From Our Berlin Correspondent.
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I learn that the Bavarian War Office has subsidised Gaggenau lorries. This is the only non-Bavarian firm, I understand, to receive the subvention plaques.
More Subvention Plaques.
I hear that the Testing Sections of the Prussian Military Transport Department has recommended that the lorries entered by the N.A.G. and the Duerkopp Co., for the recent subvention run, which was held simultaneously with the German Industrial Trials, should receive the gold medal in addition to the subvention plaque.
Daimler Fire-Engine Chassis.
The borough of Rixdorf (Berlin) has decided to acquire, at a cost of £1,400, an electrically-driven fire-engine with steam-worked pump, actual experiences in Berlin, Schoneberg, Chariottenburg, and Wilmersdorf having proved the superiority of the mechanically-propelled vehicle over the horsedrawn type. Rixdorf's up-to-date engine will be supplied by the Daimlerrslarienfelde Co., which is now turning out chassis on the Lohner-Porsche system.
A Succession of Deputations.
The representatives of the British Fire Prevention Association have expressed the opinion that the Berlin allmotor fire-station in the Schonlarkerstrasse is far superior to anything of the class elsewhere in Germany or in Austria.
The study of Teutonic institutions and enterprises of various kinds through the agency of special deputatations seems to be developing into a positive rage. Hardly has one deputation been shown round " and sped homewards with a banquet, than preparations are made to receive another. One day, it is a select company of labour representatives ; the next, we are ciceroning members of the Anglican Church ; and, on another, deputies from the " British Fire-Prevention Committee " investigate Berlin's arrangements for preventing and extinguishing fires, notably the all-motor stations. As to this third deputation, while it is advisable that Englishmen should not shut their eyes to Continental progress, I cannot help asking whether English cities are then so deplorably backward in respect of fire-extinguishing apparatus, vehicles and methods that it should be thought necessary to send a special deputation to Berlin for first-hand examination of arrangements already elucidated and illustrated in the British engineering and motor Press! Judging by the notices in the Berlin papers, the local fire brigade now serves as a " model for the rest of the world." In the deputation, there was at least one engineer—Mr. Edwin 0. Sachs—who, I think, has little, if anything, to learn in the City of Berlin.
The Pittler Transmission.
Since 1907, when, at the Berlin Motor Show, a chassis with Pittler's hydraulic transmission was exhibited, nothing has been heard of this system as applied to vehicles. It appears, however, that the system has undergone improvement, and that we shall shortly see a Pittler " commercial " in action.
The Greek Market.
The Constantinople "Handelsblatt" points out that automobile firms might find a good market in Greece, where, with roads far better than foreigners generally suppose, there is a highlydeficient railway system, especially in the hilly districts. As yet, remarks the German organ, police regulations and the like tending to strangle the motor industry, trade is as good as non-existent. Athens and neighbourhood, Patras, as well as Corfu, it selects as favourable centres to begin with.
Java Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition.
I gather that the Bondowsco Agricultural Exhibition will be held early in November, instead as originally planned. Bendowsco is the chief city of Besoeki, and of official residential importance. As stated in a former note, it is here a question of machines, implements and, above all, means of transit suitable for staple industries, namely, the growing of sugar, coffee and tobacco. German automobile makers are urged to turn their attention to the transit side of the matter, since the present means of transport
leave much to be desired on the score of expedition and modernity. I understand that firms wishing to do business should be represented at Soerabaya. The British Consul would doubtless assist any enterprising home motor manufacturers.
New Daimler-Marienfelde Post Omnibus for Bavaria., At the end of June, a new series of Daimler-Marienfelde omnibuses for touring and postal work was taken over by the Royal Bavarian Traffic Ministry, and the illustration shows a party of Government officials, with Director Schippert, of the DaimlerMarienfelde Motoren Gesellschaft, making a trial trip. The stout gentleman with the bowler hat, and wearing a white military moustache, is his Excellency von Frauendorfer, the Bavarian Minister of Traffic, who has done so much to extend the use of selfpropelled vehicles in Bavaria. Director Schippert is sitting behind, and to the left of, the Minister.
The engine represents the factory's latest word in this class of motor— the four-cylinder type for benzol and heavy-grade petrels, and developing 26 h.p. The whole weight of the vehicle does not exceed 2,200 kilos. It will be seen that the tourists obtain a free outlook on all sides, and are amply protected against wind and weather by half-roof and American canopy. I understand that 20 light omnibuses of the kind will be eventually delivered. Including these 20, the Daimler omnibuses in possession of the Bavarian Government now number no fewer than 107—of all sizes.
Developing Bosnia.
Automobiles have now replaced horse-drawn post-wagons between Bartjalrika and Javca, in West Bosnia. on the initiative of the Austrian War Office. As many as five hours are saved in each case, the old-fashioned vehicles having taken quite nine hours to complete the journey. Singledeckers of 22 h.p. work the line. Agram and Warasdin, too, in the neighbouring province of Croatia will shortly be connected by a motorbus line. West of Croatia, also, between Abbazia and Pols., the Austrian Riviera Co. bas opened a line, which is almost 63 miles in length, and touches Mosehenizze„ Fianona, Albona and Dignana. During the summer the line may undergo extension. The buses on this Riviera line are Austrian-Daimlers of -45 11.1).
Austrian Trials.
Entries have already been received from Germany and Switzerland for the Austrian Intlustrial Vehicle Trials which are to be held from 3rd to 17th October. Particulars of these trials have appeared in THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR, but I may remind readers that it is proposed to send the vehicles over a 2,000-kilometre course in from 10 to 12 daily stages—presumably from Vienna to Vienna via Pilsen, Reichen
bach, and Prague. Eight categories are admissible: (1) light single-deck omnibuses ; (2) omnibuses for more than 14 passengers including tlriver ; (3) doctors' cars and cabs; (4) light delivery vans for load up to 1 ton ; (5) lorries for useful load from 1,5002.500 kilos.; (6) lorries for useful load of 2,500-3,500 kilos. ; (7) lorries for over 4,000 kilos.; (8) " trains with one trailer or more.
Awards will be based on working regularity, observance of average speeds fixed, ratio between the vehicle's own weight and useful load, economy of working, etc.
The Austrian Motor Club has the matter in hand.