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"The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—tdohn Beattie Crozier.
The Cippenham Report.
The report of the Joint Committee of Lords and Commons, which inquired into the origin, construction and continuance of the motor repair works at Cippenham, was laid on the table of the two Houses of Parliament on Thursday last, and will probably have become available to the public by the time this issue is circulated. It is possible, how-. ever, to forecast the_report.
The inquiry -has dealt firstly with the period before the Armistice, and secondlY'Viith the period after it. The committee will probably-State-that in their judgment. the establishment of a central depot for repairs and for the storage of spare parts was good but that: there was unnecessary delay, in. commencing construction of the depot, and that this delay involved considerable wastage of public money.
With regard to the period after the Armistice, the report of the committee, it is anticipated, will show that insuffis tient cohsideratien was liven • before the decision to continue the works was arrived at. On the evidence which has been submitted to the committee, the decision to continue after the Armistice had been signed was not justified, and the whole matter should have then been reconsidered. Although the taking of what is agreed to be good corn-growing land for such a purpose had.a bad moral effect at the time, it will probably be found that the committee consider that it is now too late to abandon the scheme, which, it in believed, will involve a total expenditure of about £2,000,000.
If the scheme is to succeed it must be carried out on ordinary commercial. lines, subjected to the stimulus which is given by competition.
Criticisms in the report will probably be directed to the War Office for the delays that have occurred in a most, unnecessary manner, and against Lord Inverforth, to whom probably will be ascribed a good deal of the responsibility for the scheme.
Ford Tractor Production in Ireland.
Some particulars of the intentions ins connection with the production of the Ford tractor appeared in The Times last week. It appears that the policy of Henry Ford and Son (to whom, by the way, Sir Percival Perry has transferred the whole of his energies) is to centralize at Cork with a view to developing there the entire manufacture of the Ford tractor and the executive organization for the distribution and sale of the tractors on this side of the Atlantic.
The immediate intention is to assemble tractors at Cork from. meteriaLs derived from Afnerican and British sources of supply, and also from material fabricated locally. It is expected that in three months' time all finished tractors 'supplied to the British and Continental markets irill be assembled at Cork. It is estimated that the factory and its equipment will cost £200,000, and that 2,000 work people will be employed. A 44-hour week has been adopted, net only for the factory, but for the office, cc26 and the office staff, like the works staff, will receive wages on an hourly basis. The wage rate for the office for men over 18 is Is. 5d., and for women over 18 Is. per hour, whilst for the works the wage raj.e for .men. over 18 is is. 5r1. and for beers Under 18 64, per hoer. Employees over 18 will each receive 3d. per hour as a share in the profits, providing that they have been in the company's service for at least six months. This profitsharing is a gratuity _and is conditional upon good conduct arid may be withdrawn at any time at the company's discretion.
Permits for Welsh Steam Coal.
The National Council of the C.M.U.A. has obtained an important concession from the Coal Controller. Owners of steam wagon and tractors, on making application in writing to Finlay Gibson, Esq., Secretary of the South Wales Coal and Coke Supply Committee, Cardiff. may obtain permits for the amount of Welsh steam coal required.
Entries for Lincoln Tractor Trials.
The coming tractor trials at Lincoln have drawn entries for 50 tractors representing 28 different entrants and 324ypes of machines. Success is thus undoubtedly assured. British makers to the number of thirteen 'have entered 21 tractors, eleven importers of American tractors will demonstrate 27 machines, whilst one Italian tractor, and the Eros tractor attachment to a Ford chassis will compete. Sixiteen of these tractors have never been previously demonstrated in a public trial.
Wages in the Carting Industry.
As a result of representations which have been made to him by the National Alliance of Commercial geed Transport Associations and Federations, the Motor Transport Employers' Federation, the National Union of Horse and Vehicle Owners and the National Transport Workers Federation, under the Wages (Temporary Regulation) stets, 1918 and 1919, far the es-tension by order Of an agreement fixin,e substituted rates in this industry in Manchester, Nottingham, Swansea, Cardiff and their outlying districts, the Minister of Labour intends to seek the advice of the Interim Court #F Arbitration in accordance with Section .2, sub-section 3, of the Act, whether he shall by order direct. that the determination or variation effected by the agreement shall be binding on all workmen to whom the prescribed rate Or rates in queition are -applicable and the employers of those workmen. .
