M EN in the news
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MR. N. L. C. MACASKIE, K.C., has been appointed chairman of the Road and Rail Appeal Tribunal. He succeeds MR. REGINALD CLARK. K.C., who has resigned the appointment.
MR. M. W. G. WIIITTMANN has been appointed sales manager. and MR. A. W. FULLICK superintendent of the reformed Morris. Commercial Division of Jarvis and Sons, Ltd., Morris House, Morden Road, London, S.W.19.
SIR HERBERT MArTHEWS has been re-elected president of the Institute of Traffic Administration for 1949-50. The vice-presidents are: MESSRS. E. P. Poi'LW, J. A. DUNNAGE and R. P.
BOWYER. The chairman is MR. A. Lawns COLE.
MR. G. A. Fukint.Ay retired as director and general sales manager of the North British Rubber Co., Ltd., on June 30, after 53 years' service with the company. He joined the organization as an office boy, and successively became cashier, assistant secretary, secretary. and general sales manager. He was appointed a director in 1945.
MR. E. A. Ausr has been appointed traction engineer of 13.U.T., Ltd., in succession to MR. C. C. &WHAM. From 1936-38, Mr. Attst was assistant to the traction engineer of A.E.C., Ltd.. and in 1938 became electrical -engineer with the Shanghai Tramways Co. He has recently returned from China, where he was holding a position as technical sales engineer.
MR. ERIC CARLT0N OTTA WAY, A.M.I.Mech.E., has been appointed to the'diStinetion of R.D.L(Royal Designer for Industry) by the Royal Society of Arts. His appointment brings the total_ number Of the holders of the honour to 35, the limit being 40. Mr. Ottaway becomes a recipient in recognition of his achievements in the field of road passenger vehicle design. He is works manager (buses and coaches) of London Transport Executive, and was responsible for the designs of the R.T. bus, the standard Green Line •coach, and the new R.T. double-deck coach. MR. 0. V. S. BULLEID, M.1.Meeh.E., has been elected president of the Institute of Welding for 1949-50, with MR. C. S. MILNE as vicepresident
MR. ALEX FRAsER, vice-chairman of Girling, Ltd.. and MR. J. W. KINCHIN. chief engineer. are flying on July 28 on .a tour of the United States. They will return in the " Queen Elizabeth " on August 28.
MAJOR-GENERAL 3. S. CRAWFORD, director of Guy Motors, Ltd., and MR. ROBERT NEILL, director of the Lucas Electrical Co., are members of an expert panel which is Visiting the United States to study certain aspects of productivity.
MR. C. F. ROBERTS, M.I.Mech,E,, has been made divisional Stores officer for the South Eastern Division of the Road Haulage Executive. Mr. Roberts, who was formerly chief engineer of Transport Services, Ltd., took up his appointment as from July I last.
MR. JoliN K. COTTANT and MR. DOUGLAS H. GORDoN have been appointed joint managing directors of the North British Rubber Co., Ltd.. as , a result of MR. A. JouNsioN, J.P., having asked to be relieved of the combined duties of chairman and managing director. Mr. Johnston. however, continues as chairman of the company. •
MR. WILLIAM FODEN, managing director of kodens. Ltd., was recently presented with a leather-bound volume specially produced for him in America and containing a record of the history of a Foden steam wagon now in the Edison Institute. Dearborn, Michigan. MR. A. S. BISHOP, sales director of the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., made the presentation at an informal ceremony held at the Goodyear headquarters, Wolverhampton.
Ma. A. C. POTTER, formerly chief traffic manager of John Morton and Son, Ltd., has been appointed group manager of the Road Haulage Executive in the Coventry area. .
Ma. G. H. BRooK, who recently resigned his position as Yorkshire West Riding Area secretary of the Road Haulage Association to join the Road Haulage Executive, received a presentation from MR. R. '0. Cum-mut, M.B.E., on behalf of the area committee.
Ma. 1.. J. MATHERs, of Hanson's Buses, Ltd., Huddersfield, has been re-elected chairman of the Yorkshire Area. Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association. MESSRS. T. HOYLE (Halifax), J. MID (Barnoldswick) and M. A. HARGREAVES (Morley) have been re-elected vice-chairmen.
CouN. H. SlmM, Newcastle-on-Tyne, has been elected north-eastern representative on the special sub-committee .set up by the Association of Municipal Corporations to advise members on the nationalization of road passenger transport He succeeds CouN. J. MIDDLETON (West Hartlepool), who is no longer a member of West Hartlepool Couneil.
MR. W. VANE MORLAND who, al. announced in "The Commercial Motor" last week, has been appointed a member of the new Road Passenger Execolive, is expected to remain for a few months in Leeds, where he is general manager of the, municipal passenger transport undertaking. He reached the retiring age of 65 last April, but was asked by his commi•tee to serve for another year.
MR. J. McGREGOR, export manager of Jowett Cars, Ltd., leaves this month for India and Australasia. He recently visited various Continental countries. A short time ago MR. T. E. GASC.OYNE, general sales manager, toured Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and the West Indies. and last year he travelled round the world. MR. HARRY WooDFIE.AD, managing director, was in Spain for the Barcelona Fair.