Coordination of Contract Rates
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A CTION to co-ordinate local agree-L-1 merits in Yorkshire covering contract work is 'foreshadowed in the annual report of the Yorkshire Area of the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association.
In mostinstances, the agreements are supported by the federated companies predominant in the districts concerned, including Sheffield, Doncaster, Barnsley, Huddersfield, Halifax, Leeds and Bradford.
"These agreements," the report states, "have assisted very considerably in maintaining price structures for this class of work, but further efforts are necessary to co-ordinate the various agreements, and in particular to obviate widely differing conditions in adjoining districts. It is, of course, agreed that when one operator quotes for work in a district governed by a different agreement, he abides by the agreement for the district for which he is quoting, but nevertheless varying conditions have created some difficulties.
" It has, however. been arranged that agreed charges for next seagon'will be tackled and dealt with before the end of this season, and that shOuld give ample time to eliminate the difficulties that have been found to arise this year." . Recording a steady increase in the membership. of the Yorkshire Area's taxicab and hire-car section,, the report states that sub-areas have been eStabfished at Sheffield, Leeds and Hull.-and emphasizes that a wide field tor expansion exists.
627,015 C VEHICLES
AN increase -in the. number of. C1icensed vehicles by 7,747 in May, brings the grand total to 627,015. The largest increase (4,356) is in the under1A-ton class, and the smallest (44) is in the over-6-ton category.
The following table is an analysis by unladen weight, of the new registrations for May, together with the 'totals'as at May' 31:—
L-1 A PARTY of Licensing Authorities recently paid a three-day visit to Tyneside. They were given a civic welcome at Newcastle-on-Tyne and entertained to dinner. On the second day of their visit, they toured bus depots in the Northern Area and on the third day held a private Conference at Newcastle under the chairmanship of Brig. R. 1. O. :DoWSe, Metropolitan Licensing Authority. The works of Northern Coachbuilders, -Ltd.; were also visited_