The court will wish to be guided bY advice and information from epresentative bodies of -employers and work people. Such. of these -bodies as „are known by the Ministry cd Labour will-he notified lay letter, but in order that all those whoasould rightly claim to be in-: terested in this questionn are aware of what is being done, thii notice .is issued.
The Dreadnought motor policies at Lloyd's have secured the contract for in suring all the 20 het. Ant ins which form part of the Austin works service.
Transport Bill Amended.
As the result of the deputation of members of the House of Commons to Mr. Boner Law on the need for reconsidering the Ways. and Communications Rill at the report stage, a deputation including Mr. Joyneort-flicks waited upon . the Prime Minister and three other Ministers and secured .certain valuable concessions in connection with the position of docks and harbours, whilst in the matter of roads a Special Roads Advisory Committee will be set up consisting of five representatives of highway authorities; and five of users of road traffic to give advice and assistance to the Minister.
Misplaced !
The criticism in The Westminster Gazette on Thursday last of the quickness with which Mr. Joynson-Hicks and his friends celebrated their victory won in Downing Street over the Government and the House of Commons in connection with the amendments to the Ways and Communications Bill is based on a considerable amount of ignorance. The eemplimentary luncheon to Mr. Joynson-Hicks was arranged by the Commercial Motor Users Association some weeks ago, before there e-as the slightest indication that the concessions would be wrung from the Government.
Higher Bus Fares by Order.
At the Roads Committee of the Bournemouth Corporation the town clerk reported correspendence with the Lyrnings ten, etc., Co., and a letter from the Secretary of the Bournemouth. and District Motor Services, Ltd., was read setting out the terms they were prepared to accept and enclosing a list of fares to be charged. The Committee recommended "that council grant licenes to both the companies; to the Lymington Co., on condition that they raise their fares to the same scale as that approved for the other company, that is in the tramway area, 50 per cent, above the ti-am
am fares n that area, and to the stopping places being arranged to the approval of the Horse Committee."
As to the Bournemouth :and District Motor Services, Ltd., the Committee recommended that the fares submitted be approved. ,
Tyre Guarantees.
. Discussion amongst users, we find, takes aline adverSe.te the Withdrawal of 'the guarantee' of a minimum mileage . on commercial vehicle' tyres, and the feeline is strong thatthese ;guarantees will -crave to be re-established before confidence is restored. The manufacturers, through their Association, would, we feel' sure, do' well to make a much fuller explanation than has yetbeen given of the :reagens underlying their actionin withdrawing the guarantee.
An extra discount of 10 per cent. on Henley solid band tyres was announced to apply .from July 1st, by Henley's Tyre 'and Rubber Co., Ltd.
Fire Fighting.
The value of an efficient, fire extinguisher as part and parcel'of the equipment of all types and sizes of commercial vehicles cannot be over-rated. Although the risk of fire has been considerably Minimized nowadays, there is always the possibility that theough carelessness of some sort or another an outbreak may occur, and for this meson a fire extinguisher is a very necessary accessory.
The Pyrene extinguisher, made by the Pyrene Co., Ltd., 19-21, Great Queets Street, London,•W.C. 2, is a most satisfactory type of this accessory and has found much favour amongst commercial-vehicle users during the last few years. The small sectional line illustration, which we reproduce herewith, will give some idea of its construction. There is no need for Us to enter into a lengthy description of its working: simplicity of operation is one of it commendable points. It ensures, a, guarantee of immediate action and unfailing -efficiency. Pyrene liquid is an exceedingly powerful extinguisher of tire, and striking evidence of this is constantly being seeeived *by the company from those who have had practical experience of the protection it affords. It takes up very little ro0111 and is so light and handy that it can be used instantly and applied ti fires in most inaccessible places. It will not soil or damage equipment of any kind.
