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The Wheels of Industry.

8th June 1916, Page 11
8th June 1916
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Page 11, 8th June 1916 — The Wheels of Industry.
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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is

Proposals and Purchases by Local Authorities.

Farnham R.D.C. has purchased a second Garrett steam wagon and trailer, at a cost of £634.

The Plymouth Town Council is paying Edison Accumulators, Ltd., £1055 for a, three-ton electric lorry.

Blackpool Town Council is buying a battery equipped • street sprinkler at an estimated cost of 21000.

The Leatherhead U.D.C: has granted licences for two motor chars-a-bancs to the Aldershot and District Traction Co., Ltd.

The Burton U.D.C. has obtained further and freer powers for the running of motorbuses, under the Provisional Order which it already held from the Local Government Board.

The Southwark Borough Council has found the repairs to its StrakerSquire gulley van so small that it has decided to cancel the maintenance contact at as early a date as can be arranged.

Southend-on-Sea and Folkestone Councils are prepared to follow the example of the Willesden 1:T.D.C., although at higher prices, in the matter of the sale of their motor rollers to the Road Board.

• The Hull City Council hasbought a 20 h.p. Daimler ambulance, with bodywork and equipment by Wilson and Stockall, Ltd., of Bury, Lancs. The Tramways Committee is considering the purchase of a tower wagon.

The Coventry City Council has refused to confirm the order of its Gas Committee for two American delivery vans ; the Council, on learning that delivery had been taken, gave instructions that the cars were to be resold, and others of Coventry manufacture obtained.


• The liquidator of Girling Motors, Ltd., will present his report and accounts, at a meeting to be held on the 26th inst., at 2.30 p.m., at Broad Street Place, E.0: A general meeting of the members-of the South Carnarvon Motor Co. (Pwllheli), Ltd., will be held on the 20th inst., at 1, Salem Terrace, Pwllheli, at 6 o'clock, to receive the report and accounts of the liquidator.

Creditors of the British N.A.G. Motor Co., Ltd., are required, on or before the 24th inst., to send particulars of their debts or claims to the liquidator of the company, Mr. j. E. Percival, 6, Old Jewry, E.C. Recent Registrations.

Werties Motors, Ltd. (220,000), by P. Weir, of Edinburgh, to carry on the business of proprietors of motorbuses and motorcabs.

Robert Love and Sons, Ltd. (R10,000), with its office at 10, Rankine Street, Johnstone, N.B., to take over a motor-haulage business.

Porlock Weir, Porlock and Minehead Motor Service Co., Ltd. (R3000), to take over from Hardy and Co., the present motorbus service between Porlock Weir and

Minehead. • Torbinia Engineering Oo. (1916), Ltd. (35,000), with its office at Regent House, Kingsway, W.C. to carry on the business of manufacturers of munitions and transport motorcars, etc., and to enter into an agreement with the Torbinia Engineering Co., Ltd., and F. L. D. Snell, the liquidator thereof, Action by the Petrol Committee.

The Petrol Committee of the Board of Trade has now instructed the chief distributing organizationd in the country to regulate the sup-. ply of petrol according to the undermentioned classification. The effects will be immediate.

Class A, requirements lor or by. —Carriage of munitions of war or materials for munitions of war ;fire brigades and ambulances ; LordA Lieutenant, High. Sheriffs, and any services certified by a Government Department to be essential ; medical practitioners ; motorcars used by or under the authority of the Red Cross Society or the St. John Ambulance Associatmn or any other Society approved by the Admiralty or Army Council for the conveyance. of wounded or sick members of any of His Majesty's forces ; police and local Government authorities ; veterinary surgeons.

Class B, requirements for or by agricultural machinery ; aircraft ; conveyance of goods ; industrial processes ; motorcabs plying for hire ; motorcars used by commercial travellers for business purposes; motor fishing, cargo' and passenger boats other than boats running pleasure services ; motor omnibuses, except those running .pleasure services ; railway cornpanics; stationary engines (including lighting sets).

Class C, all requirements not covered by A and B, such as :— Motor chars-a-bancs and other passenger vehicles running pleasure services ; motor boats running pleasure services ; motorcars standing for hire in garages, livery stables, hotels, etc. ; private motorcars and motorcycles in ordinary use. ' The A.S.C., M.T., Fund.

A liet of contributions for the last three weeks of last month, togettiet. with a few additional particulars concerning the current conduct of our Campaign Comforts Fund, will be found an page 302.

Russia's New Munition Works.

The Russian Minister of Commerce has put forward a proposal asking for a credit of 50,650,000 roubles in order to commence a Government factory for motor vehicles. The army authorities would place an order immediately for 3000 vehicles.

No Whitman Holiday.

Publication of THE COMHEROIAL MOTOR will take place as usual next week. We shall, in common with so many industrial and manufacturing undertakings, not stop our printing and publishing works an Monday next. The London General Omnibus Co. notifies us that no special motorbus trips will be in operation next Monday ; the ordinary week-day service will be run.

New Series of Orders for Army Wagons.

