's and conductor's wages," because these vehicles, st") far as the crew is concerned, are run under exactly the same conditions as the smaller four. wheeledbuses.
The one-third cost which was mentioned as greater than the correspondingrunning cost of the smaller vehicle includes only 'petrol, lubricants and a small addition for cleaning ; it is estimated that this should work out at one penny per mile more than the all-in Costs of the four-wheeled bus. It is onlythe extra weight of passengers and the slight increase in the weight of the unladen vehicle which cost more in additional oil and fuel. We emphasize this point because, if the allin cost were actually one-third more, as readers may be led to suppose, this ould have brought the total to so high figure as to make the tramcar a more economical proposition, A Striking Publicity Vehicle.
An illustration on this page depicts a Leyland 4-tonner belonging to Chivers and 'Sons, Ltd., the well-known fruit preserver and jam manufacturer. It will be seen that the vehicle is shod with pneumatic tyres at the front and solids at the rear. Full, advantage is being taken of the publicity value which can be afforded by a vehicle of this type having a large panel
area. In this case, the wording isacccimpanied by quite an appetising illustration of a gentleman at his breakfast table.
Provision of Ambulances for Street Accidents.
In view of the -increasing Amber of calls upon the ambulances of local authorities to deal with street accidents, the Willesden Urban District Council is suggesting that either the Home Office or the Ministry of -Transport should provide adequate 'ambulance services for the police to deal with street accidents.,
Hull Adjourns Consideration.
hull Watch Committee has adjourned consideration of applications for long-distance services received from the East Yorkshire. Motor ServiceS, Ltd., hull; Messrs. Scotter and Whittaker, Hull; London and North Eastern Railway, York; Queen Line. Coastal Coaches, Ltd., Loudon; Eleetways, Doncaster ; Hale Garage Co., Ltd., Loudcm ; and the Yorkshire Traction Co., Ltd., Barnsley. Crosville Bus Progress.
At the annual staff gathering of the employees of the Hcswall, New Ferry and 'West Kirby depots of the Crosville Motor Co., Ltd., of Chester, Mr. H. P. Merchant, the district organizer, reviewed the progress made by the company during the yearAlthough 1928 had been bad for business in many respects and there had been increases in the cost of petrol as well as the imposition of a fuel tax, the company was still progressing. Today it had 336 vehicles, it had carried 40 million passengers per annum, and during the past year the company's vehicles bad run nine million miles. It employs 1,150 men. The company intends to open a number of new routes in the spring and, given fine
weather, looks forward to a good Season.
Mr. Merchant said that when a vacancy occurred it was -the policy of the directors to give preference to members of the staff, and no fewer than five members had been promoted to important posts during the past year.
Bus Competition at Salford.
As a result of keen rivalry between the motorbus services maintained by the Salford Corporation and private concerns, the Salford City Council has •recently decided, with one dissentient, to Promote a Bill to prohibit the buses of other concerns from operating on routes over which the tramways run.
A Price Correction.
In the 'advertisement of J. M. Roberts and Son, Ltd., of Cathnor Motor Works, Shepherd's Bash, London, W.I2, appearing, in our issue for last week, the price of the Mobile Truck tractor model, given as £185, should have read £180, and that of the municipal model £185,instead of £180. 'The_ standard model remains the same at £170. Bus Decisions at Bolton.
Mr. J. R. Tognarelli recently made application to the Bolton Watch Committee for permission to run an express bus service from Bolton to Carlisle and Glasgow, as well as from Bolton to Newcastle-under-Lyme, Lichfield and London. He gave an undertaking that the minimrim fare to be charged to passengers boarding his buses in Bolton would not be less than 12s. 6d., both on the northern and southern journeys. The committee decided to grant the necessary licences.
Mr. Tognarelli also recently informed this committee that licences had been obtained to run a bus service from Eccles and Swinton to Manchester, and that a request has been made by the Worsley Council to extend the service to its area. He, therefore, sought sanction to run a half-hourly service from Bolton to Manchester, via Wal'then, Eccles and Swinton, and gave an undertaking as to the minimum fare to be charged. The application was not; however, acceded to, the committee being of opinion that adequate provision has been made for the running of buses on this route.
Allen-Liversidge Dividend.
The directors of Allen-Liversidge, Ltd., have declared an interim dividend of 5 per cent., less tax, on the ordinary shares of the company for the year endingApril 30th, 1929.
North Road Widening.
The badly needed widening operations on the Great North Road in Hertford shire are proceeding satisfactorily. Drivers of heavy vehicles travelling north after sunset should take particular care not to pull over too far to the left in narrow parts ofthe road where work is going on between the northern end of the Welwyn by-pass and Stevenage. The edge of the road in places is soft and where pot-hales occur there is a risk of deflecting the front wheels before the driver can correct the trouble.
G.W.R. Goods Motor Services.
The Great Western Railway Co. have recently, extended their goods motor-delivery services in the Newtown, Henley-in-Arden nod Moreton-in-Marsh districts. The container system introduced some time ago by the company, whereby the containers with their contents are transferred en bloc from railway wagons to motor lorries and vice versa, is making steady progress, nearly 200 such units now being in use. Orders for a further 200 containers have lately been placed by the company.
What Pontypridd May Spend on Buses.
If its Bill seeking powers to run trolley-buses and motorbuses is passed, the Pontypridd Urban District Council propose to expend £19,500 on the purchase of trolley-buses. £15,000 in buying motorbuses and £5,972 on electrical equipment for the trolleybuses. The council proposes to supersede its tramways system with trolleybuses, and to run the motorbuses both on routes inside and outside the boundary. Should the Pontypridd Council Bill be passed by Parliament, 1929 is likely. to see considerable municipal busservice developments in the area in which the town is located.