Pyrene extinguishers should be part of the equipment of every commercial vehicle, and although their use should be apparent to. all users in this direction, they should also be of considerable value for garage use. The inevitable spilling of petrol and oil are conditions that create a most serious free risk, and with the installation of a few Pyrene extinguishers in selected places, according to the area of the garage, the risk of serious fire and consequent damage is avoided.
Dunlop's New Grooved Tread.
The Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., state that although rapid progress is being made with the company's new factory, it will be still so-me few months before it will be possible to give deliveries. in all sizes of the new and improved Dunlop 'tyres. It has, however, been. possible to arrange for the production, from their existing factories, of the well-known Dunlop grooved tyres with a new and greatly improved non-skid tread design. This tyre retains all the qualities of the "Dunlop Grooved" tyre, and the new tread pattern continues the essential features of the grooved tread design, giving a highly effective non-skidding pattern, together with the maximum durability due to the bulk of the tread rubber being disposed along the line of maximum wear. This pattern will be supplied against, all future orders for grooved tyres as rapidly as stocks become available. It will be known as the Dunlop 1919 grooved pattern.
Austin Dividend.
The directors of the Austin ,Motor Co., Ltd., decided to recommend to the share holders at the forthcoming annual meeting that. a dividend be paid on the ordinary shares at the rate of 15 per cent. per annum for the 13 months ending December 31st, 1918.
New Midlands Road.
Dudley Corporation, convinced that arterial roads are necessary for the transport facilities for the district, de. sires to place before the Road Board a, project of a new road from Birmingham via Dudley to Wolverhampton.. A conference is to be called of the interested authorities to consider the subject and, if necessary, support proposals by an interview with the chairman of the Road Beard.
Tours and Transport.
An interesting company has recently been registered in the form of Tours and Transport, Ltd., which hasbeen formed as a private company with a capital of 26,000 in 21 shares, to he transporters of passengers and goods by
land, air, water, etc. The first subscribers are E. denna, sales manager, of Guy Motors, Ltd.; S. S. Guy, managing director of Guy Motors, Ltd. ; and F. F.
%Sharpe. The registered office of the company is at 66, Lichfield Street, Wolverhampton.
S. Smith and Sens {M.A.), Ltd., 179-185, Great Portland Street, London, W. 1, announce that they have acquired the world's selling rights for K.L.G. sparking plugs, which are manufactured by the Robinhood Engineering Cu., Ltd.
Personal Pars.
Mr. J. Bryan Hall has been appointed successor to Mr. A. E. Newton as • manager, automobile lubricants department, of the Vacuum Oil Co., _Ltd., Caxton House, Westminster, S.W. 1. Mr. Hall is, of course, well known in • the. motor trade, having been associated. with the Vacuum Oil CO. ouer a Period of 15 years.
Mr. F. Cl.Bristow, the versatile secretary a the Commercial Motor Users Association, has been elected to the newly-formed Joint Industrial Council for the Road Transport Industry
established under the auspices of the Ministry of Labour. He also serves on several Government advisory committees dealing with road transport, unemployment, and labour questions.
The board of directors of the company which will handle Mr. Paterson's carburetter system—Carburation (Temperature Control), Ltd.—consists of Sir Percival Perry, K.R.E. Sir Guy Standing, K.B.E., and Lieut.-Col: F. H. Browning.
Sir PerCival Perry showed his astuteness many years ago when he took up the agency for Ford cars as a partner in Perry, Thornton aud Schrieber. He has held fast to Henry Ford's interests and has now followed the American motor magnate into the agrimotor industry:
Sir Guy Standing was well-known on the stage a few years ago and "came out" through his active interest in motor yachting. He crossed the Atlantic on propaganda work and gainedknighthood in the Order of the Briish Empire fm-his work.
Lieut.-Col. F. H. Browning is connected with Hennesseys and is a keen studeut of advanced ideas relating to the development and application of motor power.
Mr. A. D. Paterson is, a New Zealand Civil Engineer who with his late father lies studied the phenomena of carburation for 15 years or perhaps longer. He is a whale on the subject, and with his experimental engineer, Mr. Gray, will carry the majority who dare to discuss the subject right out of their depth. The Patersons have certainly elucidated the carburation problem.