Mr. H. W. Forster, M.P., Financial Secretary to the War Office, replying in the House of Commons last week to questions by Mr. Ashley (Bla,ekpool), stated that, in its new dealings with the motor industry, the War Office was applying the system which had been adopted with considerable success in other industries. Under the Defence of the Realm Act, the Department had invited manufacturers to submit their costs sheets, and a fair rate of profit could then be agreed upon, or, failing agreement, could be settled by a Judge of the High Court. Petrol Supplies and Distribution.

The "London Gazette" of Friday last contained a new Order in Council, under the Defence of the Realm Consolidation Act, reading as under :—

"Every person who uses or keeps motor spirit, whether for the purpose of supplying motive power to motorcars or for any other purpose, shall supply such information in relation to the motor spirit used or kept by him, and the purposes for which and the manner in which it is used or kept by him, as the Board of Trade may by any general or special curler require, giving such particulars in such form and at such times as the Board of Trade may by order direct ; and if any person fails to comply with this Regulation, or with any order made by the Board of Trade thereunder, or knowingly gives any false information, he shall be guilty of a summary offence against these'ReguIations.

" For the purposes of this Regulation, motor spirit has the same meaning as in section 84 of the Finance (190940) Act; 1910:" Mr. W. Joynson-Hicks, M.P., on the 31st ult., put down. this question :—". To ask the President of the Board of Trade, whether he is yet able to make any statement as to the views of the Petrol 'Committee appointed by him to consider the shortage of spirit ; and whether such committee has made any representation to the Admiralty in favour of releasing some tank steamers to facilitate the importation of additional supplies."

Mr. Pretyman replied :—" The Board of Trade have received a preliminary report frem the Committee. The report contains a recommendation with regard to the rnlease of certain tank steamers, and the Board are in communica tion with the Admiralty on tho subj ect." The foregoing paragraphs will holp to make ,clear sonic of thQ steps which preceded the publication cii Saturday last of the Board' of Trade's classifiation of users of petrol. We give thosa classes on page 293. it is users of chars-abanes on certain classes of hire work who will be iorcecr to do without petrol.

Roadside Watering.

The water-pillar fountains, of which several have been installed in Lancashire boroughs at the in-. stance of the N. and F. Lancs. C.M.V.A. and the Manchester, Liverpool and Counties C.M.U.A., were fully described and illustrated in our issue of the 23rd March last.

We referred last week to the meeting of water engineers, at Rochdale, on the 31st May, and we now have pleasure in reproducing two photographs of the proceedings. Mr. R. C. Reynolds (Bleachers'. Association), chairman of the Manchester, Liverpool and Counties C.M.U.A., presided at a luncheon, at the Wellington Hotel, Rochdale, after which the health-of the Mayor and Corporation • of Rochdale was submitted by Mr. Shrapnell-Smith, and that of the water I, engineers and "other. guests" by the Chairman. Alderman Kay, of Manchester, and Mr: F. C. Brunt, water engineer of Rochdale,spoke in favour of the scheme, as did the Mayor of Roch.dale (Councillor Robert Turner). = The arrangements were in the hands of Mr. Ellis Green, and we understand from him that the Manchester Corporation Water Del partment will, at an early date, take in hand the installation of similar roadside supplies, thus helping the development of the steam wagon in .a vital direction.

The Runbaken Magneto Co., Ltd., which concern has a large and well equipped works at Camp Street Works, Manchester, is still able to take orders to carry out repairs to obsolete pattern magnetos, and to manufacture new parts for such instruments.

Beck Collapsable Hood.

We have received acopy of the test catalogue describing the Bock collapsable hood, of which we gave a full description in our issue of 9th September, 1915.

The booklet is very interesting and useful, describing the principal features and advantages of this topdeck hood, and also giving a de scription of its working. It is clearly and fully illustrated, and should be in the hands of every manager of a bus company.

Thornycroft Sales in Ireland.

The Stewart Motor Lorry Works Co. Ltd., of Raven-hill -Avenue., Belfast, has lately been doing a considerable business in Thernycroft lorries. We understand that the sales include machines for : the Belfast Co-operative Society, Ltd. ; Mr. Edward Craig, carrier, Whitealobey ; Mr. James Cauvery, carrier, P ortaferry ; M'Laughlin and Harvey, Ltd,. Belfast; Maine, Ltd., Cullybackey ; Mr. Wm. Martin, carrier, Newtowriards ; and White, Tomkins and Courage, Ltd., Belfast.

Excess Profits.

At a time like the present, when so many readers of TELE COMMERCIAL MOTOR are concerned with the adjustment of taxation in respect of their excess profits (if any), we feel we cannot do better than ref Cr them to an adinirable chart, compiled by Mr. W. H. Behrens, a wellknown London solicitor, which chart is published and sold by Odhams, Ltd. of 93, Long Acre, W.C., at 741. post free. Mr. Behrens is an authority on Company Law, and the author of "Companies' Acts at a Glance," and

The Directors' Handbook." The chart helps to make plain and understandable, with the minimum of effort, the provisions of part 3 of the Finance (No. 2) Act of last year.

