. ONE HEARS That London buses must be bigger yet:
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Of the tardy resurrection of water-carts. That the 'confirmed grouser gets the B.
That film transport iS really reel transport.
That 55 K-type buses are now in service in London.
That. Austin's four years' figures show a six-figure balance. _ " That the value of a load of films is enough to snake one reel.
Despite the pessimists—of a universal improvement in manners.
That there is a lot of interest yet to be got out of additions to power alcohol.
"Things have come to a pretty pass!" said Slim Jim, as he nipped through by the skin of his wings.
That motor fire-engine tyres do nothave the opportunities for wearing out, but merely drop off when ripe.
That Mr. Shell Harris is now prepared to admit that there has been wisdom in the superstition about ladders.
That Yankee hot air is seldom taken seriously over here, but that, when enclosed in pneumatic tyres, it may carry weight.
. That the atmosphere of the United States is known to be invigorating, and that its use in tyres may put new life in transportation.
That the number of policemen ctisplaving no ribbons is an index to the passing of time. They were too young to serve in the war.
That British tyre makers who regard pneumatics lightly may be let down heavily, but, perhaps,the cushion will break their fall.
That the American tyre. may " bounce " its way into popularity: British makers, why not try a little Skegness air in tyres?—it's so bracing. Of approaching developments in fast passenger carrying vehicles.
Of a need of meehanically-ope rated strong right arms for vehicles with left-hand steering.
That it is wonderful what can be sqUe-ezed on to the same wheelbase when you know how to do it.
That big pneumatics may not burst, but that some people are bursting with enthusiasm over them.
That chars-à-bancs are in such request that vehicles are on the road with partly-finished bodies.
That the opponents of left-hand steering have had their case strengthened considerably by an unfortunate accident.
That motor engines will not fellow Mr. "Pussyfoot" Johnson's advice, and that'they will not be satisfied with 20 per cent. under-proof.
That the Ministry of Transport mail occasionally contains a few suggestions as to how the transport of the.country really should be run.
That the same Ministry -might profitably consider the question of signposting, and of allotting numbers to the numerous corridors of its own offices. Charity begins at home.
That it might alsoconsider the question of inter-office transportation. We suggest sedan chairs and boy scouts.
Of numbered roads, and that instead of the annual query, "Are you -going on the LondonEdinburgli?" it will now be usual to ask "Are you going 011 the No. 1 run?"
From Mex and from Shell They are doing quite well; From Shell and froth Pratt They are waxing so fat' From Pratt and from Mex Come riches in pecks: But the rest of mankind Are simply resigned To the fact that they're hustThey are not in the Trust!