Tyres from Holland.
• On account of the difficulty of importing tyres into Holland, largely due to war conditions, a tyre industry has been • started in that .country, and one factory, the Rubberfabriek " Vredestein," Loosduinen (near the Hague), has been formed. At present the company is con fining itself to the manufacture of pneumatic tyres and has not yet attempted to produce solids.
Midland Agents.
Easton, Lloyd and Co. Ltd., Broad Street Chambers, Easy flow, Birmingham, inform 116 that they have just been appointed sole distributing agents for the Jackson-Holroyd chassis for Worcestershire, Warwickshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, and the southern portion of Staffordshire, which is prac
firefly the same territory as the company represents for the A.E.C. lorry, except that for the last-mentioned county they are the sole tiistributing agents.
Ilford's Bus Scheme.
In connection with the decision of Ilford Council to seek powers to run motorbuses, the tramways manager reports that 10 vehicles would be required, and petrol buses would cost from £1,000 to £1.200 each ; a garage would be re c28
mired and the whole scheme would cost £20,000 or £25,000. When he originally reported on the subject, he advocated electric buses, but the cost was now so prohibitive and the delivery so uncertain that he no longer thinks this is a practicable proposal and therefore suggests the use of petrol vehicles. As all the buses would net be required for local traffic on Sun-days he suggests that they should then be utilized for running outside the district to places of interest.
Royal Show Attendance.
The Royal, Show at Cardiff, which closed on June 28th, eclipsed all records as regards attendance. The record. was attained en Thursday, when the stupendous figure of 68,838 was reached. This almost doubled the Manchester recard in 1916, which was 36.938. From the very common-cement of the Show the
public -streamed through the gates, and long before noon over 17,000 had entered the showground. By one o'clieck the number had reached 38,703; this increased by 21,000 in two hours; two hours later the attendance was 68,139, and the final total given at 8 p.m. was 68,838. These figures of attendance at the first post-war " " are -moat satisfactory, and all those connected with the organization are to be complimented upon its unqualified success.
Scottish Road Schemes.
The Eastern District Committee of Haddington County Council are to receive a grant of £9,500 towards the cost of their road scheme, estimated at £9,620. Metalling in tar grout, or tar macadam is to be carried out with respect to 67,000 superficial yards of the great post highway, the work to cost £6,203. A stretch of the coast road measuring 25,920 yards is to be similarly treated at an outlay of £2,007. •
It is intimated that the Mid-Lothian County Council have received £44,000 from Imperial funds to be expended on road improvements before March 31st next. The Northern District Committee of Ayr County Council have made arraugements for road improvements on the basis of an expenditure amounting to £44,146, in respect of which a grant of $21,750 is expected. The grant would cover the whole of the improvement scheme, and the robel sum to be disbursed will be apart from the ordinary cost of road maintenance, which this year is estimated at £24,000.
Commer Cars Military Record.
Commercial Cars, Ltd., Luton, have received many letters from men on active service expressing in high terms the efficiency of running of Commer Car vehicles under strenuous conditions of service. One of the latest received by the company from a demobilized man rune as follows " . . . I have had 12 month with a 3-ton Commer Car and I have never been in the workshops with it yet. I have travelled about 5,000 miles over some of the worst roads in France whilst loaded, and at one time carried 41 tons, 4 men, 30 gallons of petrol, and a barrel of oil. I took this from D01111E5116 to Amiens, 28 kilometres away, and I did not once drop down to first speed. I have done 25 miles an hour and maintained this for five hours. I can recommend a Cornmer Car for any sort of work or long distance . . . for it is easy to drive, easy to keep clean, easy to repair and very easy running . From individual letters such as these received by the company, it will be quite clear that Courener Cars have stood up to military service very well and created. a good reputation foi themselves.
Lorries or Light Railways.
