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The Programme of the Season and the Value of Exhibiting to the Tractor Manufacturer.
THE AGRICULTURAL shows commence very early this year, and, for the first shows it will be necessary for firms to make their entries as early as possible.
Many different views are expressed on the question of exhibiting at agricultural shows, but it is pretty certain, on the whole, that makers of agrimotors and implements cannot afford to miss the agricultural show. Of course, the factor which tells against exhibiting is the cost of labour and transport. Having regard to this matter, it will be fairly safe to say that most firms will exhibit at the smaller shows through their local agents, while direct representation will be more in evidence at the bigger events such as the Royal, the Highland, Bath and West, Royal Counties, etc.
A matter which calls for some consideration is that of the show itself. There is little doubt in the minds of most manufacturers and agents on the question of the larger events, but, in the case of the oneand two-434 shows, there is less certainty. A lot of business can be got through at • the smaller shows. Whether this is due to the fact that the exhibitors and the visiting farmers are better known to each other I do not know. Several important firms last year expressed-themselves more satisfied with the results from the small shows than from the large ones. So, while one is, as it were, practically compelled to exhibit at the large shows, the small ones must be left out of consideration, particularly as most of these can be attended to by local agents.
There is a movement on foot among implement makers to secure fair railway rates for the convey
ance of implements to and from the show grounds. The exhibitors of live-stock have been able to secure concessions, and it is only placing, the implement exhibitors on an equal footing to extend to them the same terms.
I give below a list of the more important agricultural societies' dates of shows and closing of entries, and the name and address of the secretary of each :— April 16th.—Kilmarnodk Farmers' Society. Rugby. Park, Kilmarnock. Entries close April 2nd. R. D. Tannahill, secretary, National Bank Buildings, Kilmarnock.
April 26th, 27th.—Ayrshire Agricultural. Association. Ayr. Entries close April 5th. J. Howie, secretary, 58, Alloway Street, Ayr.
May 10th, 11th, 12th.—Royal Dublin Society. Ball's Bridge, Dublin. Entries close April 1st. E. Bohan, secretary, Leinster House, Dublin.
May 18th, 19th.—Northamptonshire Agricultural Society. Wellingborough. Entries close April 23rd. A medal is offered for implements and machinery. W. E. Dolby, secretary, Oundle, Northants.
May 24th, 25th, 26th.—Devon County Agricultural Association. Tavistock. Entries close March 24th. P. Whitton, secretary, 21, Gandy Street, Exeter.
May 24th, 25th, 26th.—Oxfordshire Agricultural Society. Banbury. Entries close March 26th. IL Sammons, secretary, 19, George Street, Oxford.
May 25th, 26th, 27th.—Royal Ulster Agricultural Society. Balmoral, Belfast. Entries close April 20th. K. MacRae, secretary, Balmoral; Belfast. May 26th.—East of Fife Agricultural Society. Balcarres, Colinshurgh. Entries close May 1st. G. K. Dingwall, secretary, Colinsburgh, Fife.
May 31st, June 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.—Bath and West and Southern Counties Society. Bristol. Entries close March. 22nd. F. H. Storr, secretary, 3, Pierrepout Street, Bath.
June 2nd, Ord.—Suffolk Agricultural Association. Entries ntries close April 28th. W. K. Bond, secretary, 6, Futter Market, Ipswich. June 7th, 8th, 9th.--Herefordshire and Worcestershire Agricultural Society. Hereford. T. H. Edwards, secretary, Corn Exchange Offices, Leominster. June. 7th, 8th; 9th, 10th.—Royal Counties Agricultural Society. Bournemouth. Entries close March 19th. E. S. W. Dale, secretary, Basingstoke. June 8th.—Huntingdonshire Agricultural Society. Ramsey. Entries close May 11th. A. G. Dilley, secretary, Market Hill, Huntingdon. June 8th, 9th.—Essex Agricultural Society. Rochford. Entries close May 10th. Lt.-Col. A. A. Crocker, secretary, Bryn-y-Mor, Doyercourt. June 15th, 16th.—Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association. Falmouth. Entries close May 11th. Silver and bronze medals are offered for implements and machinery. J. F. Crewes, secretary, 13, Lemon Street, Truro. June 15th, 16th.—Royal Norfolk Agricultural Association. Fakenham. Entries close April 23rd. W. Kerridge, secretary, East Harling, Norfolk. June 15th, 16th.—StaffordshireAgricultural Society. Burton-on-Trent. Entries close May 7th. T. H. Garlick, secretary, Eecleshall, Staffs.
June 22nd, 23rd.—N.W. Ireland Agricultural Society. Londonderry. Entries close June 15th. 0. Bond, secretary, Castle Street, Londonderry.
June 23rd, 24th.—Shropshire and West Midland
Agricultural Society. Shrewsbury. Entries close May 9th. Four silver medals are offered for new implements or machinery, and a. silver medal and 5."10 for the best collection. Lt.-Col. J. H. WestIey, secretary, Talbot Chambers, Shrewsbury.