Brighton Motorbuses.

We understand that Thomas Tilling, Ltd., does not intend to rest until it breaks down the virtual monopoly which exists at Brighton in respect of motorbus services within the borough. We hope that a healthy spirit of competition will be introduced and that the Brighton Town Council will see the wisdom, looking to the future rather than living in the past, of taking steps which will get rid of inconveniences which are now being inflicted upon many of their ratepayers. It is little short of a scandal that women and children should be forced to walk in the heat, or when rain is falling, because the motorbuses of a particular company are full, the while the use of other motorbuses—present on the road but not available to pick up —is denied them.

"Motor Trucks of America."

Vol. IV of the Goodrich Tire Co.'s production, "Motor Trucks of America.," contains matter of very considerable interest to users of commIrcial vehicles, both present and to be. In addition to its presenting an illustrated list of all the principal American commercial vehicles, with a specification ef each model made, as well as other useful partieulars, the book contains a very interesting article entitled "Devices that make for motor truck efficiency," in which are discussed loading devices, the use of trailers, special forms of bodywork, and related matters. There is also an article giving useful information at to the behaviour of tires and showing how to get the best results from them. Some useful tables, togetherwith some memorandum sheets complete this little volume.

The company has a small number of these handbooks available for distribution amongst bona-fide inquirers, and we understand that another one dealing with commercial vehicles of British manufacture is in course of preparation, and will be available in a week or so. Inquiries should be addressed to. the B. F. Goodrich Co., Ltd., 117, Golden Lane, E.C.

Enemy Concerns Wound Up.

The names of the following firms have been added to those wound up under the Enemy Trading (Amendment) Act, 1916 :-- A.T. Speedometer Co., Ltd., Long Acre, W.C.

Isleworth Rubber Co.' Isleworth, Richard Klinger and Co., Fenchurch Street, EC., engineers.

F. W. Moellenkamp and Co., late of Farringdon Street, EC., agricultural engineers.

The Oldest Albion.

We have on several occa.sions, in the past 111 years, illustrated the oldest Albion commercial vehicle in existence. This vehicle promises to keep turning .up, after an interval of . a few years, and in colloquial language to say "Here we are again.' It has for some time been owned by Mr. H. Ross, joiner and builder' of Biggar, N.B. who Dow writes to the Albion Motor Co., Ltd., of Scotstoun, Glasgow, W., as follows :—"It will no doubt interest you toknow that I have in regular daily use in connection with my business an (A2) Albion manufactured in 1902. For the past five years I have run, it as a lorry carrying a load of S cwt. to 10 cwt. with which it climbs any hi!! in the district. The fact of its being 14 years old and still in active service is a convincing proof of the high class of material and sound workmanship in its original construction."

The Armstrong-Whitworth Road Train.

We are asked specially to repeat the fact that Sir W. G. ArmstrongWhitworth 'and Co., Ltd., Scotswood Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne, is manufacturing the road trains with the Thomas electro-mechanical transmission. We understand that this world-renowned Tyneside company has acquired the sole overseas rights fcr these road trains, one of which we illustrated last week.

Reinforced Concrete for New Factory Construction.

One of the most important advances in constructional engineering, which reached"commercial im.portance 'during the closing years of the last. century, and in which great strides have since been made, is that employing reinforced concrete. This, as most of our readers know, utilizes the principle of steel rods embedded in concrete, thus providing constructional members of great strength, and with it the added advantage of being practically fireproof.

In the early days, the metal reinforcement was generally. by means of plain, round bars. In the course of time, however, experience showed that, under certain circumstances, the plain bar was liable to stretch and free itself from its surrounding concrete with deleterious effects on the structure. Various means have been adopted ,to overcome this difficulty, one of which, named the Kahn system,

has become very popular and is in considerable use both in this country, on the Continent, and in America. Recent constructions, and particularly new buildings for the use of munition works, as well as extensions of existing premises, in which may be included those for the construction of commercial vehicles, 'have utilized this system. Another branch of civil engineering particularly interesting to commercial-motor users, which appreciates the value of reinforced concrete, is that of road building.

The Trussed Concrete Steel Co., Ltd., of Caxton House, Westminster, holds extensive stocks of this material at its works, Trafford Park, Manchester, and can give prompt delivery. It affords considerable assistance to -the architect, engineer and contractor in deciding upon. the best form of this material for any particular service, and is able to give expert advice.

Sentinel Orders in Yorkshire.

We learn from Mr. P. E. Ogden, of Sunnyside, Fearnville, Roundhay, Leeds, the resident representative of Alley and MacLellan, Ltd., that he has recently sold Sentinel wagons to Brown, Bayleys Steel Works, Ltd., Sheffield, which company has ordered' six 6-tormers, and to the Sheffield Forge and Rolling Mills, of Sheffield, which company has. ordered four 6-tonners. Another repeat order, for which Mr. Ogden is responsible, is for a 4-tonner from the Newcastle and Gateshead Gas Co.