At a meeting of the Derbyshire C.C., Colonel Gray explained that the probable policy of the Government would be to make grants in aid of the construction of light railways wherever they were likely to encourage or to develop agricultural or industrial interests, but that only in very exceptional circumstances would the Government undertake the work. He strongly recommended that in lieu of undertaking the construction of light railways the County Council should take into consideration the question of inaugurating a system of road lorries for the better transport of merchandise and agricultural produce, leaving the passenger traffic to be dealt with by motorbuses. He explained that statutory requirements as to the construction of hght railways would be considerably modified by the Bill now before Parliament, and also that arrangements c-ould be made with the Disposal Board for the purchase of the necessary road transport.
Tractor Working Costs.
The county surveyor of Herefordshire, in his last-issued annual report, gives the following particulars of the cost of working a. Robey five-ton steam tractor which was purchased by the county
council in May, 1918 :— Cost of tractor, with three Mites travelled, 1,144k ; cost per mile, 7s. id.
Tonnage hauled, 1,697.2; cost per ton, 4s. 9d.
It will be noticed that out of a total of 258 days the tractor has been idle on 110 days through lack of supplies and bad weather. In spite of these adverse conditions, however, if the committee had done the work by hiring; the total cost would have been £547. Thus the Robey tractor has resulted in a saving of £143, although it has not been used to its full extent.
The Life of Steam Wagons.
Even old motor vehicles are worth bringing up to date in these days. The highways committee of the Essex County Council reports that a Garrett steam wagon requires repair and the makers offer to put in a new fire-box, a new set of boilers and repair it at a cost of 2225. The county surveyor, who. proposes getting the work carried out, states that this Wagon was purchased as a second-hand machine in 1916 for the stun, of £400. It has done .useful work up to the time of the fire-box failing, and if the expenditure of £225 is made it should be worth, upon current sales of seconcl-hand steam lorries, the suns of 2700.
Standardization of Chains.
The unprecedented demands of the Allied Governments for driving chains for all purposes during the period of the war, made it necessary for the British driving chain manufacturers to collaborate in order to use the whole of their resources to the best advantage. As a result, the needs were met, both as regards quantity of production and quality of product. The benefits accruing from co-operation were so marked that a permanent association has now been formed.
The main object of the association is to foster and develop the use and application of chain gearing, the value of which is' not yet fully appreciated by power users. In view of this, and in the face of competition with other forms of transmission, it is the policy of the association to keep down the cost of chain driving to the user. This will be attained by :-
1. Standardization of chains, wheels and chain wheel cutters to ensure interchangeability.
2. Elimination of unnecessary sizes of chains, which have been a source, of 'confusion and difficulty to the user. 3. The increase in output resulting from the above.
4. The more comprehensive research made possible by co-operation.
Further, it is confidently anticipated that the policy of the associatien as net
out above will enable British driving chain manufacturers and their customers to secure a larger share of overseas business than hitherto. The following manufacturers are connected with the formation of the association :—Alfred Appleby Chain Co., Ltd., Tilton Road, Birmingham; Brampton Bros., Ltd.; Oliver Street Works,' Birmingham ; " The Coventry" Chain Co. Ltd., Spoil End Works, Coventry ; Hans Renold, Ltd., Di dsbury, Manchester.
The title of the association is Association of British Driving Chain Manufacturers, and its address isat Bassishaw House, Basingliall Street, E.C. 2.
L.C.C. to Buy Electrics.
As the cost of hiring horses for the tramway tower wagon is now so heavy, the London County Council suggests the purchase of four electric tower wagons at a total cost, of £7,000.
Scottish Sales..
-A sale of motor chassis, wagonettes, and other vehicles belonging to the Scottish Branch of the Red Cross Society took place in Glasgow, and was well patronized. A 20-30 lep. Talbot chassis was sold for £460; 27 20 h.p. G.M.C. 1-ton lorry chassis realized prices ranging
from £180 to £275; a 25 lisp. AgyIl chassis with limousine bus body, was disposed of for £480; a 20 h:p. G.s .C. 1-ton truck cha.ssis, wagonette odys with canopy, for £530; and a 30 h.p. Wolselev 3-ton chassis with leery lilody for 2606. The majority of the vehicles had been in use in France.