June 28th, 29th, 30th, July 1st, 2nd.—Royal Agricultural Society of England. Derby. Entries close March • 21st. Silver medals are offered for imple ments and machinery. T.. McRow, secretary, 16, Bedford Square, London, W. 1,
July 5th, 6th, 7th.—Peterborough Agricultural
Society. Peterborough. Entries close May 28th. Three silver medals are offered for implements and machinery. T. B. Turner, secretary, Queen Street, Peterborough.
July 6th, 7th.—East Kent Agricultural Society. Faversham. S. Collard, secretary, Great Pett Bridge, Canterbury.
July 13th, 14th.—Sussex County Agricultural Society. Hove. . Entries close June let. Certificates of merit are offered. T. S. Wilkinson, secretary, Estate Offices, Lewes.
June inh, 14th, 15th.—Lincolnshire Agricultural Society. Lincoln. Entries close June 6th. R 'Lamming, secretary, St. Bene,dict's Square, Lincoln.
July lath, 14th, 15th.—Northumberland Assricultural Society. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Entries close June 18th. 0. M. Mcl3ryde, secretary, Farmers' Club, Clayton Street West, Newcastle-on-Tyne. , July 20th, 21st.—Leicestershire Agricultural Society. Leicester. Entries close June 25th. Silver . medals are offered for implements and machinery. P. L. Kirby, secretary, 25, Horsefair Street, Leicester.
July 20th, 21st.—Tunbridge Wells aild SouthEastern Counties Agricultural Society. Tunbridge Wells. Entries close June 20th. Medals are offered for impleinents and machinery. H. H. Pain, scoretary, 87, High Street, Tunbridge Wells. July 20th, 21st, 22nd.—Yorkshire Agricultural Society. Leeds. Entries close June 1st. J. Maugham secretary, Blake Street, York. '
c32 July 21st.—Bedfordshire Agricultural Society. Biggleswade. Entries close June 18th. Three medals_ are offered for implements and machinery. H. Swaffield, secretary, Ampthill. July 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th.—Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Stirling. Entries close May 23rd. J. Skirton, secretary, 3, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh. July 27th, 28th—Warwickshire Agricultural Society. Stratford-on-Avon. Entries close June
18th. Seven silver medals are offered for implements and machinery. . H. Harvey, secretary, 1, Church Street, Warwick.
July 27th, 28th, 29th, 20th.—Royal Lancashire Agricultural Society. Oldham. Entries close May 14th. R. 0. Bradbury, secretary, Derby House, Preston. August 5th.—Border Union Agricultural Society. Kelso. Entries close . July 19th. R. A. Robertson, secretary, Yetholm Mains Kelso. August 19th.—Denbighlire and Flintshire Agri cultural Society. Wrexham. Entries close early August. Silver medals are offered for implements and machinery. T. AN ­, secretary, Bank Buildings, Mold. •
August 24th.—Welsh Championship Agricultural Show, Gwydyr Park, Llanrwst. Entries close Augast 4th. Gold and silver medals are offered for implements and machinery. J. R. Chambers, secretary, Farmers' Club, LIanrwst. August 31st, September 1st—Royal Jersey -Agricultural Society. St. Helier, Jersey. H. G. Shepard, secretary, 3, Mulcaster Street, St. Helier, Jersey.
September 7th.—Lancaster Agricultural Society. Lancaster. G. F. • Hallam, secretary, 69, Church Street, Lancaster. September 7th.—Merionethshire Agriculturai Society. Dolgelly. Entries close August 26th. Two medals are offered for implements and machinery. J. M. Jones, secretary, Werddon, Llannwchllyn, Merionethshire.
September 8th.—Royal and Central Bucks Agricultural Association. Aylesbury. Entries close August 10th. J. Terry, secretary, 2, Rickford's Hill, Aylesbury. .
September 22nd.—Westmorland and Kendal Dis trict Agricultural Society. Kendal. Entries close September 3rd. G. E. ThompsOn, secretary, 14 Mint Street, Kendal.
October 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st.—British Dairy Farmers' Association. Royal Agricultural . Hail, London. Entries close September " 7th. Silver and bronze medals are offered for implements and
machinery. B. Ravensereft, secretary, 28, Russell Square, London, W.C. 1.
November 26th, 28th, 29th, 80th, DPecerriber 1st:— Birmingham Cattle Show. Bingley Hall, Birmingham. Entries close 'October 20th. Walters and Cranmer, secretaries, I3ingley Hall. Birmingham. November 30th, December 1st.—Scottish National Fat Stock Club. Waverley Market, Edinburgh. Entries close October 1st. P. P. Campbell, secretary, 20, Rutland Square, Edinburgh.
December 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th.—Smithfield Club. Royal Agricultural Hall, London. Entries close October 1st. E.. J. Powell, secretary, 12, Hanovesr Square, London, W. 1 It is a great pity that there are no means for so arranging the dates of the various shows that they do not dash. Attention was called to the matter last year when the dates of a number of important events coincided, and matters are no better this year. Of the six important. shows in May, three of them come together.
It is impossible to avoid all the overlapping, but,
• rather -occurs to one as not ;being an over difficult matter to obtain some adjustment in regard to the larger and more important. societies. " AGEINEOT.