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Items of News Intended to Stimulate the Interest of British Makers in Overseas Markets.
Setback to Commercial-vehicle Progress In Australia.
IN a report, issued by the Association , of British Manufacturers in Australia, which has recently come to hand, it is stated that the British motor lorry, in spite of • the high reputation which it bears on the Australian .market, has found the going very difficult during the pas.-. twelve months. This was occasioned, in the first instance, by • the general trade depression and, secondly, by the adverse State Government legislation, which eeriously affected private mechanical -road transport.
The British manufacturer of commercial vehicles has been more severely handicapped by State Government legislation than any of the foreign manu
facturers. The first setback was the abolition of the steam wagon—so far as private users were concerned—then the legislating of buses off the road, followed by a gross-load restriction which has practically stopped the sale of 4-ton and 5-ton motor lorries, types in which -the British designer has, to a large extent, specialized.
In spite of these reverses, however, the British commercial vehicle still continues to sell.
A New German Diesel-engined Tractor.
IN addition to the 31-ton lorry equipped with a Diesel engine described in our issue dated November 13th last, the Dents Motoren Gesellschaft, of Dents, Cologne, Germany, has recently brought out a new Diesehengined wheel tractor. The new machine is being manufactured both for agricultural and road-haulage work and for the latter purpose is equipped with rubber tyres. Either type may be used as a stationary power unit, as each is equipped for belt-pulley drive.
The engine itself consists of a twocylindered compressorless Diesel having a continuous output rating of 27 h.p. and a maximum rating of 30 h.p. at 850 r.p.m. The engine has been especially developed for tractor work.
India's Development Dependent on Road Transport, THE report of the Indian Road Development Committee, 1927-28, was released for reproduction in India a short while ago, and copies of it can now be purchased for 5s. through the High Commissioner for India, 42, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.I. A copy of the report is available for loan and will be forwarded in order of application to British concerns who communicate with the Department of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street, London, S.W.1.
It is obvious from the report that the committee considers the development of the road system in India to be desirable for the general welfare of the country. In order to finance this necessary development it is proposed that (a) the duty. on motor spirit" might be raised again to 6 annas per gallon without affecting consumption, provided that the additional 2 anins now imposed be spent on road development ; (b) taxation of vehicles to be uniform throughout India—the method of assessing such taxation is not discussed, although the touring sub-committee gives some indication of the variety of methods that might be employed, and (c) licence fees for vehicles plying for hire.
The committee does not recommend the formation of a Central Road Board and is strongly opposed to the creation of an elaborate Road Department in the Government of India, but instead proposes a periodical road conference.
Refuse Collection in Calcutta.
THE Calcutta municipal authorities have recently ordered a number of cb,assis from Leyland Motors, Ltd., and the picture which is published on this
page shows the rather trousual type of vehicle which they use for refuse collection. The chassis is a special 4-touner of the 0116 type, in which the frame has been shortened to allow for a tipping body being fitted. The jib crane gear was supplied by Messrs. Bromilow and Edwards. The pump, which controls the jib crane, is also utilized for the tipping gear, a two-way tap being mounted on thedash to enable either gear to be worked at will. The jib crane is constructed for a 15-cwt. load, brit in the picture it is being tested at the works with a one-ton weight prior to delivery. In Calcutta these cranes are used for lifting the heavy refuse bins mitt of the cavities at the roadside and again depositing them in the dtimps outside the city.
The Municipality of Calcutta has recently ordered a further 21 vehicles of similar construction, from which it would appear that they are performing in a highly satisfactory manner. An International FA/I-tractor Competition.
THE Office International de Culture
Mecanique, of Lausanne, Switzerland, is organizing an international competition, in connection with which prizes to a total value of £8,000 are being offered, for 3 simple machine which will serve both as a tractor and a supplier of power for various farming operations.
The competition, entries for which have to be sent in by June 15th next, will be divided into two 'sections. In the first place competitors must submit drawings of their design by August 1st next, whilst of those selected, actual examples of machines must be submitted by September, 1930.
Two international committees of judges are being appointed to deal with the competing machines. The corn mittee dealing with the designs will consist of engineers only, whilst the final awards in the actual tests of the machines will be decided by a committee composed as to two-thirds of engineers and as to one-third of agriculturists. Full particulars of the competition can be obtained from the Office International, at 3, Rue Picharcl, Lausanne.
A South African Agricultural Show.
AN opportuuity for British 'manufac turers of farm tractors and other agricultural implements to bring their Products to the attention of a large number of purchasers in South Africa is offered by the annual show of the Port Elizabeth Agricultural Society which, this year, is to be held at Port Elizabeth from April 9th to 12th. Further information can be obtained from the Port Elizabeth Agricultural Society, P.O. Box 502, Port Elizabeth, south Africa. The show is said to attract farmers from all parts of South Africa.