A large attendance of buyers from all parts of Scotland attended the sale of tractors and tractor machines carrieeeut at Perth at the instance of the Surplus
Government Property Disposal Board. Bidding was consistently brisk, and good prices were realized. Titan tractors fetched up to £170,a FOrdson tractor £175; Overtime up to £150; a Wallis Junior £200; and an Emerson 280.
Tho Nieuport aeroplane which recently beat all ressords for altitude, viz., 30,800 ft., was fitted with Zenith carburetters to the Hispano-Suiza engines.
Providing Return Loads.
The Manchester Chamber of Commerce, which for nearly two years has carried on very useful work under war conditions, is about to give up its motor haulage department, the pressing need for it on the pail of the chamber having, in the view of the directors, passed with other stringent circumstances due to the war. Mr. Nathan Fine, who was very largely responsible for the results obtain-ed, is continuing the work in an anofficial capacity, at 35-36, Corn and Ptoduce Exchange, Canal Street, Manchester. Business will be carried on under precisely the same conditions as before.
A review, of the work of the chamber's haulage department shows that it has been of great service to traders in avoiding the waste of running vehicles light on a return journey. It was opened in August, 1917, and during that year the weight arranged for in return loads was 2,5 tons; during last year it reached 23,766 tons, and this year, to the end of the past month, it was approximately 20,000 tons. Mr. Nathan Fine is to be highly complimented on these most successful results.
"Coal, Its Waste and Possibilities."
This is the title of a film produced by the Gaumc,nt Co. under the direction of the Fuel Department of the Automobile Association, which shows how wasteful is the practice of using coal in its raw condition for any purpose, whether it be for power, heating or domestic ruse. We recently had an opportunity of seeing a private exhibition of this 'film, and it is certainly most instructive in forcing the point regarding waste. After introducing several examples of' how waste occurs, a statement follows which shows what can be obtained from a ton of coal if iris scientifically treated. First of all, 30 lb. of sulphate of ammonia can be recovered, and then 100 lb. of tar. The tar contains valuable commercial products, such as carbolic acid, whilst saccharine is als.o obtained from it. The methods employed to obtain these products is then dealt with. The process of extraoting benzoic) is shown, as well as the stills which are used to refine it into motor spirit.
A number of illustrations showing. the important uses to which steel produced by coke can be put, and the question of the n gallons of benzole recovered from each ton of coal are shown by pictures. The film ends with an appeal to all to encourage tho production and use of our principal home-grown motor fuel—benzole.
New Blic Works.
The British Lighting and Ignition Co., Ltd., who during the war have been established at 204, Tottenham Court Road, London, W. 1, have now removed their head office and works to Birmingham. The new factory, which is a very extensive one, is situated in Gheston Road, Aston, Birmingham. The London depot and repair works has been established at 201, Tottenham Court Road, and magneto repairs, armature winding, etc., will be dealt with 'both at that address and the Birmingham factory.
Local .Proceedings.
Sidmouth U.D.C. is purchasing a Foden steam wagon at £1,260.
Walthainstow Council has purnased five steam wagons from the Goy.ernment.
The county surveyor of Norfolk has been authorized to purchase a steam tractor and wagon.
Gloucester R.D.C. is to spend a sum not exceeding £500 on the purchase of a 4-ton steam avagon.
Bournemouth Corporation Tramways Committee recommends the purchase of two additional motor chassis.
East Sussex County Council has authorized the surveyor to purchase two tractors and trucks at a. total cost not exceeding £3,500.
Stroud (Kent) R.D.C. has accepted the tender of Aveling,and Porter for a steam tractor, with fitments for conversion into a steam roller, at £1,541.
Burnley T.C. is -to ask for Parliamentary powers to run a motorbus service to connect their tramway terminus with the Rs,wtenstall tramway terminus.
At an East Ham Corporation worxs committee meeting the borough surveyor submitted quotations for the supply of motor -vehicles for general cartage work, and a sub-committee was appointed to go into the matter.
To accelerate road work and refuse collection Heston and Isleworth U.D.C. is purchasing two 3-ton Hallford tipping lorries. The council has three steam wagons on order, but these will not be delivered until Zugust or September.